The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 18 Surprise (Please Subscribe!)

The moment Bai Hao drank the potion, Bai Hao felt as if his whole body was about to be torn apart.

Accompanied by the severe pain, a black figure emerged in his mind.

Bai Hao is trying to stay awake, he can feel his body is changing.

The clothes and accessories on his body gradually melted into his skin, bright black feathers gradually covered his whole body, and his bones began to dislocate.

He could vaguely see himself shrinking.


"It's not enough now!"

Bai Hao knows that if the current situation continues, he can successfully transform into an Animagus.

But his purpose is not this, what he wants is transformation!

"World Tree!" A colorful magic circle appeared behind him, and Bai Hao used the ability of the World Tree to forcibly push back the magic power of transformation that was acting on him.

For the time being, Animagus's transformation magic power cannot form a complete magic power circuit, he needs enough time to condense the magic power to form a cycle change!

The magic gathering array was running crazily, and the magic stone in the array was shaking violently.

The magic storm suddenly rose, and the surrounding winds were violent. The storm clouds on the top had faintly formed a vortex with the accumulation of huge magic power.

"What happened here?" In the Hogwarts Castle six or seven kilometers away, some young wizards also noticed the abnormality here.

"Albus! Is he trying to transform a magical creature?" Professor McGonagall looked at the orc in the center of the magic storm in horror.

As an Animagus, a master of Transfiguration, of course she could see what Bai Hao wanted to do.

The speculation that "wizards cannot complete the Animagus transformation of magical creatures is due to insufficient magic power" was actually raised as early as 700.

But now the use of magic power in the wizarding world is limited to the wizards themselves, and the use of the original magic power in nature is almost zero.

That's why today's magic circle believes in the conclusion that "Animagus cannot transform magical creatures".

Dumbledore nodded seriously: "Yes, I guessed it from the moment he took out the Philosopher's Stone."

"It's too dangerous!" Professor McGonagall said, frowning, "You must know that even ordinary Animagus need a strong will to resist the instinct of beasts, let alone magic


"If you're not careful, Ferex will turn into a monster!"

She remembered that when she had just trained as an Animagus, she often couldn't resist the temptation to catch mice and eat small dried fish in the state of a raccoon cat.

"We should trust him, Minerva."

"I think he knows what he's doing."

Although Dumbledore said so, he still held the old wand in his hand and was ready to rescue Bai Hao at any time.

With the blessing of 【World Tree】, Bai Hao can clearly feel the magic power flowing in his body, just like analyzing the magic spell before, the magic power circuit of Animagus is clearly visible

Huge magic power is being continuously compressed and poured into the magic power circuit by Bai Hao, and the magic power has begun to liquefy.

"It should work!" Bai Hao thought to himself, and began to let go of the restriction on the Animagus' transformation magic power.

"Ah!!!" Huge magic power instantly flooded every cell in his body, and now it's not just more severe pain, Bai Hao felt his blood started to boil.

His body began to twist and deform, his bones were completely dislocated, and he turned into a black bird soaring into the sky.

Bai Hao turned into a raven, but it's not over yet.

The excess magic power was running crazily, and golden flames began to emerge from Raven's body.

"It's impossible!" Professor McGonagall had a trace of cold sweat on his forehead standing in the distance, "What is his Animagus?"

Dumbledore's expression was also very nervous, and now even if he and Minerva join forces, it is impossible to prevent Bai Hao from transforming this time.

He glanced at the underground magic gathering circle, which had begun to be overloaded and cracked, "but it is obvious that the current magic power is not enough to completely transform Akon Magus in Songji.

If it continues like this, there will be big problems!

"TNND, this time I played big!!!"

At this time, Bai Hao in the sky also felt abnormal pain. The tearing sensation in his body made him almost faint, and an abnormally violent consciousness was constantly impacting his brain.

This time the transformation of Animagus has completely exceeded his expectations.

He is one of the rare time-travelers, that is to say, he has always retained the blood of a flower planter.

This time, his operation has accidentally awakened the ancient blood of flower planters in his body that has been passed down for thousands of years.

Now he is in an extremely dangerous situation. If he really wants to transform into the direction of the ancient beast of the flower planter, his previous preparations are completely insufficient.

The Huahua family all know that most of the monsters in "Shan Hai Jing" are natural disaster-level monsters, and a temporary magic gathering circle alone is far from enough to support him to complete the transformation.

Can't go on any longer, the magic gathering circle is about to collapse!

Dumbledore saw that the magic circle was already in a crumbling state, so he hurried forward: "Minerva, step back. 11

Professor McGonagall looked at Dumbledore: "Albus, what do you want to do?"

Dumbledore's pupils lit up, and the old wand in his hand waved forward, a dazzling white lightning hit the magic circle, and a white magic circle slowly rotated in front of Dumbledore.

Dumbledore has forcibly stabilized the magic circle, but it won't be too long.

"Come on! Come on!"

"Hold on a little longer!!!"

Bai Hao endured severe pain and tried his best to keep his consciousness clear.

The golden flame has completely enveloped the raven (ceeb) into a dazzling fireball, its two legs have turned into three legs, and the black feathers gradually emit a gilded light.

"Shan Hai Jing Dahuang Dong Jing" contains: "There are buttresses on the Tanggu, and they arrive in one day and come out in one day, all of which are recorded in Wu."

A melodious cry resounded through the sky, and the Sun God Fire, the three-legged Golden Crow's carrier, dispersed the storm clouds.

At this moment, Bai Ye is upside down

"Wow~~What's that?!!!" The little wizards of Hogwarts were shocked, they all saw a sun appearing in the night sky.

Dumbledore stopped the output of his own magic power, the white magic circle dissipated, and the magic circle shattered instantly.

Dumbledore's forehead was covered with beads of sweat, he could hardly hold on just now, but fortunately Bai Hao completed the transformation at the last moment.

The three-legged Golden Crow hovered and fell back to the ground, Professor McGonagall stepped forward quickly: "Mr. Felix?"

He wanted to make sure that Bai Hao had self-awareness now.

The golden flame lit up, and the humanoid Bai Hao walked out of the flame with a pale face.

"Professor McGonagall..."

"Oh! As long as you're fine!" Seeing that Bai Hao can change back, Professor McGonagall's heart finally settled down. "Although the process was very dangerous, I still want to congratulate you, Mr. Felix."

"Congratulations on becoming the first magical creature Animagus."

"Thank you, Professor McGonagall." Bai Hao was a little weak, "I didn't expect such an accident.

"And Professor Dumbledore, thank you!"

He knew what Dumbledore did, and if he hadn't helped stabilize the magic circle temporarily, the consequences might have been disastrous.

Dumbledore wiped the sweat from his brow, he wasn't hurt, just a little exhausted.

"Bai Hao, congratulations on becoming the first magical creature Animagus."

"I'm curious, what kind of magical creature would make such a big commotion."

Bai Hao took out a few pieces of Cedric's homemade chocolate from his arms and handed them to the two professors.

"Oh! Delicious chocolate!" Dumbledore took a bite, and his face immediately turned rosy. Sweets can make him feel very happy.

Bai Hao also took a big bite: "This is the three-legged Golden Crow, a mythical bird that rules the sun in legend."

"Three-legged Golden Crow..." Dumbledore knew the name, but not much.

The great country in the east is a mysterious place, he has been to it several times before, but at that time it was in a chaotic open state [many smugglers like to go there


In recent decades, the mysterious side there has been isolated from the world, and in recent years, people have suddenly come out from there to conduct limited exchanges around the world, and the world doesn't know much about it.

"Professor, I didn't expect you to start creating your own magic circle."

Bai Hao was not surprised that Dumbledore used the magic circle. If he didn't have these two tricks, he would also call himself the White Demon King.

To his surprise, Dumbledore had already started to develop the magic circle in less than a year.

You must know that although the basic magic circle is easy, it is very difficult to derive a complete magic from it.

This not only requires a complete understanding and knowledge of the magic circle, but also requires extremely high talent.

"Oh! I also thank you for the book you gave me." Dumbledore recalled how much hair he and Nick had lost in order to study the magic circle. Later, Bai Hao gave him the book "Basic Knowledge of the Magic Circle" "It was much better.

After chatting a few more words about the three-legged Golden Crow, Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall left. Before leaving, Bai Hao gave Professor McGonagall a copy of "Basic Knowledge of Magic Circles".

Bai Hao rested for a while, then transformed into an Animagus again and merged into the night.

Of course his three-legged Golden Crow can't compare with the legendary ten divine birds that burn the sky and boil the sea.

His Animagus form consumes a lot of mana, and the normal form can barely maintain it, but once he uses the Sun God Fire, his MP will drop down.

But no matter what, he still successfully cultivated into an Animagus without any danger.

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!!).

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