The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 23 I Found It (Please Subscribe!)

At this time, the Forbidden Forest was gloomy and mysterious, and it was dead silent.

The unknown mist drifted with the wind, faintly covering the potential roots of the trees exposed outside the ground.

Harry and Ron walked carefully among them. For some reason, the two of them felt that this second trip to the Forbidden Forest was extraordinarily quiet.

? Ron became more and more afraid as they walked. They only had a magic lamp brought from Hagrid's hut. The dim environment and the cover of fog made their visibility only about ten meters away.

Ron swallowed nervously: "Harry, are you sure Fang can lead us to Hagrid?"

Harry turned his head to look at him, with a somewhat unsure expression on his face: "It should be fine......

woof! woof! woof!

Suddenly, Yaya shouted towards the front.

Harry stopped quickly: "Yaya, what's the matter? Did you find Hagrid?"

But Ya Ya took a few steps back, turned around and ran back!

Ron looked earlier, showing a terrified face: "Aren't you hungry!!!"

There was a rustling sound, and countless acromantulas, large and small, had already surrounded Harry and Ron from four directions.

Ron gasped, rolled his eyes, and fell to the ground in a faint.

The animal he fears the most is spiders, and he can't bear to see small ones, let alone a large group of giant arachnids now.

"Ron!!!" Harry yelled, took out his wand and pointed at the acromantulas that kept approaching them.

"Flaming Incendio!" A ball of flame hit an acromantula, but it was extinguished after ten rolls.

"Swoon Stupefy!"

"Swoon Stupefy!"


Harry squatted down to protect Ron, and the wand in his hand kept shooting out magical beams, but unfortunately there were too many acromantulas, and he couldn't finish them all. 563 looked at the approaching acromantula, and then at the fainted Ron next to him. Harry made a sudden move, pointed his wand at the sky, and there were several bursts of flames. He hoped that if someone saw it, he could come and save them.

And at this moment, an adult-sized acromantula jumped up and rushed towards Ron from behind.

Harry's eyes widened, and it was too late to cast the spell, so he turned and pressed his body against Ron to protect him.

"Longyan Chibi FieryWall!" Suddenly a voice came, and a huge wall of fire protected Harry and Ron, and all the acromantulas fled after hearing the news, they all knew that the devil was coming.

"Why are you here?" Bai Hao frowned and stared at the two in front of him.

The person who came was Bai Hao. Like the previous few days, he waited until midnight to find clues about the monster in the Forbidden Forest.

"Bai Hao!" Harry exclaimed happily, "Look at Ron, I don't know why he passed out all of a sudden."

Bai Hao squatted down and checked carefully: "It's okay, I was scared!"

"Scared?!" Harry was shocked, he didn't expect Ron to be stunned.

"You'd better explain to me why you are in the Forbidden Forest so late." Bai Hao's eyes gradually became dangerous, "If you don't have a good reason, I will let you try what hell is like. "

Harry swallowed in fear, and explained why and how he and Ron came to the Forbidden Forest.

"Harry Potter, do you think you are very powerful?" Bai Hao's face became very dark, "It's okay if you want to be lonely for a while, but don't bring others with you."

"Entering the Forbidden Forest to save people? Do you have the ability?"

"It only takes about ten minutes to run from Hagrid's hut (cedg) to the guild."

"It seems that you didn't learn your lesson at all in the basement last semester. You really wanted to kill your companions before you woke up, right?"

Harry lowered his head: "I...I just thought that we have the guild's guardian magic on us, so there will be no danger.

Bai Hao sneered: "Fred and George also have guardian magic, they are lucky not to die.

"Do you expect yourself to be so lucky that you will not be attacked a second time when you meet that monster?"

Harry lowered his head and had nothing to say.

"Now I'm going to find Hagrid. You and Ron will go back to the guild right away. I'll wait for your punishment to come back." Bai Hao transferred the two of them away as soon as he finished speaking.

Bai Hao looked into the depths of the Forbidden Forest, jumped into the sky, and activated (Eagle Eyes) to keep looking for Hagrid.

After ten minutes or so, he found Hagrid, but the situation was not very good.

Bai Hao landed on the ground, only to see Hagrid lying on the ground in a stiff forward posture, obviously petrified.

He helped Hagrid up, and the clothes in front of Hagrid were soaked and soaked.

He observed carefully, Hagrid was still holding a large crossbow in his hand, his head was slightly lowered, his pupils were dilated, and his expression was frightened, as if he had seen something terrible.

Bai Hao squinted his eyes, looked at the puddle on the ground, and then at the dark night sky above.

He probably had some guesses, so he slowly lifted into the air and reached the top of the tree.

After looking around, it is obvious that the crowns of several surrounding trees have traces of being crushed by heavy objects.

Bai Hao finally understood why there was no trace of where Fred and the others had an accident. The feeling was on the tree.

And now he can basically confirm that it is a basilisk!

Hagrid probably ran here, and saw the eyes of the basilisk lying on the tree through the puddle on the ground.

This is in line with the characteristics of the Basilisk.

Recalling the posture of Fred and the others turning their heads to run away, their eyes were also looking diagonally upwards, but they looked directly at the eyes of the basilisk, and the guardian magic offset the consequences of death.

"So Hagrid is really lucky." Bai Hao said, "He will recover in a few months."

"Thank you on behalf of Hagrid, Bai Hao." Dumbledore stared at Hagrid who was lying on the hospital bed. He didn't expect that it would be Hagrid's turn to have an accident this time.

"It's just a little effort." Bai Hao shook his head, "I'm just weird now."

"Why did a basilisk appear inexplicably, and why is there such a big difference between this basilisk and the one in the chamber of secrets?"

"Only the canopies of those few trees were pressed by heavy objects last night, while the surrounding trees were intact. Could it be that the basilisk can still fly?"

"I have also checked the chamber of secrets, and there is no trace of the second basilisk."

Dumbledore pondered for a while: "Maybe there is someone who can answer our questions."


"Newt Scamander..."

Newt Scamander, full name Newton Artemis Fido Scamander, is a famous magizoologist and author of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

Because he was influenced by his mother raising Hippogriff since he was a child, he has a strong interest in magical creatures.

Newt had studied at Hufflepuff House at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft and Witchcraft and Wizardry, but was expelled from the school for some reason, and he was not expelled because Albus Dumbledore insisted that he was innocent. other penalties.

He helped Dumbledore defeat the international criminal Gellert Grindelwald during the First World War.

He later married Polpontina Goldstein, and they retired to live together in Dorset.

Dorset is a very beautiful place located on the north coast of the English Channel in southwest England.

The huge waves of the strait here are turbulent, and the giant-like rocks on the coast are washed by the waves for a long time, gradually forming various soft caves that penetrate the huge cliffs, some of which form arches, and some arches collapse to form giant caves. The spectacle of Zhu Qingtian.

Dorset may be due to ancient geological activities, where the relics of various stages of the Jurassic period and rare marine reptiles and dinosaur fossil specimens are completely preserved, which makes the coast of Dorset the world's paleontological site. home research base.

Perhaps this is why Newt Scamander chose to settle here after retirement.

At this time, Newt was 95 years old, already an old man.

But he is very energetic. He is using a magnifying glass to observe the bone fossils of some ancient creatures in a room.

"Newt!" Porpontina Esther Scamander's voice suddenly came from outside the house, "Newt! An owl has sent a message, and it's for you!"

Newt slowly put down the magnifying glass, stood up on the table, and staggered out the door.

"Tina, where did the letter come from?"

Polpontina glanced at the envelope: "It's Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"Oh! Really?!" Newt's eyes lit up, and he took the letter, "I really miss the time when I was studying there, but unfortunately I was expelled."

Polpontina gave him a blank look: "Who told you to secretly raise dangerous magical animals in the school, and several students were seriously injured."

Newt was embarrassed and a little annoyed: "How many times have I said that it was an accident!"

"Cut! Let's see who is looking for you!"

Newt peeled off the sealing wax on the envelope, took out the letter inside and read it.

After a while, Newt put down the letter and fell into deep thought.

"Who is looking for you?" Polpontina couldn't help asking curiously when she saw her husband like this.

"The letter was sent by Professor Dumbledore. An unknown magical creature that is highly suspected to be a basilisk appeared in Hogwarts. It has already caused two students and a faculty member to be injured."

"He wanted me to go to Hogwarts and help find this magical creature.

"Oh!" Polpentina nodded expressionlessly.

"Huh?!" Newt looked up in surprise, "Aren't you asking me if I'm going?"

"Is it useful for me to ask you?" Porpontina glared at him, "An unknown magical creature, or a basilisk, even if I don't allow it, you won't go there secretly?"

Newt smiled awkwardly. This old couple has been together for decades, and both sides know each other very well.

"I'm going to pack my things and bring some gifts to Rove." Porpontina turned around and was about to enter the room, "Be careful when you go to Hogwarts, creatures like basilisks haven't appeared in hundreds of years, who knows?" I know if there will be some unforeseen accidents."

Newt nodded: "Okay..."

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!!).

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