The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 24 Snake Demon? (Please Subscribe!)

The day after Hagrid's accident, Newt Scamander finally returned to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft after decades of absence.

"Welcome, Newt!" Dumbledore grabbed Newt's hand with great joy, "Welcome back to Hogwarts."

"Professor Dumbledore, long time no see!" Newt was also very happy, and he hadn't seen his professor for a long time, "It's been decades, and Hogwarts is still the same."

"Oh! There are still some changes." Dumbledore smiled, "But I will talk about this later, I will take you to meet someone first."

At this time, in the Fairy Tail guild, Bai Hao was looking through all the information about the basilisk in the castle.

But because the danger of basilisks has been too high for thousands of years, the cultivation of basilisks is absolutely not allowed in the magic world, so the existing research records on basilisks are really very limited.

Bai Hao pressed his temple: "There are still no useful clues!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There was a knock on the door, and the door was ~ opened.

Hermione walked in: "Bai Hao, Professor Dumbledore is here-."

Bai Hao stood up with an excited expression on his face: "It's here so soon! I'll go down right away!"

The master of magical biology is here, and he finally doesn't have to bother to find clues!

"Professor, what the hell is this place?" Newt looked at the entire Fairy Tail guild in shock, "Is there such a place in the school?"

Dumbledore smiled: "This is the guild called Fairy Tail founded by Bai Hao Felkes, the successor of Raven Crow.

"The students who can join here are all students with great potential, and they can even learn more advanced magic here."

"The basilisk in the secret room I mentioned in the letter before was captured by Felkes himself.

He was not surprised by Newt's shock at all, thinking that he was also extremely shocked when he came here for the first time.

If it weren't for maintaining his appearance in front of the students, he would also appear stunned.

"Professor Dumbledore!"

"Mr Scamander!"

"Welcome to Fairy Tail!"

Bai Hao happily went out to greet him.

"Hello, Bai Hao!"

"Hello, Mr. Felkes!"

Bai Hao shook hands with Newt cordially: "Let's go in and talk!"

Several people came to the conference room on the second floor, and Hermione put some desserts and black tea in front of them and sat next to Bai Hao.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Scamander, I asked you to come all the way." After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Bai Hao first cut to the point, "It's probably like this..."

In fact, Dumbledore had already told Newt about the reason and process of the incident, and Bai Hao only shared some of the clues and speculations he knew.

Newt pondered for a while, and he already had some thoughts in his mind: "Mr. Felkes, can you show me the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets?"

"Of course!" Bai Hao nodded, "Hermione, are you going too?"

Hermione's eyes lit up, she was full of curiosity, she nodded excitedly: "I am!!!"

So a few people came to a cave in the Basilisk Canyon, where the Basilisk was eating.

"Professor, Mr Scamander."

"Wait a moment, I'll go and deal with it first."

Bai Hao walked into the cave.

After a while, the three people standing outside the cave heard a muffled sound and the groaning of the basilisk coming from inside.

"Professor, come in!" Bai Hao's voice came from the cave.

Newt couldn't wait to trot in.

I saw that the basilisk in the cave had been firmly fixed on the ground by the thick vine man, and was still struggling. At the same time, its most dangerous eyes were also covered by the vine man.

"Oh! My God!" Newt excitedly ran to the basilisk and touched the cold scales on it, "It's so beautiful!"

But at this moment, the basilisk let out a roar, and the Kuman on its body began to petrify.

Bai Hao raised his hand to form a magic circle, and new vines grew out to fix the basilisk again.

"Don't worry about studying, Mr. Scamander." Bai Hao smiled confidently, "With me here, this basilisk is an earthworm."

"Very powerful magic!" Newt couldn't help admiring from the bottom of his heart.

Dumbledore was standing next to him. Although he knew a little about magical beasts, he was far behind Newtby.

So he just watched silently, not wanting to disturb his former student's research on basilisks.

Hermione, on the other hand, was crazily intertwined with fear, nervousness, and thirst for knowledge. She tugged on Bai Hao's sleeve, and wanted to go up and take a look out of fear.

Bai Hao looked at her with a smile: "Hermione, if you want to go up and have a look, then go."

"Don't worry, nothing will happen if I'm here!"

Hermione nodded, and slowly approached the basilisk in two steps and three steps with nervousness.

More than half an hour later, Newt finally finished his research, with unsatisfactory excitement in his eyes.

"It's not a basilisk!" Newt suddenly gave a positive conclusion, "At least it's not a basilisk in the true sense."

"This...why?" Bai Hao was completely puzzled, it's not a basilisk who has been in love for so long.

"It's not so much a snake monster, it's better to say it's a snake demon!"

"Snake demon? Never heard of it!"

"Because that's what I just named..."

Bai Hao didn't expect Mr. Scamander to be funny.

Then Newt talked about an experience and research he had done many years ago.

Everyone knows that the humble Haierbo was the first to breed a basilisk.

But it was also because he bred the basilisk and was hunted down by many people at that time, so he hid the basilisk.

"I heard from Mr. Felkes that according to the inheritance records of La Wen Keluo, the first basilisk bred by Hai Erbo was killed in Egypt."

"I think that strange fantastic animal remains I came across was the world's first basilisk.

...asking for flowers......

It turned out that just a few decades ago, Newt just got married at that time, because he was arguing with his wife about which one is the best school of wizardry in the world, Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry or Hogwarts School of Wizardry. Run away from home.

When Bai Hao heard this, he said: How capricious!!!

After Newt left home, he came to Egypt to relax. A friend of his received him and invited him to participate in the research work of an ancient cemetery, saying that there were many bones and fossils of ancient magical creatures.

When Newt heard that there were magical creatures, of course he readily accepted.

"When I got there, I remember it was a cemetery about 1,300 to 1,500 years ago. Newt gradually fell into the memory, "It seems that a supreme general was buried in it. "

"I found a very strange skeleton buried in the cemetery. It was complete and very long, surrounding the entire tomb. It looked like a snake."

"I thought it was the bones of the basilisk at the beginning, after all, Hai Erbo is Zhe.

"But when the whole skeleton was dug up, I realized I was wrong."

"There is a wing-shaped skeleton in the skeleton, and this snake seems to have wings..."

This is Newt giving Bai Hao a meaningful look.

Bai Hao immediately understood, isn't the basilisk that attacked the Weasley twins and Hagrid able to fly?

"Then why did you say that this one is not a basilisk?" Bai Hao pointed at the subdued basilisk next door?

Newt glanced at the "basilisk": "Actually, I also thought that it might just be an extinct ancient magical creature, just more similar to the basilisk."

"But it wasn't until I heard your words just now that I suddenly remembered the matter of cultivating basilisks in Hogwarts when I was young, and I realized that the current records of basilisks in the wizarding world may be wrong."

Speaking of this, Newt glanced at several people without any trace, but found no reaction.

So he asked strangely: "Aren't you surprised that I bred basilisks in school?"

He was expelled from Hogwarts because of this incident. In the past, people were shocked to hear his deeds.

"What's so strange?" Hermione shook her head expressionlessly, and pointed to Bai Hao's chest, "He also has a Winged Demon that has returned to his ancestors!"

"Huh?! Winged Demon?!" Newt's eyes lit up, "It's still a Winged Demon who returns to his ancestors!!!"

Only now did he see You Ye hanging on Bai Hao's chest, and he really couldn't realize that it was the little spiny ball of the Winged Demon unless he observed carefully.

"Ahem!" Dumbledore coughed, "Newt, keep talking!"

"Oh!" Newt responded, slightly interrupted.

It turned out that when Newt was at Hogwarts, he had secretly cultivated the basilisk in private.

According to records, he put a male egg under the toad's body to hatch, waited for a long time, and finally hatched a basilisk with all his efforts.

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!! Fan).

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