The Magic Circle From The Harry Potter World

Chapter 25 I Found You! (Please Subscribe!)

The newborn basilisk was still weak, and under Newt's careful care, the basilisk did not cause any dangerous incidents at first.

"I remember very clearly that the basilisk is very special. When it was just born, there were two small meat balls on both sides of its heart."

"I didn't care at the time"

"Until the day I accidentally let it get out.

"It attacked several students, luckily it was not an adult and did not kill any of the students.

"And of course I got fired."

"The basilisk was also destroyed."

"I have been researching what kind of creature that skeleton was after I came back from Egypt, but I have no clue."

"It wasn't until I met the nasty Malfoy who sold my rooster eggs again that I realized that what he sold me at school was an egg called a great auk."

"Great auk?" Hermione said suddenly, "I remember the great auk was extinct many years ago."?

Newt nodded: "Yeah, but there wasn't, and there was some carnage."

"I actually used the eggs of great auks to breed a basilisk, which is different from what is recorded in the book, which makes me incredible.

"I wanted to verify, but at that time the great auks were all extinct. As time passed, I gradually let go of this matter, until I heard what Mr. Felkes said about Lawen Ke Law passed down the record of the basilisk."

"That's when I remembered that the skeleton I saw in Egypt may be the first basilisk cultivated by Herbo, and the time is right."

"The beheaded basilisk was buried with it as a combat item."

After Newt finished speaking, everyone fell into silence for a while. The amount of information is a bit large, so we need to go through it carefully.

"Bai Hao!" Hermione tugged at Bai Hao's sleeve, "Great auks in Haierbo's time should have been very overcrowded, and they were also flightless land birds. The Egyptians at that time might really have regarded great auks as chickens." uncertain."

"Then why are male eggs recorded in this way?" Bai Hao wondered, "Could it be a coincidence that what Mr. Scamander got happened to be male great auk eggs?"

Dumbledore nodded: "It is possible that the eggs of many male animals are actually similar in size, usually only differing in size.

"At that time, if someone randomly took a male egg and sold it, it was indeed difficult for people to distinguish."

Newt on the side also agreed: "Male eggs are extremely rare, and I really couldn't tell them apart when I was a student."

"Then why can male eggs be used?" Bai Hao asked again, "Since male eggs can be used, can male eggs of other animals also breed different types of basilisks?"

"Uh! I did try this before." Newt scratched his head, "Because male eggs are very rare, so I tried to hatch with male eggs from other animals."

"In fact, there are two kinds of animals whose male eggs can breed different basilisks, but they are all stillborn, and they can't actually breed."

"Is that so..." Bai Hao fell into deep thought. Although there were many coincidences, they still made sense.

Several people left Basilisk Canyon and returned to Fairy Tail.

Bai Hao swallowed a few pieces of cake: "Then here comes the problem."

"How did the snake demon in the secret room come from?"

"What about that basilisk wandering outside now.

"Finally, how can we find this damn basilisk."

"Maybe I can answer the first question." Dumbledore said, "Actually, in the history of Hogwarts, the Chamber of Secrets has been opened more than once.

"Prior to this, plus the time 50 years ago, the Chamber of Secrets has actually been opened twice since the founding of Hogwarts.

"512 years ago, a student named Wilfried Gunter once opened the Chamber of Secrets."

"The Gunter family?" Bai Hao said, "Why isn't this mentioned in the school history?"

"That's just what I was told by the portrait of Iosha Sackendenberg, the oldest portrait of the headmaster in existence," Dumbledore explained.

"Hermione, ask Luna to come up." Bai Hao ordered.

Hermione nodded and went out.

After a while, Hermione led Luna into the conference room.

She glanced at a few people with erratic eyes: "Good afternoon!"

"Luna, please do one thing." Bai Hao said, "Go to the bloody Baro and ask if there was a man named Wilfrid Gaunt before.

Luna nodded, without asking why: "Okay!"

She was happy, she was rarely asked for.

"Wow! What an amazing child." Newt watched Luna bouncing away in amazement. He thought this little witch was very spiritual.

"For the third question, I can probably guess where the basilisk is." Newt said, "Whether it's a toad or a great auk, they all live with water."

"Since there is no trace of the basilisk in the Forbidden Forest, then..."

"Understood!" Bai Hao nodded, it was in the black lake. 11

"Hermione, call Della up here."

Hermione went out again, just in time Della Cole was downstairs.


"Professor Dumbledore?!"

Della Ke walked in, why such a big scene, made him a little nervous.

"Della Ke, let me ask you." Bai Hao said, "Did you say before that the common room in your college is much quieter, why?"

Della was a little puzzled and asked why, but he told the truth.

"As you know, President, our common room is in the basement, and we can see the scenery of the Black Lake through the windows.

"So usually there will be some fish or aquatic magical animals that like to hit the windows, making the lounge very noisy.

"But recently, I found that the rest room is much quieter, and those fish and magical creatures seem to have completely disappeared."

Bai Hao nodded knowingly: "I understand! Thank you, Della Ke."

Della Ke left with a puzzled look on his face.

"Professor Dumbledore!"

"Mr Scamander!"

"Please wait a moment, I will come as I go."

After speaking, Bai Hao teleported to the secret room, and went down to the dark pool below the secret room again.

The last time he investigated, he only roughly observed it with [Eagle Eye]. Since the basilisk only appeared after he opened the secret room, he had to take a closer look at the secrets in the dark pool this time.

"Lumos Maximum!" A huge ball of light illuminates the entire underground cave.

Bai Hao immediately activated [Eagle Eye], and saw that there was still a huge circular passage compartment on the wall of the cave, which surrounded the entire dark pool cave several times.

Bai Hao blasted a cave wall into the compartment with a punch, and immediately a fishy smell came to his nostrils.

He walked along the direction of the entire passage, and suddenly an irregular stone cave with a width of seven or eight meters appeared under his feet.

Bai Hao looked at the calm water below, and he was sure that the basilisk escaped from here, and there is a passage leading directly to the Black Lake under this dark pool...

Bai Hao returned to the guild and saw that Luna also came back: "It is certain that the basilisk escaped from the secret room, and it is now in the Black Lake."

Luna stared at Bai Hao erratically, and said briskly: "Bloodman Baro said that the student named Wilfried Gunter did open the secret room back then. He was a fanatical pure-bloodist, and he He disappeared for a while during school, and no one knew what he was doing."

"But it has been said that he went to fulfill the will of his ancestor Salazar Slytherin."

Bai Hao nodded. Although there are still some issues that cannot be understood, they are already historical issues that cannot be investigated.

"Professor, call the students back to the castle." Bai Hao twisted his neck, "I'm going to catch this basilisk back.

Dumbledore immediately had a headache when he heard Bai Hao's words: "Please don't make too much noise."

Bai Hao grinned brightly: "I know, Professor Dumbledore."

Now Dumbledore's head hurts even more.

"All students outside the castle return to school immediately!"

"All students outside the castle return to school immediately!"

"The heads of each grade immediately counted the number of people in their colleges and reported to the deans."

Dumbledore's orders were issued quickly.

"Albus, what happened?" Professor McGonagall immediately found Dumbledore after hearing the order, "Why are all the nurses summoned?"

"The purpose of calling students together is to better protect them." Dumbledore looked in the direction of the Black Lake, "With Newt's help, we found the monster that attacked Weasley.

"It's an ancient basilisk, and now Bai Hao is by the Black Lake."

"When the students are all settled, he starts to work."

Professor McGonagall followed Dumbledore's gaze in shock, and she saw several figures standing by the Black Lake.

She nodded sharply: "I'll organize the students immediately."

Under the organization of Professor McGonagall, the seniors arranged the little wizards in the lounge as quickly as possible.

Of course, except for the people of Fairy Tail, they 0.0 are staying in a special viewing position, and they can see the entire Black Lake as far as they can see.

This was a special request from Bai Hao. He wanted to let everyone in the guild know through this battle how powerful the magic circle they will master in the future is.

They must be mentally prepared, otherwise they will be easily overwhelmed by powerful forces in the future, and Bai Hao even considered whether to take them to regular ideological and political classes.

Dumbledore came to the Black Lake: "The students have all returned to school, and you can move people at any time."

Bai Hao nodded and plunged into the black lake without saying a word.

He originally thought that a super magic would go down and boil the entire Black Lake to directly force the basilisk out, but considering that there are still many magical animals living in it, think about it or forget it.

Seeing Bai Hao disappear on the lake, Newt walked up to Dumbledore hesitantly: "Professor, he's just a second-year wizard, this..."

"Don't worry, Newt!" Dumbledore said calmly, "His power is beyond your imagination.

"If he wants to, the whole of Hogwarts can't beat him together, including me.

Newt stared at the calm lake with wide eyes, unable to speak for a long time.

(Tears for subscription, monthly ticket, flowers, thank you for your support!!!).

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