The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 610 Kira’s future plan for the guild and Gildas’ mid-life crisis

After a short break, the game continues.

"It seems like this assessment is just mixing combat into the game."

Everyone continued to throw the dice and continued to complain about this game in casual chat.

"The president probably thinks that mixing battles with games will keep it from being too boring... It's also quite taxing to have to figure out the assessment method every year."

Gildarts was very considerate of Makarov, probably because he was the one in the guild who had participated in the most S-level assessments.

"So I said, wouldn't it be easiest for everyone to just fight without having to think about it?" Kira stepped forward and said, "If I become the president, I must do this!"

"Huh? Are you going to be the guild president? The guild will definitely become even more chaotic than it is now! Hahaha..."

Gildas laughed and subconsciously ignored the fact that Kira said he wanted to be the president, as if it was a matter of course.

In fact, Gildas has rejected the proposal to become the president several times because he has always liked freedom, especially traveling. This time, because Makarov and others went to the Western Continent, he had no choice but to stay in Magnolia. After several months, I was already exhausted.

"However, if you can become the guild president, maybe you can make the guild richer than it is now..."

This unshaven uncle seemed to have finally encountered the economic crisis that most middle-aged men have to face. He held his chin in one hand and meditated, his eyes rolled as if he had seven or eight eyes, and he said Nazuru These words are difficult for boys and girls to understand.

"That way, people like me don't have to worry about retirement and other issues."

"For retirement and so on, as long as you reduce your travel time by half, your current savings will be more than enough, right?"

Kira rolled her eyes at Gildas, "As for the development of the guild, the guild has developed very well over the years anyway, and its foundation is sufficient. After I take over, I will increase publicity, attract more talents, and then develop branch guilds. To strive to become bigger and stronger, it is best to build a branch guild in every big city in the Kingdom of Fiore."

"Use some promotion mechanisms, reward mechanisms, and elimination mechanisms to stimulate the enthusiasm of guild members to work. If you slightly increase the level of work remuneration, you can earn a lot of money; and then expand your business, such as the creation of magicians. Stars, debuts, movies, etc., selling peripherals of famous wizards or original stockings..."

"Wait a minute!! What's the last one?! Why are there weird things mixed in?! Are we still a magic guild then?!"

"Of course forget it! Isn't the so-called magic guild just a place where ordinary people issue tasks and magicians complete their tasks?"

Kira's expression was serious, with no signs of joking at all, "I want to make 'Fairy Tail' a place full of entertainment and laughter!"

Are you serious about this entertainment and laughter?

"Although this is true, when it comes out of your mouth, something feels wrong!"

Gildas said after a moment of silence.

A thought suddenly arose in his mind, 'I can't just watch the guild become like this in the hands of Kira.' Then this thought evolved into 'How about I become the guild leader? At least I can avoid the guild. Become an illegal organization selling custom products', and then 'Although that is quite attractive, let's forget it'...

The next moment, Gildas was startled by the change in his thoughts, and cold sweat broke out involuntarily: "I was scared to death. I just wanted to take over the guild. This idea is really terrible..."

A man who is free by nature will not be bound by the so-called guild!

‘These two guys are going too far! Now you don’t take me seriously at all, right? You actually want to change the guild into a place that is vulgar, ugly, obscene, heavenly, ugly, disgusting... It is simply a disgrace to the reputation of the guild! ’

Makarov listened to the unscrupulous conversation between the two and deeply felt that his decision to 'retire next year' was too early...

Kira was still making his own plans seriously: "If that happens, the guild's work remuneration should be very considerable overall, right? Make more money while you are young, and when I get to your age, I will You can announce your retirement and enjoy a leisurely retirement life without worrying about food and drink!"

Are you not enjoying your life now? I think your life is more comfortable than that of Mr. Precito, right? Also, you look like a heartless capitalist now! !

Gildas complained inwardly, but on the surface he was still amazed by Kira's 'ambitious goals': "You kid... your goals are very lofty!"

"Of course!"

Kira was full of confidence. After a pause, he turned to look at Gildas, "So I said, Gildas, you are old now and your daughter has grown up. The kind of job that can make a lot of money." It should be left to young people like us, and you should stop trying to rob it!"

Gildas: "..."

Do you know how much work the guild has accumulated in the three months since you were gone? That's not enough for you to do alone, right? I never see how diligent you are!

Thinking of this, Gildas couldn't help but sigh: "Hey, young people today are really amazing! Everyone is obviously young and strong, but they still want to compete with older uncles like us for jobs. The so-called mid-life crisis is so scary!”

Kira didn't want to accept such a bitter trick, and sneered and said: "Come on! A middle-aged uncle like you who has already made a lot of money should spend all day in the guild with Ma, who is also a middle-aged man. Kaou, Wakaba, they are drinking and bragging, and talking about some topics that middle-aged men are interested in!"

"For example, where is the new young girl in the town, how much the price of the pub has increased, how far has the child's magic practice reached, whether the child has fallen in love after puberty, which barber should I go to to design my hair after losing my hair, How to take care of your body when you have kidney deficiency..."

"These are all worth talking about!"

"Shut up! I'm still young! I can still be wild!" Gildas's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

It is undeniable that there are some good-sounding topics in the examples Kira said, but the further you go, the more it seems to be adding salt to the wounds of his old widower.

"You can't beat the young people, but you still want to make a fool of yourself? Be careful that one day you stumble on the young people of the guild again!"

The reason why I say 'again' is because the first person who made him stumble was Kira himself in front of him.

"Are you talking about Laxus? He seems to have made a lot of progress recently... However, it's still early for them to want to make me suffer!" Gildarts laughed, showing a rare look of confidence. .

"Stop laughing! It's your turn!"

Gildarts threw a '5', and after Juvia took action, she happened to be standing next to him, but because she was a teammate of the same team, she didn't have to fight, she just needed to trigger the effect card.

[Decision: Designate two players who have not participated in the battle so far to fight. The loser will be kicked out of the game, and his teammates will take one step forward; the winner will take three steps back. The game doesn't stop during the battle! 】

When Makarov read out this card, everyone couldn't help but admire Juvia's luck. Because no matter who Juvia designated to practice singing, the result was that their team was at a disadvantage!

"The only ones who haven't participated in the battle yet are Kira, Urrutia, Gildarts, and Juvia."

When choosing two out of four, it was naturally impossible for Juvia to choose herself or her teammates, so the two who suffered in the end were naturally Kira and Urrutia.

"Wait! The game doesn't stop during the battle. Doesn't this mean we can't watch the battle?"

"Rather than watching the battle, it would be more cost-effective for us to speed up the game and throw a few more points during this time, right? It's best to wait for them to come back. We are already at our destination!"

"Idiot, this game doesn't mean whoever comes first wins!"

"But there's a first-mover advantage, isn't there?"

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