The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 611 Kira: Since you won’t take action, then leave things like mountain collapse to me.

Influenced by the previous battle between Brandish and Gray, Makarov finally realized that the mere ring could not be a fighting stage for this group of young people, so he chose to remove the constraints of the ring and no longer restrict fighting.

At this moment, in the battle circle, a man and a woman stood facing each other. The man was handsome and dashing, while the woman was gorgeous and graceful. She was the leader of young wizards in this era.

"Are you ready?" Kira asked seriously.

"Alright... ready!" Urrutia showed a nervousness that was visible to the naked eye.

"This isn't the first time the two of us have done this, so don't be so nervous, right?"

"Shut up! Don't mention the past anymore!!" Unbearable memories came to mind, and Urrutia's snow-white face quickly turned red.

More than a year later, the pain on my face recurred again. Although the face was not disfigured by that punch, the psychological scars could not be covered up by any amount of cosmetics.

Natsu's face was full of confusion: "Why do the two of them want to make the atmosphere so strange?"

Hubby next to him fluttered his little wings, put his hands on his hips, and said with an "I know it all" look, "Natsu, this is youth!"

"What's the meaning??"

"You'll understand later!" Habi spread his hands, looking like a riddle cat.

Kira and Urrutia's first fight was on Karna Island.

I remember that he used that fight to teach the three companions Gray, Kana and Rocky how to think about S-class magicians when fighting. Therefore, although the fist hit Urrudia, it was Full of teachers' care for students.

So that was a memorable punch!

The second time the two fought against each other was in the woods near Demisol College. That time Kira directly pressed the opponent to the ground and rubbed her against her. The beating made her miss her mother's warmth.

When they met for the third time, she was scared of Kira's strength and surrendered.

"After a year of practice, I am a completely different person than I was then, Kira!"

Urrutia shook his head, throwing away the unbearable memories in his mind and the physical humiliation. His long, shiny black hair swayed, exuding a faint fragrance of lavender.

It smells like shampoo!

Kira was sure because he also used shampoo with this scent, but at this time he didn't want to discuss with the other party which brand of shampoo was better. He only had one question in his mind -

"How do you wash your hair?"

Kira was very confused. It was obvious that everyone was out camping and had not washed themselves properly for a day or two. Why did you secretly do your makeup?

"It's really strange...Didn't you drink very late yesterday? I remember that your hair still looked sticky and greasy because you hadn't washed it for two days..."

This question made Urrutia's breath hitch.

When did I wash it? Of course it was this morning! But what does this have to do with you? I even took a shower! Do I still want to call you together? !

Of course, Urrutia would not say this kind of complaining voice-over, and Kira did not pursue it. Everyone is a smart person, and Kira immediately understood what she was thinking when she looked at her.

"Let's start!" Urrutia didn't answer Kira's words and moved directly.

Magic runs, and time draws a beautiful arc in space.

Bang! ! ! Bang bang bang...

With a huge shaking sound, the ground under Kira's feet instantly collapsed and sank. This was because the ground had become a 'collapsed' state in the future, and Urrutia brought this state to the present.

"It's so ungrateful!" Kira complained softly.

He knew that the Arc of Time was very troublesome, even more troublesome than Timaria's 'Seal of Time' and 'God of Time Reception', so even though his magic power and strength were far superior to Urrutia's, he did not dare to be careless at all.


Kira did not panic because he lost his footing. Instead, he raised his palms high. As he fell, he reached out and slapped the collapsed ground hard. A magic filled with huge magic power and exuding white light burst out instantly.

Under the astonished eyes of everyone, the shattering magic enveloped the ten-meter area around Kira, and then quietly turned a corner of the mountain that had been settled for countless years into powder.

When the wind blows, the mountain is filled with dust.

" this the same magic as Gildarts?!"

"Such a powerful magic, but there is no corresponding movement... This kind of control over magic is simply incredible!"

"It's amazing! I always feel that Kira's crushing magic is better than Gildarts..."

"What did you say?! Brat, do you want to come and see for yourself whose magic is stronger?!" Gildarts grabbed Natsu with one hand, and with the other hand, white light came out, and the terrifying magical aura came from above.

"Wait...wait wait!! Calm down, Gildarts!!"

Natsu struggled hard, sweating like rain. Facing Gildarts' ferocious smiling face, he felt as uncomfortable as a cat trapped in a cage. Unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried, it was to no avail. He couldn't break away from Gildarts at all. Das's big hands.

"However, Kira seems to be much stronger than he was three months ago..."

Looking at Kira who was motionless under Urrutia's attack, Gildarts fell into deep thought, "I went to the Western Continent and gained so much?"

"It seems I can't slack off any longer!"

From Gildas's point of view, if he loses to Kira in terms of overall strength, he will lose, but in the professional field, his senior cannot be compared!

Even Gildas, who has always been lazy, has come up with the idea of ​​​​training more, not to mention the others? For a moment, everyone present made the decision to secretly get involved.

The crushing magic dug a big hole on the top of the mountain. Kira was suspended in mid-air, looking at Urrutia not far away, trying to keep his tone calm: "Keep going...let me see how much you have improved!"

"This guy……"

Urrutiya bit his silver teeth and felt that Kira's current appearance was simply too arrogant and in need of a beating. He immediately became so angry that he made a move without even thinking about it.

"Ice creation·rose garden!!"

With a clear drink, the cold ice instantly spread from Urrutia's feet towards Kira, freezing everything where the magic power passed into ice, even covering the big crater he had just bombed. A layer of ice several meters thick.

Amidst the crackling sound, countless purple-white ice thorns and ice roses rose up from the ice beneath Kira. The blooming roses were so delicate and lifelike, it was as if you could smell the fragrance of the flowers.

They grow crazily towards Kira's position, like piranha flowers that have caught their prey. The coldness mixed with the smell of death is enough to make more than 70% of the magicians in the world despair.

"Oh oh oh! This ice shape... is much better than Gray's!"

"What did you say?!"

"Gray-sama is the strongest!!"

"This...this is not the case..."

"This little girl named Urrutia is also very talented in ice magic, even better than the boy just now!"

"Hmph! I think she was too slack after she escaped from the 'Devil's Heart'!"

"Come on! Urutia-san!!"

"What are you talking about, Wendy?! She eliminated you yesterday, and you actually cheered for her?!"


Urrutia's ice modeling magic is indeed powerful. In just a moment, the thorns and roses have almost crawled to Kira's feet.

"There is progress... there is progress..."

As he said that, Kira's body turned 180 degrees in the air, and he made a fist with his right hand, gathering magic, and then a heavy punch containing terrifying magic power slammed down from his hand.

"Gravity·Bone Crushing!!"

An unstoppable impact erupted from Kira's fist, and a terrifying air wave swept across the entire mountain. This was a new move he created by combining gravity magic and crushing magic.

boom! !

Under the powerful explosive force, the ice rose garden under Kira shattered into countless tiny ice shards in an instant. The air wave penetrated several meters of ice and entered the previously crushed hole, all the way down. Hit straight towards the inside of the mountain!

Rumble...! !

The shocking sound of the explosion lingered in my ears and echoed throughout the Darus Mountains.

Everyone felt that the earth was shaking in front of them, and the mountain below them was shaking. The mountain peaks that had evolved over an unknown number of years actually crackled under this move, and seemed to be fragmented.

"No way?!"

"real or fake?!"

"I knew this would happen!"

"This kid Kira is really..."

"Not good! The mountain is about to collapse!!"

"Run away quickly!!"

Looking at the scene of landslides and ground cracking in front of him, Makarov's blood pressure instantly soared, and he couldn't help but roar loudly: "You bastards! Don't tell others that we were here when we go back this time!" !”

He clearly wanted everyone to hide this outing, but his voice was louder than anyone else.

"That kind of thing is okay! Someone come and save me!!"

"Really... Kira, this guy is so careless in what he does, I won't let him look good in the future!!"

Makarov chattered, while his body expanded into a giant, shoveling his hands on the ground, directly holding everyone and the ground under their feet in the palm of his hand.


"As expected of the president!"

"But what should we do about this landslide? It will cause many casualties, right?"

"It should be fine if there's no one around..." Makarov said with a stiff expression.

He can save people, but he can't prevent landslides.

Just when everyone thought that the Darus Mountains was destined to encounter this rare disaster in decades, and felt sad and regretful about it, Brandish suddenly stepped forward.

"Let me do it!"

Form magic activates!


The peaks that were hundreds of meters high suddenly looked like they were piled up by children on the roadside, and the scene of landslides and ground cracks disappeared.

"'s safe now...wait! No!"

Makarov just breathed a sigh of relief when he suddenly found that his feet were empty. As soon as his expression changed, his body fell backwards uncontrollably.

A howl resounded throughout the Darus Mountains: "My waist!!"

Brandish: "...I'm sorry!!"

When the battlefield moved to the ground, Urrutia raised his hands and surrendered without hesitation.

"What? You can't admit defeat according to the rules? I'm not from your guild! Let alone not participating in the assessment for three years, even thirty years has nothing to do with me!"

"Besides, this is not an assessment between Kira and I. We know we can't beat him, so why do we have to go up and be beaten by him?!"

"Shut up! Rules are meant to be broken!"

"Go find that guy Kira if you have the energy..."

Makarov lost his temper when Urrutia retorted directly, and could only declare that Kira won the third encounter.

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