The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 612 It’s obvious that you guys acted carelessly, why should I take the blame?

The assessment was suspended because Makarov twisted his waist and would not be able to get out of bed unless he lay down for three days. Naturally, the others had no intention of continuing the assessment.

At night, in the tent, the four judges, four supporters, and four candidates started talking about 'who should become this year's S-class mage'.

"If you ask me, among the four remaining teams, Natsu defeated Lucy, Gray lost to Brandish, I defeated Urrudia, Juvia and Gildarts did not make it to the end, so This year's S-class title should belong to Natsu!"

Kira was the first to put forward her own opinions, supporting the candidate for her team, Natsu Dragneel.

"Wow...that's right! I am the only winner today! Of course I become S-class!!"

There is actually nothing wrong with this. Judging from the number of wins, Kira and Natsu's team is the strongest, but how can others agree so easily?

"I object!!"×6

Kira, Natsu: "..."

"Ahem...I propose a re-evaluation in the third level! Because Gray lost to the supporters, not the candidates!"

Urrutia was the first to stand up. She had just lost to Kira, but now she was still fighting against Kira. I don't know if it was because she owed money that she felt she had Kira under control.

Gray's face turned slightly red, maybe because he felt that he had lost after all, and his current behavior seemed a bit messy - even a pervert who could take off his clothes and run around naked in the guild still had a sense of shame!

Regarding Urrutia's statement, Mabis expressed his understanding: "Urutia, what you said makes sense. After all, this is a test for the candidates. It's the third game and it's really inappropriate to ask the supporter to do it. .”

"Both members of our team haven't made a move yet, so why do we say we have lost?! We will not give up our promotion spot! We must retake the exam!"

Gildas said seriously.

I have to say that his reason is quite good.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you give Juvia's place to Gray-sama..."

"Shut up first!"

Precito also felt that what Gildas said made sense. After all, the other party was one of his favorite juniors. As a 'second generation', he had to support him, so he pretended to think deeply and said: "Well... Gildas is right! It's really unfair to the little girl to end like this..."

Immediately afterwards, Brandish also changed his lazy attitude and rarely participated in the meeting: "I also agree to re-evaluation. Our team has eliminated one candidate and its results are much better than the other two. , they can retake the exam, why can’t we!”

As she said that, she unconsciously puffed up her chest, with a "I'm big and I'm reasonable" attitude.

"Eh?! But I've already lost... Is this really good?" Lucy, as a candidate, was worried.

"you shut up!"

The rest of the people present: "..."

No, are you sorry? You are the one least qualified to ask for a retake here, right? !

Although Brandish won, Lucy lost! And he lost to Natsu, a candidate, which is completely different from Gray losing to a supporter!

But when Makarov, Gildas and others took a closer look at Brandish, they suddenly felt that what Brandish said made sense! Great truth!

not to mention……

The two of them looked at Ogast again.

Augaster first smiled and nodded towards Brandish, then turned to look at Makarov and said, "I think Brandish is right!"

Everyone: "..."

Is this the so-called ‘don’t panic if there are people on the panel who are taking the exam’! so good! !

After listening to everyone's speech, Makarov could only spread his hands helplessly, looked at Kira and Natsu and said: "This is the current situation. All of them think that the exam should be retaken! Natsu, Kira, I can’t help you either!”

President, can you act more like me?

Kira and Natsu looked at each other, looking into each other's eyes, and a tacit understanding emerged: Since you can't beat them, then join them!

"Very good!!"

"I have said from the beginning that the mechanism of today's assessment is not interesting at all. It is better to sit down and play cards. President, you just don't listen! If you insist on playing this kind of dice-throwing game, the result will not be drawn. One-on-one duel?”

Makarov was stunned: "Eh?!"

Your reaction is wrong! Shouldn't it be that you are aggrieved, but it is difficult to defeat the public opinion, and then I step forward to take charge of the overall situation and come up with a plan that everyone can accept? Why did you start slandering me?

Besides, it took me half a minute to figure out the assessment mode!

Just when Makarov was about to refute, Natsu suddenly felt so happy, and continued Kira's words: "That's right... Kira is right! We originally asked everyone to go up and fight together. Wouldn’t it be nice if the one who wins in the end wins?”

As soon as these two people took the lead, the others began to join in.

"Well... the Sandaime level is indeed poorly designed!"

"First Generation?!!"

"A year ago, when I faced me, I was still dissatisfied with my old age, and now it has turned into this..."

"No...what has become of me?!"

"Hey! Lord Makarov is obviously about the same age as me, but he looks much older than me. He must be under a lot of pressure..."

"Ah, that's true..."

"Yeah, yeah, the old man is actually just exhausted by drinking and sex, otherwise he wouldn't be so tall and short at this age."

"Nonsense! Gildarts, you are slandering me again! I am a serious person!!"

Serious person? Only a ghost can believe it!

Brandish couldn't help but sneer.

Makarov's old face couldn't stand it for a moment, and turned red visibly.

This half-contemptuous, half-sarcastic sneer immediately made the guilty old man speechless in shame.

"Okay, President."

Kira clapped her hands and seemed to comfort her: "We know you are very careful. After all, you have to design different assessment rules every year for decades. This is indeed too difficult for you. Occasionally, you can't design one." I can understand such good assessment rules!"

Makarov: "..."

"What's more, this time there are first-generation and second-generation rule pearls in front, so it's natural for you to be compared..."

enough! do not talk! I was not comforted at all!

The co-authorship assessment was suspended not because you were not careful, but because my rules were not designed well, right? ! You are all right, but I am wrong, right?

Tired, destroy it!

"My waist started to hurt again..." Makarov said gloomily, then turned around and hid under the quilt without moving.

Good guy! How old are you before you lose your temper? !

Everyone stared at each other, and the air became a little quiet for a while.

"Forget it, let's go out first..." Mavis sighed.

Gildas nodded: "That's fine. At this point in time, the old man has almost reached that point."


"'s nothing. You don't have to understand, first generation!" Under Olgast's two cannibalistic eyes, Gildas couldn't help but shrink into his cloak.

As several people left one after another, the tent finally became quiet.

A few seconds later...

Makarov lifted the quilt and sat up straight, without any sign of being caught.

He heaved a sigh of relief, and then heard a small voice coming from outside: "He said he wasn't drained by alcohol and sex..."

The old face suddenly darkened: "These brats!!"

Anger +1+1...

The next day, it was sunny and windy.

"In view of yesterday's accident, the judging panel, candidates, and supporters unanimously decided that yesterday's assessment will be invalidated, and the third level assessment will be re-tested today."


"I thought I could go back today..."

"It's all because Kira collapsed the mountain yesterday, so we had to stay an extra day!"

"Do you blame me? It's obviously because everyone has used too much magic power around here in the past two days, which has caused the mountain structure to become unstable..."

"No! I think it's just because the assessment rules designed by the president don't work!"

"This makes sense..."

At this moment, Lucy suddenly raised a white, smooth, well-maintained hand, looked at Makarov standing on the boulder and asked: "Then how will the third level be tested? It's the same as yesterday. Really? Or will there be new assessment rules?"

A trace of desolation flashed across Makarov's expression: "The third level of the new S-class assessment is designed by Olgast!"

"Oh oh oh!!!"

"That old man who looks very powerful?! I heard that he has mastered a lot of magic and is a knowledgeable person. The levels he designed must be very interesting, right?"

"Lord Ogaste is the head of the Twelve Shields, and is the strongest man in the empire besides the emperor! He will definitely be able to design interesting tests!"

"I think he is better than your emperor..."

Makarov was stunned, staring at the group of brats below in disbelief with his eyes wide open, roaring in his heart: "No, what's wrong with you? Haven't you seen this miserable look on my face?! No one cares for me Do you feel sorry for being kicked out of the design review team?!"


"I am here!!"

At this moment, Makarov's voice increased by eighty decibels.

I know that there must be someone who can see my wisdom...

"If you stand on it again, you might get injured up to your waist again!"


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