The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 623 We still don’t know the name of the stone statue we saw that day

The night was as cold as water, and dark clouds covered the moon, making the entire Kurokas much darker than usual.

Suddenly, several figures emerged from the hotel, moving towards the west of Kurokas under the moonlight, and it didn't take long to reach the foot of the mountain.

To the west of Kurokas, the mountain used for holding the Great Demonic Fight and martial arts performance in the original work is more than a thousand feet high. It is connected to the Royal Capital by a suspension bridge on the mountainside. The distance between the two places is almost five times the diameter of the Royal Capital. one.

The most conspicuous thing on the mountain are the four huge rock statues on the top.

With these four statues as the four corners, the Fiore royal family built a huge square arena on the mountain. The area is almost one-third the size of the Royal Palace Maculias. The auditorium alone is enough to accommodate Tens of thousands of spectators.

"so big!!"

"so high!!"

Under the moonlight, Natsu and the others looked up at the tall and majestic mountain peaks, each in shock.

"What is this place?"

"Legend has it that this is a gladiatorial holy land built by the Fiore royal family based on the ancient battlefield. Under it are buried countless corpses of those who died on the battlefield. Until now, there are still undead haunting here!"

"Ghost...ghost?!" When Lucy heard this, her face turned pale with fright.

Erza looked at Lucy inexplicably: "What are you afraid of? Isn't it just a ghost? Have you never seen it??"

"Please!! How can a normal person see such a thing?!"

"But there are a lot of ghosts in Magnolia."

"That's right...there are magicians in the guild who can control ghosts and talk to ghosts."

Natsu and Happy were equally undaunted and chatted about this topic lively.

"Eh?! Really?!" Lucy was shocked. "What kind of place did I live in before?!"

"I remember Bigusro's doll seems to be this type, right? And Chiko, her magic is to control ghosts..."

Gray also chimed in and showed his familiarity with his guild mates.

"Nani?! Is there such a thing?!"

"Didn't there be a place called the 'Ghost Cemetery' in the previous Demonic Convention? The ghosts there were the ghosts of Magnolia who appeared in friendship!"

Seeing several people chatting about the topic of 'ghost', Kira couldn't help but continue to delve deeper.

"Ah!! Could it be that he was the one who caused me and Kana to switch bodies?!"

Kira nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes! When I invited them, everyone was vying for a spot. Let me tell you secretly that a ghost uncle secretly told me the place where he buried the treasure in order to go in for activities. Already..."


Everyone exclaimed excitedly, their eyes all lit up and sparkled.

"...Finally I dug it out and found a bunch of love letters that he had not sent out in the early years."

"I am bored!!"

"It's boring!!"

“How disgusting!!”

"Why did that ghost uncle die again?"

Kira lowered her head and looked at Wendy, how can this little girl understand so much?

"Wendy, aren't you afraid?"

Lucy looked at Wendy curiously. In her opinion, Wendy was the youngest here and a girl, so she should be afraid of things like ghosts.

Wendy chuckled and shook her head: "Absolutely not! The secret of Dragon Slayer Galaxy that I learned is the magic that can communicate with the undead, so I have tried to talk to ghosts a long time ago."

"Huh?! Isn't it?!"

"Is it one of the two secrets of dragon slaying that you got from Senior Polyucica?"

"That's right!"

Mentioning Polyucica, Wendy's mood became excited, and her face was filled with happiness, "Although she is only Grandigne's peer, the time I studied there was like going back to It’s the same as when I lived with Grandigne.”

Hey, hey, hey... the people here are all people who don't have mothers - cats do!

Real people are worse than cats series!

Oh, no! One person already has a mother.

Fortunately, several people were not as embarrassed as Kira thought, but instead smiled happily at Wendy.

"By the way, do you know who the four statues above are?"

Lucy asked suddenly after observing the mountain above her for a moment.

The four statues are a bald man in a vest, a woman with a long ponytail, an uncle in a cloak, and a general in a cape and helmet.

Hearing Lucy's question, everyone shook their heads.

"have no idea."

"never heard of that."

"Probably someone famous?"

"Is he a former king or something?"

"But they don't seem to be wearing crowns!"

"As for the identities of these four statues... I've heard a little bit about this!"

"Eh?! Have you heard of Kira?"

Everyone was stunned, and then smiled knowingly: "You are indeed the person in charge of the guild's intelligence!"

"Oh ho ho ho... I also learned about it from the books on the street bookstall after I came to Kurokas for the first time!"

"It is said that they were the four followers of the first king of the Kingdom of Fiore. They made countless contributions in the process of establishing the kingdom of Fiore. So after the king established the Kingdom of Fiore, he carved them The four stone statues are made to honor the people for their great achievements."

"In addition, the statue was deliberately built on the peak on the west side of the royal capital, which means that they hope that their remaining power will forever protect the Kingdom of Fiore."

Several people had expressions on their faces, and were once again surprised by Kira's extensive knowledge: "Eh?? So there is such a story?"

"This is the first time I've heard of this!"

"Me too!"

"me too!"

"Huh huh huh... A semi-literate person who usually doesn't read books or newspapers is a ghost if he knows these things."

"What did you say?! Who doesn't read?"

After hearing Kira's words, Natsu and Habi were the first to be unable to bear it any longer, and they rushed forward. They felt that Kira was mocking them.

Then he was punched to the ground by Kira twice.

Gray didn't jump up to get beaten, but stood there and laughed at Natsu's impulse: "Idiot Natsu, aren't you just admitting that you are illiterate in disguise when you are angry?"

Natsu and Habi woke up from their dreams: "Ah!! Yes!!!"

"What two idiots!"

Lucy complained that although she had just asked the question, she was not the kind of person who usually didn't read books or newspapers.

"That's right!" Erza crossed her arms, closed her eyes and nodded, but her body felt indescribably stiff.

Lucy complained again: "You don't know either..."

Hubby raised his claws and flew up and said, "No, we also read books and newspapers!"

Xia Lulu drooped her eyes and said unceremoniously: "The things you are looking at are all related to fish! And they are basically looking at pictures!"

When the truth was revealed, Habi couldn't bear it, but he still said tenaciously: "Then...then it counts!"

"Ah, the voice is getting quieter and quieter."

"Are they the followers of the first King Fiore? What kind of people are they?"

Wendy looked up at the stone statue above her head and asked curiously.

"If you ask this, I won't be sleepy!"

Kira's eyes lit up, and he immediately began to show off his knowledge and talk: "When it comes to them, we have to mention the first king of the Kingdom of Fiore. The life of that king is also very legendary!"

"It is said that he was originally a lord of a certain place. Later, because he could not stand the tyranny of the king, he formed an army and led a group of people to attack the tyrant. His concepts of benevolence, justice and peace attracted many people and forces who were also oppressed, including The four forces are the most powerful, and the leaders of these four forces followed him in the north and south, and were the most loyal supporters of the first king."

Erza pointed to the top of her head: "Are these four followers?"

"That's right! These four people are: the general who has led hundreds of battles; the famous treasure hunter; the president of a certain magic chamber; and the loyal warrior."

"With their help, the first kings slowly conquered the surrounding territories and eventually established their current kingdom."

Several people felt something was wrong when they heard this, and immediately counted on their fingers: "General, treasure hunter, president of the chamber of commerce, warrior..."

At the end of the count, I suddenly discovered that one of the most important professions was missing!

"There are no magicians?!"

Erza and the others looked shocked.

It stands to reason that magic is the most powerful training system in the world, and Fiore is a magical kingdom. There should not be a lack of magicians when it was established!


Kira shook his head and explained, "The magic world in that era was not as standardized as it is now. There was neither a magic guild nor a council, so powerful people basically knew magic and were considered magicians! "

"The first king was a magician whose strength was far superior to the four followers!"

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