The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 624 The foot of the mountain is not peaceful at night


The exclamation echoed throughout the mountain, breaking the tranquility of the night.

"The first king turned out to be..."

"A powerful magician?!"

“Never heard of it!!!”

Fortunately, this is an isolated mountain outside the city where there is no one. Otherwise, if they were inside the city, the shouts of these people would probably wake up a large number of people who are dreaming or working on artificial intelligence.

Kira was speechless and complained: "Keep your voice down! I want more for my ears!"

Several people stopped talking and their expressions gradually softened.

Later, I realized that it was not surprising that the king knew magic!

Erza was the first to calm down: "Although it sounds a little surprising at first, but if you think about it carefully, it is true. If the leader does not have strong strength, how can he convince his subordinates? What's more, it is necessary to establish a country. The first king of the country, if he had no strength, he would have died of assassination or something else..."

Relatively speaking, Natsu is more concerned about another thing: "So is the current king also a mage? Is he very strong?"

Gray rolled his eyes at him and complained: "Are you asking about this because you want to fight him?"

Natsu's facial features immediately tangled together and he fell into deep thought: "Well... well..."

"You really want to go?!!"

Gray looked shocked and roared in disbelief.

Kira clapped her hands, pulling Natsu's attention back from his thoughts: "What a pity! The current king doesn't seem to know magic, and the princess does, but she's not that strong."

"How did Kirasan know? Have you ever met the king and princess?"

"Have you forgotten? I once accepted a commission from the Fiore royal family! That big 20 million order!! It was during that job that I met them!"

Speaking of this, Kira couldn't help but look proud, "At that time, when we were in close contact, I didn't feel the magic power of King Toma. As for the magic power of the Emerald Princess... I can only say that it is about the same as Duleir."

Several people were stunned, blinked in disbelief, and exclaimed again: "Dolaire?! Are you talking about that Durel?! That Emerald Princess..."

Suddenly, several people paused and looked around cautiously. They breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that no one was there, but they still lowered their voices and continued, "Is that Emerald Princess so weak?"

That's Dorel, who is known as the 'Guild Weak Duo' together with Jet!

How could a descendant of a powerful magician who could establish a kingdom be someone with such weak magical abilities?

Everyone was puzzled.

Kira clicked his tongue, glanced at everyone, and said: "Stop looking down on people, no matter how weak they are, they are richer than us! A piece of jewelry may be worth all of our net worth, and our material life is also rich beyond our imagination. ! So what if you don’t have enough magical ability?”

The air suddenly became silent.

"This...this is true..."

"What you said makes sense!"

"What am I so proud of? Damn it!"

Several people lost their temper completely. They all lowered their heads in shame and beat the ground in annoyance. Tears of poverty flowed down from their eyes.

Sadness always turns into a river, and a few people finally returned to normal before the river overflowed.

"The king is the leader, the general leads the army, the president of the chamber of commerce provides funds, the treasure hunter and the warrior also have their own strengths and have irreplaceable roles."

"Looking at it this way, the five of them are really indispensable!"

"And they all seem to be capable of magic. The establishment of the Kingdom of Fiore may be more legendary than imagined!"

Lucy couldn't help but said: "It's just like a story in an adventure novel..."

Erza looked curious and yearning, and said, "After I go back this time, I might be able to find Rebby and see if she has any relevant books that I can borrow."

"Don't you just like reading color books?"

Boom! !

Erza punched Kira to the ground, then withdrew her fist as big as a sandbag, her face red and kept breathing, her eyes turned into mosquito-repellent incense, she pointed at Kira stumbling on the ground and said: "That's... not like that What's going on! You, you, guy!! Stop talking nonsense there!!!"

The expressions of the others suddenly became exciting: "Erza?! You actually?!"

Unexpectedly, are actually this kind of Erza? !

Gray and Happy's expressions turned teasing, Lucy, Wendy, and Xia Lulu blushed, and as for Natsu...he didn't understand.

Seeing everyone's eyes full of desire for exploration, Erza became even more panicked: "Don't listen to that bastard Kira's nonsense!! It's slander! It's slander!!! I didn't watch "Two or Three Things About a Girl in Love"! !”

“I can already tell you the title of your book!!!!”×N


Erza's face turned even redder, and she covered her mouth with her hands in panic, then moved her hands up to cover her entire face, and turned around, not daring to look at anyone, "It's not me! I didn't!! Don't talk nonsense!!!" "

But the voice of denial was so pale and weak. Under the eyes of everyone, Erza seemed to have lost all her strength and collapsed on the ground doubting life.

Gray quickly supported him: "Hey! Erza! Cheer up, Erza!!"

The feeling of social death must be very destructive, right?

Kira stood up, rubbed the big bump on his head, and comforted: "It's okay, Erza! We are all adults, and it's normal to have some adult hobbies. You..."

In the middle of speaking, Kira suddenly stopped, as if he thought of something, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his face gradually turned frightened.

When Lucy and others saw this, their hearts suddenly tightened: "What's wrong, Kira?"

Could it be that something terrible happened? ! This is the first time I see this expression on Kira's face...

"Oops!! Wendy heard what she just said!!"

Kira screamed and stepped forward, holding Wendy's shoulders with both hands and shaking her hard, "Forget her! Forget her quickly, Wendy!! That's a topic only adults can hear, not a child of your age. It’s a realm!! If you don’t forget it quickly, you’ll get sour plums in your ears if you hear it!!”

Everyone was speechless: "..."

Lucy complained wildly: "It's too late to say this now! And having sour plums in the ears is not a lie to a child?! Besides, Wendy is not an immature child!!"

Xia Lulu was dissatisfied with Kira's actions, spread her wings and flew in front of him and shouted: "What are you doing to Wendy?! Let her go! Your actions are too rough!!"

However, whether it was Lucy's complaints or Xia Lulu's complaints, it was already too late at this moment.

The moment Wendy heard "sour plums growing in her ears", her eyes suddenly opened and she let out an earth-shattering scream: "No!!!"

After screaming, the little girl also seemed to have lost all her strength and collapsed.

Xia Lulu and Habi quickly supported her: "Wendy! Cheer up, Wendy!!"

"Oops, Wendy fainted!!"

Kira looked flustered and scratched her hair in frustration: "It's not good! The most terrifying thing has happened!!"


"Isn't it?"

"Is it true that sour plums are growing in Wendy's ears?"

Natsu, Gray, and Happy shouted in shock at the same time.

Lucy and Xia Lulu roared in unison: "You know it's impossible even if you think about it?! You three idiots!!"

"There is no other way but to use memory erasure magic on Wendy..."

With a face filled with grief, Kira gathered a ball of magic energy emitting white light in one hand, and trudged towards Wendy who was in a coma, muttering ''.

"Stop it!! Bastard!! Didn't you hear Wendy say 'no'?! How could you have the heart to do such a shameful thing as erasing the memory of lovely Wendy?! She is still just a child!" !!”

Natsu Lucy immediately rushed to stop them, and then they struggled with Kira.

"You don't understand! It's just because she is a child that she has to be eliminated! Don't worry, it won't cause any damage to her body. I have experience in this area!"

Lucy was shocked again, and her voice became more horrified: "Nani?! Do you have experience?! What experience?! Where does it come from?! I said you didn't do anything to us secretly, right?!"

"Ah, yes! I know! You must have erased the memory of me paying you back! So I still remember that I owe you money, but in fact I have paid it back a long time ago, right?!"

"Stop talking nonsense!! You guys don't even think about taking the opportunity to renege on debt from me!! Don't think you can eliminate millions of J in debt with just one sentence!!"

Lucy burst into tears when she heard this, and retorted tenaciously: "I don't believe it! I must have paid it back! I have worked hard for a whole year, and there is no way that the amount I owe can change just like that!!"

"That's because your debt repayments every month are extremely small!! If I hadn't calculated interest, your debt would have been increasing year by year!!"

Upon hearing this heart-wrenching truth, Lucy's expression dimmed instantly, and then like Erza and Wendy, she seemed to have lost all her strength and collapsed.

Natsu quickly supported him: "Lucy!! Cheer up, Lucy!!"

"Not good!! Lucy fainted too!!"

"Nani!? The situation is really serious now!" Kira looked at Natsu seriously and said, "Natsu, you are the only one who can save Lucy now! Use artificial respiration!!"

"Okay! I'll do it right away! By the way, what is artificial respiration?"

Kira: "..."

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