The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 648 Gray’s condition is getting worse and worse

Chapter 648 Gray’s condition is getting worse and worse...

Kira's storytelling skills are very good, otherwise the novels he wrote would not be so popular.

The time has come to May, but the magicians of Fairy Tail are still immersed in the "Dragon King Festival: The Story Between Humans and Dragons" that Kira told a few days ago.

The whole set of stories has ten chapters in total, telling ten miserable and tragic stories.

In these stories, countless stories and accidents happened between the human and dragon tribes. They became partners who fought side by side, lovers who promised each other in life and death, confidants whose souls resonated with each other, mortal enemies, and childhood sweethearts who loved and killed each other... …

No matter which one, it deserves to be recorded in history and become a classic story. It made all the wizards marvel and exclaim that it was very enjoyable. Many people even praised the story directly and shouted to the sky in the guild without any image.

"Ahhh... Kira's story is so interesting! Why is there no more after ten stories?!"

"Although I know it's fake, it still makes people want to listen. Kira's imagination is really rich!!"

"This kind of author should be tied up and locked in a small dark room to keep writing. If he doesn't meet the target, he won't be given food!!"

"Give money to give money to the author... give the author a lot of money!!"

"The gift of becoming a god! Quick update!! Can't sleep at night!!!"

"Damn it! Why can't I write such a novel!"


Listening to the annoying reminders from the guys in the guild, Kira's answer was the same as before: "As long as you give me enough money, there are plenty of novels!"

In fact, those ten stories are just the first part, Kira is now preparing the second part.

There are also ten new stories. Among them, in order to cater to the audience's computer system, Kira deliberately added some plots related to love actions.

After showing them the first draft of the text, the response was overwhelming.

The dragon's strong body, thick and long tail, elegant posture, hard horns, and high voice, under Kira's vivid description, have become bonus points in the eyes of many old porn fans.

Even if they can't appreciate the charm of the dragon with their own eyes, men who have seen Selene in human form can still imagine the dragon lady's beauty in human form with just their hormonal brains.

After that, these guys all shouted that they wanted to be dragon knights, and made such lofty ideals as "If I don't become a dragon knight in my life, I will be in vain after learning magic." What's even more outrageous is that there are many people. Agreeing and echoing, the young transcendent cats were shocked when they heard it. They couldn't believe that those words could be said by humans.

"A beautiful woman like Selene? I wonder what kind of fragrance they exude? It's really fascinating..."

"Are you suffering from 'Ye Yi Sang'? Why do you talk so much like Yo Yi Sang..."

"No, his is not a 'Yeichi Syndrome' at all, it's just a simple abnormality!"

"It's decided! My goal in life in the future is to compete with the dragon ladies and compete with them!"

"You're not talking about a serious opponent at all! What kind of outrageous life goal is that?!"

"Stop talking! You people don't understand the greatness of Dragon Lady!!"

"What are you talking about?! Humans are the best! All other races are heretics!"

"Narrow-minded guy!! Don't you have any generosity in your heart? One of the most important reasons for the development of human beings is to tolerate all things, you bastard!"

Bang! !

A white and delicate hand was placed on the table in front of Kira.

"Kira!! See for yourself!! What harm has been done to everyone in the guild in the past two days!!"

Kira blinked her dazed eyes and looked up at the soft hand that had neatly trimmed nails and maintained the skin so softly that it was strong enough to break. She saw cold eyes, A face with red hair standing on end and a cold expression.

"Harm? What did I do to make you so angry?"

"You still have the nerve to say it?"

Seeing Kira's expression of 'it has nothing to do with me', Erza became even more furious, gritting her teeth and looking at the culprit who had messed up the guild in front of her.

"Now everyone in the guild does not work every day, and just chats in the guild about everything, waiting for your novel to be updated. If this continues, the atmosphere of the guild will be completely distorted!!"

As the disciplinary committee member, Erza blamed Kira for all the bad morals in the guild these days, so she found him and planned to reprimand him severely.

"My novel is so good, isn't it normal for me to rush to update it?"

From Kira's point of view, they were just discussing the mysteries of human evolution and how to be inclusive among different races in a very serious and serious manner, so he didn't understand why Erza was so angry at all.

"Is this a problem of urging for updates? It is a problem that has a bad impact!!"

Erza was furious, feeling extremely crazy about Kira's knowing behavior.

"But even the president is addicted to it..."

President? In this kind of thing, he is just a perverted old man!

You are so old and still talking about ABCDEFG with a group of lustful uncles, you are so shameless! Look at the second generation, Mr. Olgast and Mr. Warrod, which one is as crooked as him?

Erza snorted coldly, and just as she was about to speak, Makarov's "hehehehe" laughter came to her ears.

"You don't know, that little girl yesterday..."

Countless dark " # " emerged from Erza's forehead, and then a group of flames ignited from Erza's back with a 'boom'. Immediately afterwards, she turned her head suddenly and strode towards Makarov's direction. Her footsteps made a loud "dong dong dong" sound, which made Kira panic and her heart beat violently with the thump thump thump thump on the floor. .


Watching the other party turn the gun, Kira picked up the wine next to him with lingering fear and took a big sip to calm down, "Erza seems really angry... It seems like she should pay more attention in the future."

After muttering to himself, Kira looked at Gray next to her.

"I said, Gray!"

"What's wrong?"

Gray raised his head when he heard the sound. Unlike the others in the guild who were always laughing, he seemed to have changed a lot during this time.

First of all, his hair looks a little longer and his image is not well taken care of, so his whole person looks a lot more mature, and he feels like he is heading in the direction of a middle-aged uncle like Gildarts.

Although he is still handsome, there is something wrong with this change. Without the help of hair follicles, how could a person look so much older all of a sudden?

Then the amount of alcohol increased a lot. This guy drank more and more every day, almost as much as Kana. There were even Kana who drank a few times, and he still acted like nothing happened.

Both of the above are accompanied by an obvious depression. Although he hides this depression well, he still laughs when he should laugh, drinks when he should drink, and fights when he should fight. Even the other people in the guild She thought Gray had returned to normal, but Kira still saw a trace of imperceptible depression in his eyes.

The most important thing is that when faced with Juvia's entanglement, he actually stopped refusing!

If it had been in the past, Kira would have been happy that he had come to his senses, and would have joked about whether he wanted to compete with Natsu to see who would get married first, but now...

I'm not in that mood.

Apart from Kira, perhaps only Natsu, his rival and close friend, and Juvia, who had a perfect score in Gray Studies, could see this abnormality in him.

"Aren't you going to join them? There's a big competition between the dragon girl and the human girl...that's the hottest topic in the guild right now!"

"Not interested in."

"That's weird...Aren't you usually very weird about this kind of topic?"

"Nonsense! Why do I like this kind of topic? Don't slander me, you guy!"

"Oh, I said 'topic', which means 'the hot topic in the guild', not 'the dragon girl and the human girl'."

"That's not interesting! I don't like every hot topic. It's nice to just watch them having fun without participating occasionally!"

"But Natsu chose the dragon. I thought you would choose a human to go against him..."

"Eh?! Choose the dragon? Is that guy really an idiot?"

"Well... Lucy doesn't want to see him lately anyway..."

In order to divert Gray's emotions, Kira deliberately changed the topic to gossiping about Natsu, but Gray seemed to be interested in this.

This is not good... this is not good... Gray is in such a bad state! !

Is he going to go dark?

After this idea emerged from her heart, Kira immediately couldn't sit still. When she thought about the setting that "the soul of a magician who uses demon-destroying magic will fall into darkness", an inexplicable worry came to his heart.

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