The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 649 Juvia: Gray-sama accepted my lunch? Something must be wrong!

The setting sun in the evening shines on Magnolia, and the houses and streets reflect the golden light, which is dazzling.

In May, the air in this town begins to get hotter. Even though the sun is about to set, the dryness on the skin still makes people feel hot in the heart.

Such a temperature can be called a kind of training for people who like cold and are afraid of heat, a kind of training that challenges the ability to tolerate heat.

Gray felt that way.

As someone who has to take off his clothes from time to time all year round, his tolerance for heat is extremely poor. Even though Guild Gray had a lot of wine today, it had all evaporated unknowingly, so he only felt extremely thirsty at this time.

Because he was on the street, he couldn't take off his clothes and run naked, otherwise he would receive complaints from the citizens tomorrow, followed by scoldings from Makarov. He didn't want to be angry like this.

Walking home alone, feeling the residual heat of the setting sun hitting his body, Gray felt extremely heavy.

There is no doubt that this heaviness comes from Zeref.

It has been so many days, and Gray has yet to break away from the depressed and distressed mood. Several times, he has wondered whether he is trying too hard. After all, in the final analysis, Zeref himself does not have much direct hatred towards him. Well.

Besides, he has not forgotten what Kira said to him back then, "Natsu is END, and Zeref's life and death is related to Natsu's life."

In order to take revenge on Zeref, who had no direct hatred, and thus cost Natsu his life, he would never do such a thing, unless the relationship between them was severed, then he could still consider it.

"More than a year has passed, and I don't know how well Kira has studied that book..."

How was your research?

The answer is completely... no, no... almost... well... a little bit! He studied it only a little bit and then stopped.

Not because of lack of ability, but because he has other important things to do.

For example, right now, he is concerned about a very important thing!

"What are you having for dinner tonight?"

Even though he has lived in this world for more than twenty years, Kira has always kept in mind the sage's saying that "food is the most important thing for people", so he attaches great importance to eating.

"How about the ramen restaurant in front? But eating ramen at night will make you hungry easily... Or eating? But I just ate a lot of snacks at the guild... Should I go home and eat snacks? No, no, it's too unhealthy..."

Kira put her hands behind her head and thought about several dinner options, but in the end they were all rejected.

Suddenly, his eyes looking around saw a figure who behaved very unfairly.

"Ah! It's a nympho... No, it's Juvia!!"

Juvia was hiding at this time, hiding under the wall of a certain building like a stalker, sticking out her blue head, adjusting the love radar and the detection function of her eyes to the extreme,

"Why is she hiding out like this?"

He said this, but Kira knew that the answer to this question was not difficult to guess, because there was only one person in the world who could make Juvia do this.

Sure enough, following her gaze, Kira spotted Gray's melancholy figure.


Kira walked over and patted the other party's shoulder gently, calling out: "He's following Gray, Juvia!"


With her whole attention focused on Gray, Juvia, who was not aware of the changes around her, screamed out in surprise.

Gray, who was walking towards his home, suddenly stopped and turned around to look behind him suspiciously, but other than a few ordinary passers-by, he saw nothing special.

"Is it an illusion?"

After muttering to himself, Gray continued to move forward.

Behind a wall not far behind him, in the shadows, Kira slowly released her hand covering Juvia's mouth.

Kira originally wanted to make a joke, but the first words Juvia said made his face darken.

"What are you doing, Kira?"

"Juvia already has Gray-sama!"

After saying that, she proudly flipped her hair, looking arrogant like "I am a woman you can't get".

Kira: "..."

"Stop being narcissistic! Gray hasn't said he likes you yet, don't you know how to look for problems in yourself?"

Is Juvia beautiful?

Even Kira actually thinks she is very beautiful in her heart, especially after her former guild closed down and she switched jobs to her current guild. Her appearance is getting better and better day by day, especially after she grew her hair long.

But you can’t lose a verbal dispute!

So after Juvia said that, Kira could only answer like this.

The young people in the guild now... their emotional intelligence still needs to be improved, and they should practice more!

Kira's words were very effective. Juvia's aura weakened at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. She suddenly became dejected and lowered her head in reflection.

I didn't say it was serious, right?

Kira thought about it for a while and came to the conclusion: the damage caused by his words is considered to be light! If Juvia has a problem with her mentality in pursuing Gray because of these words, then her ability to withstand stress should also be tested.

"So, you were following Gray just now?"

"Yes Yes……"

"Is he not feeling well lately?"

"Did you also notice something unusual about Master Gray?"

Juvia raised her head again and looked at Kira in surprise, "Juvia has been making lunch boxes for Gray-sama for the past two days, but Gray-sama has not refused!"

"It's not normal to be rejected...what?! He didn't say no?!"

After reacting, Kira gasped and looked at Juvia with wide eyes in disbelief.

"Yes! Gray-sama not only ate all the bento that Juvia made, but he also smiled at me tenderly and said, 'Thank you, it was delicious'!"

Recalling Gray's smile when he said these words, the little deer on Juvia's chest began to bang, and she laughed silly, and her whole body turned pink in love.

"Did you just say this? Didn't you hear the words 'Don't do it again next time'?"

"certainly not!!"

"Isn't that a good thing? Maybe that guy Gray has finally figured it out and plans to accept Juvia's confession!!"

This was not said by Kira, but by Habi who appeared from the side out of nowhere.


The air was suddenly silent for a second.

Kira turned her head stiffly and realized that at some point, Natsu, Lucy, Habi, Erza, Wendy and Xia Lulu had already arrived beside her, and Habi still had a look on his face at this moment. It looked like it was eating melon, flapping its snow-white little wings, flying happily in the air.

"When did you guys show up?"

Do these people walk so quietly? Why weren't they discovered to have this talent before? By the way, it must be because these guys usually do everything in a violent way.

"It started when Juvia mentioned the word 'lunchbox'!"

Lucy's eyes were shining with excitement, her face was full of gossip, and she had no ladylike image: "Tell me the rest, I can't wait to hear it!!"

Kira looked at Lucy's expression and confirmed what she was thinking: Sure enough... there is no distinction between gender and age in eating melon!

But compared to Kira, Juvia's 'love rival detection radar' immediately became alert: "Huh?? Is it possible that Lucy wants to find out through Juvia the taste of Gray's favorite bento? Juvia will not tell And you!!"

Lucy rolled her eyes speechlessly, waved her hands and said, "You are worrying too much, I definitely have no such plan!!"

After confirming several times to make sure that Lucy would not take this opportunity to attack Gray's taste buds, Juvia reluctantly expressed her opinion.

"If it were normal times, I would indeed be very happy, but this time is different!"

Juvia straightened her back confidently, her eyes radiating an astonishing gaze, just like a detective.

"This time, Gray-sama smiled very reluctantly. Juvia could tell that it was a fake smile that he used to cover up because he didn't want others to notice his true emotions!"

"Master Gray must be worried about something in his heart!!"


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