The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 650 Gray, the situation is critical. The only thing that can wake Juvia up now is your kiss!


Did you find anomalies in such small details? !

As expected of the founder of 'Grayology', is this Juvia's observation ability?

How breathtaking! !

This thought came to everyone present, and they expressed admiration for Juvia's judgment. Under Juvia's heart-warming tone, they completely ignored that 'Gray usually ignores = normal' and 'Gray receiving bento this year = abnormal' 'Such an outrageous setting.

"Juvia doesn't know why Gray-sama is in a bad mood, but Juvia knows that this is a difficult time that tests our love, so Juvia will always stay by Gray-sama's side, so that He feels Juvia’s love for him!”

Erza's eyes shone: "What a great love!"

Others were speechless: "No, this has nothing to do with the test of love, right? Don't add drama to yourself!!"

Juvia didn't notice the strange expressions of several people, and was immersed in rich fantasies: "At any time, as long as Gray-sama turns around, he can fall into Juvia's arms, cry or rest." Okay, it doesn't matter if he wants to do it, or he can open up and talk about his troubles, in short, no matter what he wants to do, Juvia can accept it without reservation."

Erza was so moved that she burst into tears: "What a touching love, Juvia! Isn't that what the book says about 'love is a long-term companionship'?"

Others: "Don't be so impressed!! What this means is that you can't help me with anything?! Also, you just said **, right? You must have said **, right?" Is that a word that can be casually added to such words?! There are children here!!”

Several people looked at Juvia quietly, waiting for her to continue, but the girl's sweet smile froze on her face, and time seemed to have stopped.

A few seconds later...

Kira's faint voice sounded: "But Gray seems to have disappeared!"

Everyone: "..."

Juvia: "?!"


Instantly she screamed, gasped for air, and squeezed her pale cheeks with her hands. Juvia's entire image turned from dark blue to gray, and her original sweetness instantly turned into fear, panic, and bewilderment.

This expression was very familiar to Kira. It was just like the time when he had missed a question when he was copying the answers to the exercises. At the end, he suddenly realized that everything he had done was in vain, and the teacher would definitely find out that he had copied the answers.

What a nightmare! !

Without hesitation, she rushed out of the corner and found that there was indeed no trace of Gray on the street. Juvia instantly looked like a deflated silicone doll, slumping to the ground helplessly, with a look of defeat on her face.

"It's over! Juvia has lost Gray-sama... The love between Juvia and Gray has suffered the biggest blow in history..."

Others: "Hey...what about it?"

Erza anxiously picked up Juvia and shook her soft and plump body: "Cheer up, Juvia! Don't give up on your love!!"

The long blue hair began to sway violently up and down, back and forth.

"Ah! Be careful, Erza-san! Juvia-san is not breathing!!"

"Shouldn't we tell her to stop shaking at this time?!"

"Doctor! Go get a doctor quickly!!"

"What doctor are you calling for?! Isn't Wendy right here?"

"Are you an idiot? I mean, go find Gray quickly!! Juvia's situation is beyond the scope of medical skills now, how can Wendy possibly do anything?!"

"Yes!! It is written like this in the book. When the princess is in a coma, ordinary medical skills are ineffective, and magic is also ineffective. The only treatment method is love! Only the kiss of the beloved, the prince, can wake the princess up! !”

"The president also said that love is the origin of magic, and its power is more powerful than magic!!"

"That's right!! I also know that the most powerful magic is called infinite love!!"

I don't know if the discussion of several people had an effect. Juvia fell into a coma even more completely, but when she heard a 'pop', her head tilted, her hands loosened, and then her whole face turned pale and her eyes were closed tightly. 'Gray-sama won't get up until he kisses Juvia', that kind of attitude.

"It's not good!! Juvia is dead!!"

"Don't talk nonsense! As long as Gray kisses her, she can regain her strength! I'm sure!!"

Amid the commotion, a figure blocked several people from the setting sun.

"What are you guys doing here?"

It's Gray!

It's over, now the tracking can't be discovered.

"Gray, the situation is critical right now. I'll make a long story short, Juvia needs your help!"

"Eh?! What's wrong??"

It was Kira who reacted the fastest. He grabbed Gray's shoulder and said a bunch of nonsense seriously, "So, so, so, so, so..."

"This is the situation. Now as long as you kiss Juvia, she can get the double blessings of Poseidon, the sea god, and Bazaar, the water demon, and break the spell cast on her by the evil Queen of Atlantis. From then on, In the fairy kingdom in the dream, she retrieved the trident that the dwarves helped her build, went to Lavdru to open the great secret treasure on the sea, and understood the magic array method "Come to the Water", broke the blood mist policy of the water kingdom, and made it like seven A restaurant on the sea that is as rich as the city of water..."

Gray was immediately stunned.

"How's it going? It's easy, right?"

"Hmm...huh? Wait! I'm a little confused..."

"It doesn't matter, just keep kissing me! Juvia's life is in your mouth!!!"

Kira pushed down Gray's head and skillfully took out the Magic Crystal of Image from his arms.

The brightness is up to standard, the angle of view is perfect, the time is right, the story is full, and the atmosphere is sufficient. Here comes a kiss that witnesses the love history of two people!

Give me some strength, Bing Shui Qing Yuan, brother, this is all I can do for you! !

"You should have a certain temper when you lie, right?!"

Gray shook Kira's hand away with all his strength, looked at Kira angrily and said, "Who can be fooled by such a story that is obviously pieced together? !!"

"Do you think I haven't read the novels in your store?!"

not good! Careless!

A panicked look appeared on his face instantly. Kira didn't expect that Gray, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, who was usually so impatient with her performance, would secretly pursue his work so much.

It's simply... so dishonest!

Don’t you know that being a tsundere has no way out?

However, a twist occurred that Kira didn't expect.

"Really...I won't argue with you about this matter."

Gray scratched his hair, stood there quietly and hesitated for a few seconds, and then suddenly leaned towards Juvia, who was lying in Erza's arms, "But if it's for Juvia..."

Everyone was stunned: What is this man going to do? !

Under the shocked gazes of the five people and two cats, Gray gently lifted Juvia, who was pretending to be unconscious, from Erza's arms, moved his head, and slowly kissed her! !

hiss--! !

Everyone invariably took a long, deep breath of cold air, and then held it in their lungs without daring to spit it out, for fear of disturbing this historic scene.

Kira's eyes widened and he couldn't believe what he saw and what was about to happen. He even forgot to tell the child to close his eyes to avoid jokes like getting needle eyes.

Is this Gray? ! Could this be Gray? ! Did he really believe the story I just told? Is my level that high now? its not right! He obviously said he didn’t believe it! !

Forget it, just make sure the person in front of you is Gray.

With this, Gray, like Gajeel, is a big step ahead of Natsu in love!

Kira glanced at Juvia out of the corner of her eye, and sure enough she saw that her face was red, her forehead was sweating, her hands and feet were shaking, and her whole body was tense from head to toe, from mind to body.

Everyone's eyes widened, and their gazes followed Gray's face downwards. Even if there was some pain, they were reluctant to blink. They didn't want to miss every moment!

Three inches...two inch...

At the moment when the lips are about to touch! !


In the exclamation, Gray's lips were pushed open by a force! !

I # ¥%...Which bastard interrupted this good thing? ! !

Kira was about to curse, but she closed her eyes for a moment and then looked at them carefully. She was stunned because it was Juvia who interrupted the kiss.

It's Juvia herself, so that's okay... How is that possible? ! ! !

"What are you doing, Juvia?! What a great opportunity this is! I've already planned to report to the guild tomorrow, damn it!!"

This question popped up in everyone's mind, but only Kira shouted out unwillingly.

"No... at least not now! Because..."

Juvia's face turned red, her hands were tangled together, and she said hesitantly, "Because... Juvia's intuition is warning that if Gray-sama kisses us, something important will be lost in our love... So not now!"

"Ah! This doesn't mean that Juvia doesn't like Gray-sama or anything! Juvia's love for Gray-sama will never change!!!"

"Master Gray, please don't show such a sad expression again..."


Kira was shocked: What are you talking about, Juvia? ! This is not the line you should have!

But it seems...that bastard Gray is really into this!

When Kira looked at Gray, he was stunned for a moment. After a while, he returned to his previous expression with relief, and then shyly turned his head away, avoiding Juvia's hot gaze.

"Really...I know!"

After a moment, the voice sounded again: "Juvia!"


"……Thank you!"

Under the setting sun, the figures of Gray and Juvia leaving side by side gradually faded away, while the remaining five people and two cats watched in place.

"What a pity...the two of them...but it's good to be like this. At least it's a step forward, right?"

Kira, Lucy, Erza, and Happy looked at each other, and then laughed.

Although Natsu didn't quite understand what was going on, he was also smiling just to fit in with the group.

In fact, he could tell that Juvia liked Gray, he also knew that Juvia was not unconscious just now, and he knew that Kira's story was false, but he didn't know why Gray, who had always avoided Juvia in the past, kissed her, nor did he know Why would Juvia refuse.

"Now, by the way, why did Juvia-san refuse in the end?"

Wendy thought for a long time but couldn't figure out the reason, and looked curiously at Kira, who had the most experience in life.

Kira: "..."

Girl, you asked the wrong person! I just have rich life experience, not emotional experience...

Fortunately, before Kira was embarrassed, Xia Lulu acted as an intermediary: "Didn't I say that I would lose something important? What exactly is it?"

Erza blinked her eyes and said confusedly: "Isn't this the first kiss?"

Hubby curled his tongue and guessed: "Is it moral integrity?"

Kira smiled: "It can't be money, right?"

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