"On the third day of Da Mo Dou's martial arts performance, the fourth fight was a duel between two people. Since both sides were unable to continue the match, it was treated as a draw."

"But this draw is different from the last draw!"

"In the previous battle between 'Snake Scales' and 'Fairy Tail', the final four people just couldn't decide the winner, but they all still had the ability to continue fighting, so they can be retained at the same time;"

"But now in the battle between 'The Sin of the Witch' and 'The Tail of the Crow', since both sides lost their ability to fight before the end of the game, they will be eliminated at the same time!"

This decision of the competition party surprised all the guilds and caused a lot of discussion.

"Huh?? Eliminated at the same time...there is such a settlement method?"

"Yes! After all, they have all lost..."

"It's a pity, but since the rules are like this, there's nothing we can do about it."

Amid the regrets from all the magicians, the third day of the competition officially came to an end.

The staff immediately entered the arena and took action. One group skillfully carried the contestants to the medical room, while the other group skillfully began to repair the arena and prepare for construction.

Looking at the sweaty and hard-working construction workers on the field, Kira sighed: "It's really difficult for these workers. They have to repair it almost every game. Such frequent projects must be very hard, right?"

Gray rolled his eyes and complained speechlessly: "You guy... why do you always put some weird concerns in weird places..."

"Of course you care, right?"

Kira glanced at Gray inexplicably, pointed at the construction workers on the arena and said: "You can assume their identities and see for yourself. Every half an hour, they have to complete a job with exactly the same content, and then do it again. Are you angry as you watch a group of lawless guys destroy the fruits of your labor?"

"Well...it does seem like I don't feel good..."

Suddenly, Kira seemed to think of something, turned around and looked at Makarov and asked: "Speaking of which, the arena has been destroyed so many times in the past three days, but not one of them was because of our Fairy Tail. Isn't it a little weird? It doesn’t make sense, President??”

Makarov suddenly became excited, and then shouted to Kira: "Shut up! Isn't this good now?"

"From now on, our 'Fairy Tail' will no longer be the 'problem guild' in the public mind. I can feel at ease even if I retire..."

It seems that the old man is really planning to retire...

Kira thought secretly, feeling more and more that her chance had come, and her heart suddenly jumped for joy, but her face remained calm: "But the stable 'Fairy Tail' has no soul..."

"Stop talking!! The soul of our guild is companions and family!! Not destructive power!!..."

Not to mention Makarov's rage, Kira approached Mavis: "First Generation, what are you looking at?"

Mebis stretched out a white and tender finger, pointed at the crystal screen in the venue and said: "I'm thinking about the use of those points. This competition is obviously a elimination system, right? So what are these points used for?"

On the crystal screen at the venue, according to the points and number of people of the eight guilds participating in the competition, the order list so far is arranged:

First place: Fairy Tail, 50 points, 6 people left

Second place (tied for first place): Emperor's Shield, 50 points, 6 remaining

Third place: Heart of the Dragon, 40 points, 5 people remaining

Fourth place: Scales of the Snake Princess, 30 points, 5 people remaining

Fifth place: Sin of the Witch, 25 points, 3 people remaining

Sixth place: four hounds, 20 points, 3 people remaining

Seventh place: Cyan Pegasus, 10 points, 2 people remaining

Eighth place (tied for seventh place): Crow's Tail, 10 points, 2 people remaining

This time the Great Magic Fighting Exercise chose an elimination system instead of a points system, but it ended up with the rule of ‘defeating the opponent to gain points’, which is really curious.

"The score in this big game?"

After Kira thought for a moment, his eyes flashed and he said, "If I were to design it, I would add some props that need to be redeemed with points in the subsequent games. It will probably be on the fifth day, after all, it is only the process for that day. Unknown."

"Huh? It sounds reasonable..."

"Anyway, since you get it after winning a battle, the more of these things you have, the better? Speaking of which, luckily I got the 10 points in today's competition, otherwise our guild would be in second place now. .”

As soon as Kira finished speaking, Natsu and Kana shuddered at the same time, and chills crawled up their bodies from the soles of their feet: "Yes... I'm sorry! We have embarrassed the guild..."

Makarov comforted him kindly: "Forget it, forget it, the opponent is that Jula, you can persist until the end of time, you have done a good job!"

Instead of blaming them, they comforted them. Such an attitude made Natsu and Kana even more ashamed.

If the two of them weren't strong enough, they would be number one in the guild rankings now, instead of being tied for number one.

Night, pub.

A group of magicians are celebrating as "Fairy Tail" remains at the top of the rankings for three consecutive days.

"It's such a pity that we both died together in the end."

‘Witch’s Sin’ and others sat at the same table, raised their glasses and expressed regret for the elimination of Markbeth and Eric.

"Actually, at that time, if you two choose to persist until the time is up, wouldn't you be able to avoid being eliminated like Natsu and the others?"

After hearing the complaints from several people, Eric and Mark Beth also looked embarrassed: "If possible, of course we want to win! Besides, who knew that there would be a draw but both were eliminated..."

A night of banquet, the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves.

And at the same time...

In the Palace of Fiore, deep underground, the Eclipse Gate slowly opened.

A beautiful figure wearing a black cloak and standing 1.6 meters tall walked out, and then the door closed again.

The man in black looked around, and after confirming his location, he bypassed the patrolling soldiers in the palace and arrived at the streets of Culokas not long after.

Ten minutes later, the man in black turned into an uninhabited alley and sat down on a chair by the roadside.

A right hand with a pink "Fairy Tail" guild emblem printed on it put down the newspaper he had just bought, then took out a notebook and a pen from his arms, and started to write under the light of the street lamp above his head. Write "shuashuashua" on it.

"The seventh time I opened the solar eclipse door and successfully entered the parallel world, recorded as World No. 7."

"Time, X786, July 3rd, 21:45:37..."

"Location: Aslant - Ishgar - Kurokas - Royal Palace of Fiore - Basement..."

"Big event, the third day of the first Great Demon Fight..."

After an unknown amount of time, the girl finally finished recording the information she had just collected. Then she pulled up her long blond hair that was hanging on the notebook and looked at the content she had written in a daze.

"It seems that this world is still normal so far. I wonder if a solution can be found here?"

"Anyway, let's go find Natsu and me in this world first... No, it's better to find Kira first? Now, are they celebrating in a tavern near the hotel? I remember those people just said it was in this direction …”

The girl no longer hesitated, and immediately stood up and walked out of the deserted dark alley, heading towards a certain pub she had heard about.

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