At 12 o'clock at midnight, Kira left the tavern.

As a mage leading a new era, staying awake day and night is a very important skill, because no one knows when the crisis will come, so it must be done when others are least vigilant and have the weakest defenses. , try to maintain the most complete mental and physical state.

This is definitely not because he didn't care about his health when he was young, or because he often stayed up late making magic props or writing novels as a bad habit.

On the street, Kira's steps were staggering due to drinking.

"The night life in Culokas is quite rich! With all the food, drinks, entertainment, and things to see, can it be said that it really deserves to be the royal capital? There are new things every time I come here... …”

In fact, Kira is not very good at drinking, nor does he like drinking. In the guild, he drinks juice and other drinks most of the time. He will only accompany him when he is in a good mood or the atmosphere around him is good. Friends or drink some by yourself.

As for when he is in a bad mood, Kira prefers drinking tea, because he feels that drinking tea at that time can calm his mind, while drinking alcohol will only make him more depressed. However, in this world, tea is much more expensive than wine.

He drank today because of the atmosphere in the guild and because he was in a good mood.

The atmosphere is high because the guild has been ranked first for three consecutive days. Makarov will definitely celebrate with everyone. He is in a good mood because he defeated one against seven in today's hunting competition. In an instant, he showed off his skills and became the most popular figure in this great magic fight.

In the 'popularity vote' after today's game, the combined votes of Jura in second place, Laxus in third place, and Erza in fourth place were comparable to those of him. Seventy percent of the votes he received. With such data, how could he bear not to drink more than two drinks?

However, while walking, Kira suddenly saw Lucy walking towards her.

Um? ? Lucy? ? Didn't she and Natsu leave long ago?

Kira was confused, but when he saw the black cloak on Lucy, he immediately noticed something was wrong.

"That's my cloak of invisibility??!"

The Concealment Cloak is one of the magic props made by Kira. It has powerful functions such as concealing the user's body shape, smell, body temperature, and magic power. It is an essential prop for tracking dating couples, stalking the person you like, sneak attacks on criminals, and lurking in girls' bathhouses. .

But the cloak of invisibility has only been used a few times for some serious and unspeakable things since it was made by me. The rest of the time it has been kept in the space warehouse without leakage. Lucy cannot get it. …

While he was thinking, Lucy on the opposite side walked closer and closer, and finally stopped three meters in front of Kira: "Kira, there is something I want to tell you!"

Lucy in front of her opened her concealment cloak. Her expression looked a bit tired and nervous.

Despite the concealment cloak, Kira could still notice under the night that her skin was no longer as rosy, soft and delicate as before, and was replaced by something rough, dull, and gray.

"Something you have to tell me??"

Kira tilted her head, pointed at the newspaper in the other person's hand, and said, "If you are going to say 'I am now the most popular in the country', I already know it! After all, I am a guild As the intelligence officer here, isn’t it normal to read the newspaper every day?”

"But you know me, those false reputations are just clouds to me, wow..."

Lucy on the opposite side was awkwardly silent for a long time. After Kira finished laughing, she said worriedly: "That's not what I want to say! It's..."

"Isn't it this one? Is that because you are finally getting married to Natsu? Congratulations... By the way, how do you choose the time and place? Don't worry, the gifts are already prepared..."

"Not this one either!!!"

Although she was very curious about what the 'gift' Kira was talking about, Lucy knew that now was not the time to talk about this and directly interrupted Kira's words.

“What I’m talking about is about the future of this world!!”

Half an hour later, inside a 24-hour restaurant.

Lucy, who claims to tell herself the future of the world, is eating a meal worth one month's rent without any image, while explaining to Kira the reason why she is here.

Kira, on the other hand, sat opposite her, quietly flipping through the notebook she handed to him, which recorded 'all the information he needed to know' from the other party, while listening to the other party's additions.

"Let's start from the very beginning. In June of X784, not long after I joined Fairy Tail, our guild established the 'Snake Princess' Scale', 'Cyan Pegasus' and 'Cat's Lodge' The guild coalition launched a crusade against the 'Six Demon Generals'."

"Wait a minute!! Did time go so far ago??"

As soon as Lucy on the other side spoke, Kira couldn't sit still. I thought you were going to talk about what happened in the future. Why did you talk about conquering the 'Six Demon Generals'?

From the first moment he saw this Lucy, Kira knew that she was not the Lucy who came back from the future where all dragons were destroyed in his memory. Because her right hand was still there, she was not emotionally desperate, just her expression. He just seemed a little tired.

Moreover, she is wearing a concealment cloak that she made herself. This treasure at the bottom of the box cannot be borrowed at will. Maybe she has her own handiwork when she comes here.

So from the beginning to the end, Kira believed that the Lucy in front of her was because of what happened in the future, so under the instruction of her future self, she used the solar eclipse to travel to the present future Lucy.

But now it seems not, the situation is much more complicated than I thought!

Could it be Lucy from a parallel world? ?

"Yes, I know you are in a hurry, but don't be anxious yet!"

Lucy in black took a sip of expensive snacks and said, "I came to this world through a solar eclipse and a parallel world passage, Lucy in another world! You should be able to understand what I say. ?”

Knew it……

Kira was a little disappointed when he heard that the other party was not Lucy from the future, but he was still quite curious about the so-called parallel world. After all, he had already seen another of his artificial humans.

Having said that, Edras is actually a parallel world, right? After all, there is a certain "difference" between parallel worlds, and the "difference" between Edras and Aslant is the existence of magic.

So essentially, the Lucy in front of me is the same kind of person as Mystergang, Disper, and Polyucica.

But this tone of voice... is really my style! Now I am more and more sure that Lucy’s appearance here is related to ‘me’!

"Okay, Lucy from the parallel world, why did you come to our world?"

"Listen to me and walk through the matter from beginning to end, and you will understand."

Kira chuckled in his heart, stretched out his hand and made a 'please' gesture: "Start your speech!"

Lucy in black nodded, sorted out her thoughts, and continued her story: "Natsu, Habib, Erza, and Gray, I, according to the president's instructions, went to the villa of the president of the 'Blue Pegasus' to fight with the coalition forces. After the meeting, we fought against the 'Six Demon Generals' in the White Tree Sea."

"Although there were some difficult battles during the period, we still defeated them, and then sent six people according to the intelligence to destroy the power source of 'Nirvana'."

"But just when we were about to destroy 'Nirvana', an accident happened!"

Hearing this, Kira quickly stretched out her hand: "Wait! Let me interrupt! Didn't Laxus, Laxus, and Urrutia show up at that time?"

Lucy in black shook her head and said with regret: "No! As far as I know, you and Laxus have both gone on missions. As for Urrutia, I don't know where she was at that time."

Didn't you participate in this crusade? It seems that there are indeed some things in that world and that time that are different from our own world...

Kira remembered that at that time, he, Laxus and Urrutia appeared one after another. Later, due to the activation of 'Nirvana', there were conflicts within the 'Six Demon Generals', and they were all killed by him.

"Go on."

"Okay... According to Hibiki of 'Blue Pegasus', the weakness of 'Nirvana' is at the root of the six tentacles. It can be destroyed by breaking the crystals placed there at the same time. However, when we destroy these six crystals , not only was 'Nirvana' not destroyed, but others became stronger and even more out of control, which had a huge impact on us!!"

Hearing this, Kira's expression became stunned, and he blinked his eyes in confusion: "What did you say?! 'Nirvana' has been enhanced?!"


Lucy in black looked solemn, "Based on our subsequent investigation, it is highly likely that it was tampered with by an unknown person at some point, which led to this result!"

"In short, at that moment, 'Nirvana', which was uncontrollable and far more effective than what the intelligence described, took effect. Everyone in the coalition, including Erza, Natsu, Gray, and even Jura-san and Ichiyo-san, no one The exceptions all fell into darkness, but on the contrary, all the 'Six Demon Generals' became good people!"

"Only me, because Hololochim escaped death!"

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