The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 871 Big news that shocked the world

Time passed in the sound of crackling rain. In the blink of an eye, the seven-day rainstorm ended. After the rain, the sky cleared and the sun returned to the sky over Alabasta.

At this time, Kira had already led everyone to leave Alabasta and embarked on the road to Sky Island.

The purpose of this trip is to collect all the gold on the empty island.

Next, they had to go to heaven, and the magicians who had no knowledge of navigation skills would definitely not choose to use the Baroque Works' sailboat, so Kira took advantage of her time in Albana to modify the Hope and It becomes a huge mobile fortress that can accommodate everyone's lives.

Originally, Kira planned to divide into two teams, but was unanimously rejected by everyone.

"I said, is it really okay for you to go together? It's an altitude above 10,000 meters, and the air is very thin!"

Kira pointed at Lebby who was sitting opposite her, looked at Gajeel and said, "What Lebby needs most now is to find a place to recuperate, right?"

Rebby was a little shy and smiled shyly: "It's okay, isn't Wendy here? Besides, I think it will be safer to be with everyone! You can't leave me in a place like Alabasta, right? ??”

"This makes sense..."

Under Lebby's strong request, Kira could only agree to take everyone with her. Fortunately, the modified Hope has a larger capacity and more rooms. In order to facilitate care, Kira also arranged the original two-person room. The bedroom has been changed to a room for four people, so even if the total number of people now reaches twenty, it is completely enough.

Soon, Kira led everyone to Gaya Island according to the record pointer bought from Alabasta.

From Alabasta, which was full of yellow sand, back to the great sea route between the sea and the sky, the magicians felt extremely comfortable physically and mentally, as if they had received some kind of sacred baptism.

The magnificent sea surface, the sunny sky, the salty sea breeze, and the violent fish and birds make the leisurely sailing on the sea a little more interesting.

Suddenly, a news bird flew over the sea.

Newsbirds are the strongest messengers along the Grand Line and even across the sea. Their main duty every day is to deliver messages. They can be seen basically everywhere except in windless areas.

There are many news agencies in the entire sea, but Kira only knows one, which is the World Economic News Agency. Its president is Morgans, a person with the ability in the form of the Bird Fruit Albatross, one of the emperors of the underground world. In the World Chapter, Appeared as a guest of Charlotte Lingling, and basically all the newspapers mentioned in the plot of "One Piece" were published by this company.

The newsbirds of each newspaper office are dressed up differently. The bird has pure white fur, a hat that looks like an officer's hat, and a backpack hanging around its neck. Inside the package is the hat it wants to sell today. and money received from selling newspapers.

"Hello, here's a newspaper!!" Kira waved vigorously to the news bird from a distance, called it over, casually took out 50 beli and put it into the 'coin tube' of the package.

This news bird's eyes showed a very human look. Its eyes flashed crazily, and its long neck looked left and right. It looked at the Hope curiously, and seemed to be interested in Kira, an iron box that could fly in the sky. Accident.

However, when it saw Kira planning to drop Bailey and then take away a newspaper, it suddenly made a move. It slapped Kira's hand with its right wing and took out a piece of wood from its backpack. There were a few big words clearly written on the sign - Newspaper prices increased today! 1,000 Baileys a portion!

"Hiss... the price has increased so much?!"

Kira took a deep breath, 1,000 Baileys, how many Choppers can this buy? !

"Hey! What's going on?! Isn't a newspaper usually only 50 Baileys, or 100 Baileys at most? Why is it so expensive today?!"

However, the news bird would not answer Kira's words. It just gave Kira a stern look: "Do you want to buy it or not? Today's news is explosive. It's your loss if you don't watch it!" ! ’

"You deserve a beating, don't you?!" Kira clenched her fists as if to hit him, but the news bird showed no fear at all and even whistled mockingly.

"So arrogant??"

Kira was stunned, "Is today's news really explosive?? What could it be?... Oh, I know! My movements in Alabasta these days must have been recorded! It seems like, The first step of my plan has been realized, so congratulations!"

Thinking of this, Kira felt reassured, and immediately retracted her fist with joy, but still warned: "If I find that it is not worth the price, I will not buy your newspaper in the future!!"

If you don’t lean too much, you’ll end up with both money and goods.

Kira threw 1,000 Baileys directly into it with one hand, and at the same time took the latest newspaper handed over by the other party and read it with interest.

However, as Kira set her sights on the newspaper and glanced at the news headlines published on it, the smiling face that lasted for less than three seconds froze in an instant, because it only took less than ten minutes to read. On one side of the small section, he mentioned himself, and the title "The Rain God Comes to Alabasta" was not even bolded or enlarged.

The big news that actually caused the price of this issue to double and occupy almost the entire newspaper was...

"Fall of the Four Emperors?" ! ‘Big Mom’ Charlotte Lingling suffered a huge loss! ! ! 》

"The woman who combines beauty and strength, Aileen Belserion!" ! ! 》

"Resurrection from the Dead?" ? Incredible people reappear in the world! ! 》

"The Coming of a New Era?" ! A person who calls himself a magician! ! 》



The moment she saw these titles, Kira's pupils shrank and her heart was shaken. Looking down again, she blurted out 'f*ck'.

"What's wrong, Kira?"

Everyone noticed Kira's movements and rushed over after hearing the sound. They saw that his head was almost completely buried in the newspaper in his hand, and he kept saying "cow", "oh my god" and "what the hell" one after another.

I don't know how long it took, but Kira threw the newspaper to the ground and said angrily: "Damn it! You're a step too slow! All the limelight has been stolen!!"

All the wizards looked at each other and blinked in confusion, not knowing what was going on. Finally, Habib stepped forward to pick up the newspaper and took it back to show everyone.

Put the newspaper on the ground and slowly spread it out. The first thing everyone saw was not the bold and shocking text, but a photo that someone didn't know how to capture -

The location in the picture is a town that was badly damaged and almost reduced to ruins;

The protagonist of the picture is a woman with a cold yet charming face and an explosively sexy figure. She has long crimson hair, wears a dark and sexy magic robe, and holds an exquisite antler magic wand, embodying grace. The noble temperament of a queen is combined with the shocking strength.

The magicians recognized her identity at a glance, and their eyes suddenly lit up: "Is it Irene-san?! She was in the newspaper??!"

Opposite Irene is also a woman. She is 880cm tall, with long pink curly hair, thick lipstick and light purple eye shadow. She wears a pirate hat and a large pink dress. She is fat and has fat all over her body. , with a ferocious face, and eyes filled with shock and disbelief.

The wizards didn’t know this person, but through the description in the newspaper, they soon learned her identity—one of the overlords of the new world, ‘Big Mom’ Charlotte Lingling! !

"Irene defeated the 'Four Emperors'??"

"Speaking of which, during the front-end time communication, she did say that she was in the new world, and she was still in the territory of 'Auntie'... But how did they get involved??"

There was more than one picture in the newspaper. In addition to Irene and Big Mom, there were other people from both sides facing each other.

On Eileen's side, everyone recognized the moon dragon Selene, the twelve-shield Neinhardt, Brandish and Timaria. Surprisingly, the three Mira siblings were also with them. ;

On Auntie's side are his children, headed by the "Four Sweets Generals" who are famous in the New World. In addition, there are the eldest son, "Candy Minister" Charlotte Perospero, and the third son. 'Bean Minister' Charlotte Daifuku, fourth son 'Baking Minister' Charlotte Owen, and more than a dozen famous pirates. However, the conditions of these people are not very good at the moment. They are all injured or injured. When he is lying on the ground, he is basically in a state of 'group destruction'.

The most important thing is that those who destroyed 'Big Mom' and the others were a group of people who could shake the entire ocean, stir up world governments, and make everyone who saw the news suspect that there was something wrong with their eyes. They were a group of people who no one knew about decades ago. Everyone knows it, but let’s not talk about the great pirates who have died long ago, Captain John’s group of legendary pirates, the key lies in the other two people——

Locks D. Gibek! ! !

as well as……

‘One Piece’ Gol D. Roger! ! !

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