The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 872 Malinfando holds an emergency meeting

Malinfando, Naval Headquarters, Marshal's Office.

As the marshal of the navy, Warring States was already in a state of distress. The seagull-shaped military cap was trembling on the top of his head. Even a blind man could see that he was not at peace in his heart.

There was a fresh newspaper published today on the desk in front of Sengoku. The content of the newspaper was the big news that the 'Big Mom' pirate group was destroyed in the new world and Charlotte Lingling was defeated.

In addition to the newspapers, there is also a telephone bug on the table. This phone bug is very special. It is specially used by Wulaoxing to issue orders to the navy marshal. There is only one like this in the entire navy headquarters.

At this time, this phone bug was on the phone. The expression on the little snail's face changed back and forth between anger and resentment. Obviously, like the Warring States Period, the five old immortals opposite were also in a state of shock, confusion, confusion and dissatisfaction. Believe it or not.

"What on earth is going on with Ten Thousand Kingdoms, Warring States Period?! Why do these people who died long ago reappear?!"

"There was such a big movement, but the navy didn't receive any news in advance. How did you become a marshal?! What do the navy stationed in the New World do for food?!"

You ask me, who am I asking? ? A bunch of stinking old people hide in Mary Joy every day, drinking tea and sleeping leisurely. If anything happens, they will look for me! !

Warring States roared crazily in his heart, but his face was calm, but there was a trace of clearly visible irritation in his eyebrows. He interpreted his worried look very well and forwarded it to Wulaoxing through the phone bug.

As a wise general, he knows a little bit about acting!

"The resurrection of the dead is so ridiculous that it is absolutely impossible! These people must be deliberately pretending to be dead pirates to build momentum and attempt to disrupt the new world!"

"But forget it Roger. Since they know Rocks, they must know something about the history decades ago! And being able to destroy the Big Mom Pirates shows that their strength cannot be underestimated. I have summoned All the generals and lieutenant generals of this department convened an emergency meeting to focus on handling this matter!..."

Needless to say, Warring States is worthy of being hailed as a 'wise general'. In just a few words, he characterized this incident as a 'conspiracy of careerists', and even acted as a person who was anxious and anxious during the exchange, but he had tried his best to save it, and there were already The marshal image of the solution won the Five Old Stars' appetite.

The two sides have been dealing with each other for many years, and Warring States knew very well that as long as he behaved like this, these five idle old immortals would not continue to be as irritable as tigers whose tails were stepped on.

Sure enough, as usual, the Five Old Stars hung up the phone after a few words of shameless nagging. Although they had a high status and great power, because they could not leave the Holy Land easily, they had to leave everything to the Warring States Period. Nothing can be done but blame and yell.

As for the nagging words, it is nothing more than about Rocks and Roger. The idea of ​​'a pirate who is good at disguise disguised as Gol D. Roger' is a bit outrageous, but it is enough as a means to fool the people, so The key to the whole thing is Rocks.

After the world government's vigorous blockade, most pirates have never heard of this name. Once he is exposed, the shame that the other party left for the Celestial Dragons in the Valley of Gods will reappear in the world sooner or later. So this matter must be taken seriously.

After hanging up the phone, Zhan Guo no longer restrained his anger and directly greeted Wulaoxing. Fortunately, there was no one in the whole office, only a sheep, so he didn't have to worry about losing all the baggage of his image.

After five minutes of venting and cursing, Zeng Guo looked at the clock and found that it was almost time for the meeting, so he got up, put on his work clothes, and went out to the conference room.

The atmosphere in the conference room was solemn.

The three generals Akainu, Kizaru, and Aokiji, Lieutenant General He, Navy hero Garp, and all the general candidates, lieutenant generals, and major generals of the headquarters were sitting in their seats, waiting for the arrival of the Warring States Period.

However, their respective expressions are different.

Take a few people with names as an example. Akainu has a serious face and frowns, Kizaru is trimming his nails, Aoji is sleeping, and Garp is eating senbei. This is the common state in every meeting.

These people have an important position, so they can act unscrupulously in the meeting, but the people below do not dare to do so. In addition, there are huge things to be discussed in today's meeting, so they are on pins and needles at this time and can only communicate with each other with their eyes.

‘Tell me, what’s going on in the newspaper? Can anyone really come back from the dead? ? ’

'How can it be? It must be disguised! It should be some kind of devil fruit ability...'

‘Perhaps Morgans took the money and deliberately made big news? In any case, it is too outrageous that the Four Emperors were destroyed by the group! ’

‘You all talk about resurrection from the dead, but I don’t know anyone except the Pirate King. Can anyone tell me about those people who have been resurrected? ’

‘Don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask! To avoid getting into trouble, you are not as good as the brother next to you... By the way, why does he keep staring at General Porusalino? ’

‘Well…he just asked me why General Porusalino’s nails grow so fast. I see him trimming his nails every time we have a meeting. ’


Amidst a silent exchange of glances, Warring States finally walked into the conference room, and the navy also cheered up, waiting for the leader's questions.


Warring States slapped the conference table, pointed at the newspaper on it, and asked loudly: "What on earth is going on with the affairs of all nations, Sakaski?! There is such a big movement, and the navy stationed in the New World has no news at all. Received in advance, how did you become a general?"

Warring States learned and used the familiar words and the familiar tone, and applied the words that Five Old Stars scolded him to his subordinates.

Sure enough, after pushing the pot down like this, I felt much better.

Although the three generals have the same position, they are each responsible for slightly different areas of combating pirates. Akainu is the person responsible for leading the navy to combat the most pirates in the New World.

Akainu did not contradict his superiors, but just lowered his head and was being scolded silently. He knew that Sengoku was just showing off to everyone, so that he could give an explanation to the World Government above him and the navy below.

There was no news about this incident beforehand. It was indeed the Navy of the New World that had neglected its duties. The fault of this negligence was not big, but it needed someone to take the blame, and he was the only candidate.

Sengoku's reprimand was indeed very short, ending in less than a minute. This was different from the Gorohoshi who scolded him for a long time, because he knew that there was such a thing as "blaming the navy for not receiving news from the Yonko's territory" How funny.

In fact, Sengoku, like the Five Old Stars, just wanted to find someone to vent his anger.

"Dark Horse, please report what exactly happened!"


Dark Horse is the director of the Naval Criminal Investigation Bureau. He looks a bit older and wears a pair of sunglasses on his face.

The Criminal Investigation Bureau, just by hearing its name, you know that its importance is similar to that of Impel Down, and the corresponding rights are not low. Therefore, even if he is not the 'highest combat power' like the three generals, no one dares to ignore him. His weight in the Navy.

"According to information, the Big Mom Pirates are facing off this time with a group of people who call themselves 'magisters'. They call the power they use 'magic'."

Upon hearing the news, the navy below were all stunned: "Magic... what is that? I've never heard of it!"

"Then 'magic' is probably just their name for the devil fruit's ability, right?"

At this time, Aokiji had already taken off his blindfold. After hearing this special term, he immediately speculated, "I heard that people in Wano Country refer to the ability of Devil Fruit as 'witchcraft.' Could they be similar?" situation? Also from a place that has lost contact with the outside world? "

Is that so? !

The navy suddenly realized: What Admiral Kuzan said makes sense! No wonder he can become a general. This knowledge alone is beyond our comparison!

"I think so too!"

Dark Horse nodded and agreed with Aokiji's point of view, "Because according to the subsequent investigation results, I found that no matter whether it is the New World, the Grand Line or the Four Seas, there are no criminal records of these people! Even a month ago, these people There’s not even a record of life, it’s like it just appeared out of nowhere.”

Is there such a thing? ? !

There have never been records, people appear out of nowhere...

Thinking about it this way, it is indeed possible that they came from a certain secluded island, and then went out to sea for unknown reasons. However, due to the lack of contact with the outside world for a long time or the unique local culture, the people there called the Devil Fruit ability ' Magic', it makes sense to call people with abilities 'magicians'!

The dark horse point was reached without further speculation. His duty was to search criminal records. As for analyzing the origins of criminals and their danger to the world, that was what Lieutenant General He and the Warring States Marshal should do.

In his opinion, since these people can't find any criminal records, and they didn't call themselves "pirates" when they attacked the Big Mom Pirates this time, the Navy has no reason to arrest them!

You can even think of them as bounty hunters!

However, he knew in his heart that not to mention that the other party defeated a Yonko and greatly affected the balance of power in the new world. Just because they were mixed with those 'dead pirates', it was destined to be impossible to treat them just as bounty hunters.

Dark Horse walked to the blackboard in the conference hall and circled the place where Erin's photo was posted: "There are eight magicians in total, six women and two men, headed by the woman who defeated Big Mom."

"According to eyewitnesses, this woman can transform into a giant dragon and is suspected to be a user of the animal-type fantasy beast species 'Fish Fruit Red Dragon Form'!!"

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