"'Crimson Dragon' Erin Belserion, with a bounty of 3 billion beli;"

"'Moon Dragon' Selene, with a bounty of 2.898 billion Baileys;"

"'Summoner of the Dead' Neinhardt, bounty of 2.27 billion Beli;"

"'Female Assassin' Timaria, with a bounty of 1 billion 5500 beli;"

"'Giantess' Brandish, with a bounty of 994 million beli;"

“‘Witch’ Mirajane has a bounty of 1.061 billion Baileys;”

"'Beast King' Elfman, with a bounty of 577 million Baileys;"

“‘Hundred Demons’ Lisanna has a bounty of 330 million beli.”

On the Hope, Kira fell into deep silence as she looked at the news in the newspaper and the new bounty order issued by the World Government.

He also didn't expect that his plan to shake the entire sea would be hit at the first step, and the source of the hit was his own people! !

He had originally planned to build momentum in Alabasta first, and then show off his skills in a big scene such as the War on the Summit. It would be best to defeat Whitebeard in front of the entire world, and then announce the coming of a new era, and at the same time use Robin and historical texts to revise a new history for the world government, bringing the entire sea into the age of magic.

What's the result now?

Irene and her group killed Big Mom first, directly exposing the existence of the magicians to the eyes of the navy, pirates and other forces. They also caused huge changes in the maritime forces. In this way, let alone their own This is an earth-shattering plan, and I am afraid that I will be tired of dealing with the supervision of the magicians by various forces.

You know, there are still dozens of friends who are still missing. They are not as strong as me. Once their existence is exposed, they will definitely be labeled as "Irene" by those people, and I am afraid that trouble will continue...

But now that it was over, Kira had no choice but to speed up her pace.

What Kira didn't know was that because Irene's defeat of Big Mom caused a new disturbance in the new world, the Navy had already begun to take action, and because of the memory of Roger's corpse, Ace temporarily gave up his pursuit of Blackbeard. Hunt, now has set off for the new world.

"Everyone is so awesome..."

Wendy, Xia Lulu, Erza and others gathered together and looked at the reward sheets and newspapers placed on the table, with envy in their eyes: "3 billion Baileys?! You are truly worthy of Irene-san!!"

The purchasing power of the currency of One Piece World and that of Fairy Tail World are almost the same, and they are basically equivalent to the Japanese yen. Therefore, 3 billion Baileys is also 3 billion J, which is equivalent to a hundred times the bonus of the Grand Demon Fighting Martial Arts Champion! !

"Has Selene come here too? That's right. Her magic is of the space system. It's normal for her to want to come in and take a look when she encounters a space crack. Moreover, she has 2.898 billion in the first battle. She really deserves to be the 'Moon God Dragon' !!”

"Habi, look! Mira has a bounty of more than 1 billion?! You can't even sell us for that much money, right?" Natsu and Habi looked at each other in horror, recalling what they had seen There was not much left in the small treasury, and his eyes turned red with envy.

Lucy held Brandish's bounty list and looked confused: "Brandish's nickname is actually 'Giantess'?! And her bounty is actually so much lower than that of Timaria and Milasan." many??"

"Perhaps it's because she didn't show her full strength during the battle? After all, you know her character well!"

"That makes sense..."

Gajeel and Marcus were complaining about a certain muscular man: "Hey, hey... Elfman is too inferior, isn't he?! He only has more than 500 million? He is completely outclassed! It's really embarrassing It’s all in our Fairy Tail’s face!!”

"Incredible! Even Lisanna..."

Several people were amazed and pointed at the pile of bounties. They were either envious that this person's bounty was too high, or complained that that person's bounty was too low. In short, they all made a fuss.

Seeing the noisy atmosphere, Robin was extremely shocked. His eyes widened, cold sweat broke out on his face, and a few strands of bangs in front of his forehead were wet: "Do these people... understand that the bounty exceeded 100 million for the first time?" How valuable is it?!”

"No, compared to that, defeating the 'Four Emperors' is the most surprising thing, right?!"

"It seems that I have really found a good group of partners this time??"

"Ahem!! With Irene-san's strength, a bounty of 3 billion Baileys is actually quite small, because the current 'Yonko''s bounties are all over 4 billion Baileys. Defeating a 'Big Mom' should be It should be more, but maybe it’s because the World Government has never heard of Irene-san before, so the first bounty is so small..."

Kira explained to everyone, "But having said that, the first bounty was 3 billion beli, which is probably the first in the entire sea! You know, the first time in history that the bounty exceeded 100 million, you can count it on one hand. come over!"

Wendy asked curiously: "But didn't Irene-san and the others attack the pirates? Why are they still being rewarded??"

"Maybe it's because of Neinhardt's magic..."

Kira pinched the newspaper in her hand and looked at Rocks, Roger and others in the photo, her eyes filled with surprise. Even the Pirate King and Rocks can be summoned, which will definitely attract the attention of the navy and even the world government!

And since Neinhardt has such an ability, even if the navy does not understand the characteristics of corpse memory magic and does not know that the individual strength of the summoned dead is far less powerful than the user, so the bounty of more than 2.2 billion is not enough. No wonder.

Thinking of this, Kira couldn't help but sigh: "Sure enough, in a place where the stronger the dead are, the stronger the magic effect is, summoning the undead is really popular, and even the bounty is higher than the other two twelve shields. Double!!”

If there really is a top-level war by then, as long as Neinhardt is released one by one, maybe they can get a million troops for nothing, including a bunch of extremely powerful masters! !

While several people were immersed in newspapers and bounty lists, the Hope was ascending to the sky at an even speed.

Anti-gravity magic can make the target break away from the attraction of the earth and achieve the effect of levitating, ascending to the sky, and moving freely. Normally, it does not take much effort to reach the sky.

The formation of empty islands originates from sea currents rising into the sky.

Under the sea, there is a huge cavity. Low-temperature seawater flows into the cavity and is heated by the ground to generate steam. When the steam pressure reaches a certain level, it will erupt.

The sky currents brought horny particles called 'PYROBROIN' to the sky, where they condensed with water vapor and changed the density, thereby forming 'island clouds' and 'sea clouds'. Afterwards, the Sky Islanders further compressed the island clouds, changed their density, and created Artificially processed clouds can be used to make 'Cloud River Road' or building materials.

In the world of pirates, there are not many empty islands that have been mentioned before and after, and Kira only knows a few:

The 'Kingdom of Gods' located above Gaya Island, which is where Luffy and others arrived in the plot, includes 'Angel Island' and 'Apayado', the latter is the part of Gaya Island that washed up into the sky. , buried in the golden city 'Shandara';

'Small Sky Island' Visalia, the island where Nami lived during the two years when she was photographed by a bear, has very mature meteorological technology. It is the only sky island where you can freely visit Qinghai, and it is also the closest sky island to Qinghai. ;

Bika, a small island in the south, the hometown of Elnilu, was destroyed by Elnilu 18 years ago and wiped off the map;

In addition, according to the NPC Ganfuor in the plot, there is a high-speed air road from the 'Top of the West' to the 'Kingdom of Gods'. It is an ordinary route from Qinghai to Baibai Sea. Along the way, you can I met many empty islands; accordingly, when I return to Qinghai, I have to go to the 'End of the Cloud' in the east.

The purpose of Kira's trip was Shantora's gold treasure and various shells.

But at this time, most of the gold should be in the hands of Enel, so Kira can only say sorry to Enel!

According to ancient wisdom, it is a sin to possess a jade.

If Enelu is to be blamed, let’s blame those Qinghai people! Who told them that gold was so valuable?

As for shellfish, they are a specialty of Kongdao and rare in Qinghai. The principle of action is to store and then release.

In fact, things like 'Yin Bei', 'Wei Bei', 'Light Bei' and 'Feng Bei' have similar functions to magic props, but as we all know, even if two things have the same function, they can still be sold as long as they are packaged differently. Good price.

This is like reskinning a Fairy Tail IP mobile game into a Pirates IP mobile game. Although the core code and gameplay of the game are exactly the same, only the name and skin have been changed, it can still attract many players to make money. .

What's more, the principles of shells and magic props are different. This is equivalent to two games, one is developed in JAVA and the other is developed in C++, but they have the same game functions.

Of course, Kira always remembers that he is a businessman, so he can directly take the gold that belongs to the ownerless things; but those shells are the product of the labor of the Sky Island people, and he must not rob them in vain.

He decided to do business with the Sky Islanders!

Things are rare and valuable. When he was in Alabasta, he had already purchased a batch of "Qinghai goods", which were mainly steel and sand.

The source of steel is the military equipment of the rebels.

After all, they had decided not to fight, so Alabasta could not allow its citizens to have such a high level of armed strength, so they ordered them to take action.

As for the sand…

The most important thing in Alabasta is sand!

In fact, for Sky Island people, what is precious is not sand, but land, but this does not stop Kira from using the 'world's only' magic to create land, or cutting a small piece from an island in Qinghai. It's still very simple for him!

You know, he can permanently enlarge the 'small garden' several times!

Kira and others did not ride on the soaring ocean current like Luffy and his friends in the original work. Instead, after arriving at Gaya Island, they flew directly into the sky, and their journey was extremely smooth.

Not long after, the Hope had broken through the clouds and arrived at the White Sea, an altitude of 7 kilometers above Qinghai.

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