The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 881 Arriving at the White Sea, let’s have a meal of grilled fish first

Baihai is an empty sea located 7 kilometers above Qinghai.

Compared with the sea surface of the Grand Line, the front, rear, left and right here are pure white, the air is thin, the wind speed is very high, but there is not a single ripple in the sky and sea.

Suddenly, in this boundless pure white field, a huge iron box jumped out, and then floated motionless in the air.

The top of the iron box slowly opened, revealing a group of magicians inside.

"Is this Sky Island?"

"Oh oh oh!! How amazing! Is this Kukai? It's completely different from the ordinary sea surface!!"

Natsu and the others exclaimed in surprise, looking excited, wanting to explore here immediately, but when they saw the white surroundings, they were instantly disappointed.

Suddenly, several people discovered that besides Kukai, there were also clusters of pure white clouds below.

"What are these around? They are soft and fluffy, so soft and elastic, just like a quilt!"

"It's fun! I've decided, let's call them Mianmianyun!"

A few people tried pressing the edge of the Nozomi for a few times, and found that these clouds had a certain degree of solidity and would not sink even if they put their hands on them. They immediately became more playful and ran directly to it to play on the trampoline. .

Mianmian clouds are actually a kind of cloud with a density between sea clouds and island clouds. They are more solid than sea clouds, but softer than island clouds. To put it bluntly, they should be the same as the ball in charge of one of the four priests, the big fat man. Similar to those spherical clouds in Trials.

"Hey, Natsu! Control your fire!! After all, these clouds are actually water. If they burn, we will fall!"

"Ahhh~ Juvia and Gray-sama have another date place!!"

"You guys, be careful when playing, don't get bounced off!"

Erza continued to play the role of 'admonisher' as always, "This is an altitude of 7 kilometers! If we really fall, we may not have time to save you..."

"It's so magical!! We are actually lying on the clouds now? It's as dreamy as a fairy tale!" Melty and Wendy were so excited that they rolled around on the clouds with comfortable expressions on their faces.

Lucy looked at the surrounding scenes with glowing eyes, looking like "I want to write this in my adventure diary." Suddenly, she seemed to have thought of something, and asked aloud: "By the way, we just saw What is that? A fish? But why does the shape look so weird?"

Robin, as one of the few knowledgeable people on the entire Hope, stood up and answered: "That's an empty fish. It grew like that because of the special environment!"

Hearing this novel name, Habi suddenly drooled with greed, and his eyes turned into love hearts: "Kongyu?! I wonder if it tastes good..."

"Haha... Do you want to try catching one?"

"May I?!"

After getting along with each other for this period of time, Robin has become acquainted with all the magicians. Of course, her favorite among them is the three kittens Habi, and she often teases them.

Kira was not surprised by this. After all, in the original plot, Robin had a good relationship with Chopper after boarding the Golden Merli, which shows that she likes children and cute pets very much.


I really like children and cute pets...

Children and cute pets...


Momonosuke must die! ! !

Kira took a few hard breaths and felt that breathing was indeed a little more difficult than usual. He knew that this was due to the thin oxygen at high altitudes, which caused altitude sickness.

However, this level of hypoxia is not worth mentioning to magicians like them. You must know that even the famous Zonia Mountains in the Kingdom of Fiore, a plateau snow-capped mountain exceeding 8 kilometers, they and their group Can also move freely.

After taking a minute to adjust to the surrounding air, Kira recalled the experience in Kukai just now.

To be honest, that feeling is not good at all, because Kukai is basically the same as the sea. There is water up, down, left and right, but the height is limited, about a few hundred meters.

If they were like the Straw Hats and came up on the soaring ocean current, then the air and sea in this section would be separated by the current, and a channel with air would be formed for a short time. However, the Hope flew up directly, so it must Cross that sea.

Although the Hope can be fully enclosed and use magic props to see what's going on outside, it is an airship after all, not a submarine!

Fortunately, this period of time is not long, otherwise Kira would really be worried about whether there would be water leakage - although he has absolute confidence in his magic and magic props, there will inevitably be a thought like 'what if' in his mind idea.

Everyone was chattering, their expressions were excited, their eyebrows were flying, and they were full of curiosity about everything around them.

After Kira took stock of the future arrangements in her mind, she came to her senses and found that Natsu and the others had already caught several empty fish and were grilling them.

Although the current chef on the Hope is Erza, except for dinner and Kira's request, the rest of the time she decides whether to cook or not based on her mood. Therefore, to be honest, Erza's job as a chef is Not very competent.

But no one dared to say anything about it.

nonsense! Among this group of people, except for Kira, who can command himself, the royal cook, at any time because he is the captain, president, and boss who pays wages, who dares to say to Erza, "Go and make me something to eat." "ah? ?

The skin was split open by him!

But they couldn't change a chef. After all, among them, Erza was the best at cooking.

Fortunately, there were a lot of snacks on board the Hope, and Nazgre and the others would occasionally catch some fish and birds for their own meals, so they didn't have to worry about going hungry.

Natsu and Habi's ability to survive in the wild is relatively high among these people. Their survival skills, especially barbecue, are even more handy for them, and grilled fish in barbecue is their specialty. 'Fairy Tail' is unmatched, mainly due to Happy's constant greed and Natsu's fire magic training.

It didn't take long for Natsu to finish several pieces of grilled fish. He poured a thin layer of oil on them, sprinkled a little salt from the kitchen, and added a little seasoning. Suddenly the color seemed to be golden and the fish was glowing, and the aroma was fragrant. The mouth and tongue are moist, the meat is charred on the outside and tender on the inside, and the taste is extremely delicious.


Natsu is a person who is willing to share. After baking, he first gave one to Happy, because it was originally to satisfy his oral desire, and then gave one to Lucy. This was to take care of his girlfriend, and the third one was Passed it to Lebby.

Now on the entire Hope, only Kira can order Erza to cook for him, and there is only one person who can make Erza, or even everyone else, take the initiative to ask if they want to eat, and that is Lebby. As for the reason, …

Of course it’s because she is pregnant now!

Although Natsu's IQ and EQ are not high, he is sometimes surprisingly sensitive to certain things, but usually it's about Lucy.

But this time after learning that Lebby was pregnant, Natsu actually calmed down a lot from his constant quarrels every day. He also had fewer quarrels with Gajeel. He even sometimes acted reserved and even attentive in front of Lebby.

Kira and others all knew that this was Natsu's nature and he valued life very much.

When Natsu carefully hatched Hapi's egg, he was almost in the same state. Because there was a precedent, Kira, Erza, Gray and others were not surprised by his performance.

It's just that every time Natsu makes a move, Gajeel's face stinks!

‘This is my uncle’s woman, Fire Dragon, what are you doing here to join in the fun? I want to show my courtesy to your Lucy.' These words were almost written on his face.

Lucy wasn't jealous, he knew that Natsu was always lacking in strength.

There wasn't much grilled fish, so a few people had a simple barbecue on Mianmianyun. After eating it in a few times to fill their stomachs, they started to feel bored.

"It's so boring! This is Sky Island? Didn't I say Sky Island would be interesting? There is obviously nothing here now!"

Kira raised her right index finger, pointed at the top of her head, and replied matter-of-factly: "Of course! Because our destination is higher up, and the real sky island is in the Baibai Sea, which is more than three thousand meters above here!"

"Eh?! Why didn't you say something like that earlier?!"

Several people were immediately shocked, and then cast inquiring glances at Kira, "Since we haven't arrived yet, why don't we continue flying up? What are we doing here?"

"Well... I mainly want to see if there is anyone here and if there is a road to other empty islands, but it seems to be difficult to find now!"

The white sea in front of us is covered with continuous clouds. Although these clouds are extremely elastic, they are very solid and cannot be penetrated at all. They also form an obstacle to the navigation of ships in an irregular manner.

Ordinary people can only get here by sailing boat, so it will be extremely difficult to move forward. It is impossible without certain navigation skills. If you cannot move forward, the only result is to be trapped in this white sea, and finally fall into Qinghai one day. .

However, Kira and his team did not have this concern.

Because this kind of obstacle is not difficult for magicians like them, as long as they cast a magic spell, they can break up all these clouds and open up a bright and wide road.

Of course, the most important thing is that the Hope can fly!

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