The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 887 Enelu: I can’t beat him, how can I beat you?

Enel was born on a sky island called Bika. From childhood to adulthood, he has always had the same longing as other sky islanders, which is to go to the earth.

Later, by accident, he discovered a treasure in an ancient ruins.

There are three things in the treasure: the Thunder Fruit, after he ate it, he became a natural devil fruit user and gained the power of thunder; the ultra-high-tech ark design drawings were left by his predecessors, using It is used to build a ship that can travel to the earth, and the power of the ship is thunder and lightning; a notebook that mainly records the adventures of the owner of the treasure.

According to the content in the notes, he learned that the Sky Islanders did not live on the Sky Island from the beginning, but lived in one place, on the endless land, where there was no water or clouds, and it was the birthplace of the 'god'. , that place is the moon.

The ancestors of the Sky Island people and their 'gods' rode an ark called 'Proverbs' from the Infinite Land to the Pirate Planet. Using certain substances here and their own superb technology, they developed a solution that could solve the problem. The energy crisis they face is something - the Thunder Fruit.

After the energy crisis was resolved, they originally wanted to return to their hometown, but for some reason, they were unable to do so in the end. However, the power source Thunder Fruit, the "Proverbs" design drawings and the books recording their adventures were left behind.

From that day on, Enelu had an idea in his mind: he wanted to go to the infinite land, become a god, return to his hometown, and make all unreasonable and abnormal people and things return to their place.

‘God’ goes to the place where God was born—the Infinite Land; the Sky Island people return to the ground—Qinghai; and the Sky Island, a place that is completely inconsistent with common sense, should not exist!

So he destroyed his hometown Bika and started the days of becoming a 'god'.

In the time that followed, Anilu fought in the north and south, looting more than a dozen empty islands in a row. No one could match him wherever he went. He selected a group of relatively strong people from those who surrendered to serve as him. His direct subordinates, and four of them, who control the heart network and have relatively strong overall strength, were named his 'Priests'.

Six years ago, Anilu came to Apayado, defeated Ganfor and his "God Team", and learned about the war between Angel Island and the Sandians here.

Because he had read the books left by his predecessors, Anilu knew that the land in front of him was an island in Qinghai, not a creation of 'gods'. After that, he brought Ganfu's 'god team' and his own 'god weapon' 'It took several months to find the golden city of Shantora.

From his notes, Anilu learned that gold has a high value in Qinghai, and most importantly, they have good conductivity and can be used as building materials for the Ark's 'Proverbs', so he drove the more than three hundred The human captives, the 'God Team', built themselves a golden ship and prepared to implement their own plans.

Originally, everything was going in the direction he planned, but accidents often came earlier than planned.

The man with lightning scars on his face, short blond hair on his head, and a black coat actually had the same power of thunder and lightning as himself. More importantly, after the other party was hit by his own thunder and lightning, he was not injured, but became even more powerful. Energetic!

What happened during the fight with Laxus completely subverted Enel's cognition.

Even if the opponent managed to survive after being struck by lightning, he wouldn't be so surprised. If he hadn't been fast enough and the opponent didn't know the secret, he wouldn't have been able to escape.

However, although Enelu successfully escaped, from that day on, questions such as 'Why can someone eat thunder and regain strength?' and 'What is the structure of his body' have been lingering in Enelu's mind.

After being defeated by Laxus, Enel fled back to the cave where he kept the gold ship. He used thunder metallurgy to speed up the construction of 'Proverbs' and prepared to directly carry out his own plan. Now after a month of frantic work, 'Proverbs' was finally completed. 'Completely done.

"Okay... okay... my plan is about to begin!"

Looking at the huge golden ship in front of him, Anilu's eyes showed a clear look of madness, "Even if you can eat thunder and lightning to regain your strength, as long as you can't fly, you are destined to perish together with Kongdao!!"

At this moment, Enelu's voice suddenly stopped, and at the same time his expression changed, and he turned to look at the cave entrance behind him.

Someone came in? ? what happened? I didn't notice it just now? !

Enelu's heart network is of a very high level, able to cover the entire Angel Island and Apayado, and combined with the power of the thunder fruit in his body, he can also hear the other party's voice.

Even though he was in the cave, he was always paying attention to the changes in Apayado.

He knew that the Sandians moved to the island, but he didn't care, because they would eventually fall into the sky with them. He also knew that a group of Qinghai people came to Apayado, but he didn't care either. Because all the gold they want is in their own hands.

It can be said that from the moment Kira and his party set foot on Apayado, everything that happened to them was under their control!

But why... didn't my heart network detect that someone found this place?

In fact, it was because Kira knew about Eniru's mental network ability, so after arriving on the island, he added a layer of magic to shield himself from perception. Although he didn't know whether it was useful, he was prepared.

Fortunately, the situation was as he thought. The shielding magic effectively blocked the perception of the heart network, which allowed him to come here safely.

Listening to the footsteps getting closer and closer, Enelu's face became solemn.

Then, he heard a voice that made him very unhappy: "The aroma of gold, it's really Sparacine!"

gold? That's my thing!

A flash of fierceness flashed in Enilu's eyes: 'I can't beat the one who can take thunder, can I still not beat you? ’

Entering the cave, the view finally broadened, and the huge golden ship 'Proverbs' also appeared in front of Kira:

On the bow of the ship is a huge, ugly human face, with close-knit eyes, a pattern in the center of the forehead, big ears and thick lips, and the color of gold, making it look similar to the legendary Buddha statue.

This suddenly reminded Kira of the 'Phantom Beast Species, Human Fruit, and Buddha Form' of the Warring States Period. Vegapunk said that devil fruits originated from human fantasy. From this point of view, the belief in 'Buddha' in Qinghai may be Also from Moon Man.

Behind the 'Buddha Statue' is a huge chimney, which is obviously the exhaust port of the ark. There is a huge word 'god' written on the side. There are a series of propellers on both sides and in front, and a circle of paddles on the bottom side.

Kira didn't understand what the oar was used for. Isn't the purpose of this ship the Infinite Land? There's no water there, so the paddle seems useless, right? ?

After thinking for a long time, Kira felt that this should be because when Enel was making this ship, it was completely based on the design drawings of the Ark, and the Moon Man was originally going to Qinghai when making the Ark 'Proverbs', so There will be paddles.

Kira carefully observed the appearance of the Ark, which made Enel both proud and angry: 'This ignorant human must be shocked by my Ark! ! But I am standing here like a god, and this kid turns a blind eye. It's like... he has a way to die! ! ’

"Qinghai people? How did you find this place?"

Enel's voice awakened Kira from his meditation. He looked up at Enel, who was standing on the bow of the ship, looking down at him. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised. If someone familiar with Kira was here, he would react immediately. Come here this guy is going to start causing trouble.

"Are you the ugly Enel who was beaten by Laxus until he knelt down and begged for mercy, crying for his father and calling for his mother?"

When Anelu heard this, his face instantly darkened. What about 'kneel down and beg for mercy'? ! What is ‘crying for father and mother’? ! What's 'showing one's ugly face'? ! It was true that he had failed, but how could he have failed so miserably? ! !

Furious, Enelu raised his hand, and blue electric light flashed in his hand, making a sharp and piercing sound: "You're just a human... who allowed you to talk to me in this tone?"

"30 Million Volt Thunderbird!!"

Thunder light roared in response, condensing behind Enelu into a blue thunderbird with dazzling electric light all over its body. Then the thunderbird opened its sharp beak, flapped its wings and dived, shooting towards Kira!

boom! !

The Thunderbird exploded, sending up a huge cloud of smoke.

"Huh? What's going on?" Enelu noticed something was wrong and his expression suddenly changed.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and I saw that Kira had a 'rubber shield' in front of him. He himself was unharmed, hiding behind the shield, looking at Enel provocatively: "Can you do it, Ainilu?" Nero?"

There was no hesitation in taking action... This guy really has a heart of glass!

"What did you say?!"

A scowl rose on Enel's face, and he once again used the fruit's power to control thunder and lightning to turn into a giant dragon. He rushed towards Kira and shouted: "60 Million Volts Thunder Dragon!!"

boom! ! !

There was a lot of noise, but once again there is no harm.

"What is this? Why can it block thunder and lightning?"

Enelu was shocked. He had lived on an empty island since he was a child and had no idea that there was such a thing as rubber in the world. He didn't even know the concept of insulators. But he vaguely felt that he might be there again today. Going to lose.

"First, a guy who can eat thunder appeared out of nowhere, and now there's a shield that can block thunder and lightning... You humans... all deserve to die!!!"

I saw Enilu raising his right arm high, with lightning wrapped around it. Through the long-distance control of the heart network and the Ji Emperor Cloud above, it formed a terrifying and powerful thunder energy: "God's Sanction!!"

In Kira's magic perception, huge thunder and lightning power instantly condensed at a high altitude outside the cave, and then poured down like a mountain waterfall.

Kira: "..."

The effect and name of this ability are almost the same as my magic 'Holy Sanction'...

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