The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 888 Little God of Sky Island, you did your best!

Kira's magic 'Holy Sanction' has the attribute of Holy Light. In addition to its powerful destructive power, it also has a strong restraint effect on the power of darkness. The 'God's Sanction' used by Enel in front of him is purely a thunder. The thunder pillars that can be gathered together are completely different things.

"Since you took the initiative, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

It is true that this is the first time Kira has fought against Eniru and the first time he has fought against a natural Devil Fruit user, but it is not the first time he has dealt with someone who uses lightning abilities.

In more than ten years, Laxus has never defeated him once!

Just when the huge thunder pillar pierced through the layers of island clouds and ancient ruins, pierced the cave, and was about to fall on Kira, he suddenly waved his hands and shouted loudly.


The long-lost word spirit magic, almost the outlet of the magic god's power, came true.

As soon as he finished speaking, the thunder pillar that was about to hit Kira seemed to hit an invisible barrier. It suddenly made a 90-degree turn three meters above his head and rushed towards the cave wall. go!

boom! !

The thunder pillar carried extremely powerful power, easily blasting a large hole in the cave wall, and hit the ancient ruins outside, causing the gravel to fly and the strong wind to blow.

"Nani?!" Enilu was shocked again. This time he was so shocked that his eyes, nose, and tongue popped out.

If he was shocked that someone could eat thunder, and he couldn't understand that there was a substance that could withstand thunder and lightning, then this mysterious power that made lightning turn around out of thin air really made him incredible.

"You on earth did you do that??!"

"I won't tell you! It's my turn now!"

Kira chuckled, and then imitated Erza and shouted softly: "Change your clothes!"

For a moment, the magic in the cave was strong, and dazzling white light emanated from Kira. When the light faded, he had a pair of extremely cool mechanical armor on his body.

"Steel armor?! This thing is useless to me!"

Enelu sneered. His thunder and lightning can even melt and smelt gold, let alone steel?

After saying that, Enelu raised his right arm again and released lightning that was enough to fill half of the cave. The powerful current flashed in the air, and then hit Kira from all directions like a wave.

"It's useless? That's not necessarily the case!!"

The next moment, Enelu was stunned by the scene that happened in front of him.

Not only did those thunder and lightning not cause any harm to Kira, nor did they melt the mechanical armor on his body, but were completely absorbed and became the energy source of the mechanical armor.

"How can it be?!"

boom! !

Before Enelu could react, a magic blast hit him.

Of course, since he can transform into elements, the damage caused by the cluster cannon is zero, and it only brings out a 'stabbing' current on his body, but even so, Kira's unscathed is enough to make Enirud doubt his life. .

"Why... why...?! My plan is obviously going to succeed, and I am just one step away from going to the infinite land. Why do these two guys suddenly appear?!"

Eniru roared, raised his hands, and used all his energy to release a large amount of thunder and lightning. The dazzling light flashed so hard that Kira in the armor almost couldn't open his eyes, and then...

Thunder roars! ! !



This armor is a brand new product that Kira got from Silver. It was made jointly by the other party and Val. It can fight, defend, fly and dive, and the requirements for use are very low. Basically, as long as you are a magician, put it on Just use it.

Its combat effectiveness, due to the existence of magic cluster cannon, is no less than that of Iron Man's steel mecha; and its intelligence is also supported by Silver's mechanical text magic, which can be regarded as a low-end version of Javi Sri Lanka.

Overall, everyone can be a magical Iron Man as long as they put on the magical mechanical armor. If this thing can be promoted in Aslant, it will definitely set off a revolution in magical technology!

It's just that they are just two mechanical tribes after all. They are not geniuses like Iron Man. They can't invent a nuclear reactor, and they don't have bug-level metal like vibranium in their hands. Therefore, the power source of the magic mechanical armor can only rely on magic or electricity for defense. The strength is not as good as the steel armor.

But just because they can't do it, doesn't mean Kira can't do it!

After getting the armor, he immediately transformed it at the magical level. The original attack power of the cluster cannon was only 100, but he could directly adjust it to 1 million;

The power source originally had a storage limit, but he directly built it and expanded its capacity by ten thousand times. Then he poured it into it with his huge magic power and used it in the most ruthless way;

As for the damage issue? He can use time magic to repair...

If the magical mechanical armor in the hands of others is a castrated version, then the one in Kira's hands is a cracked version, which has an absolute advantage!

So after the lightning dissipated, Kira was still safe and sound, and even raised his palm cannon: "Take a hit from me!!"

Bang! !

With a subtle sound of breaking through the air, a stone was launched with the dual blessing of magic and technology.

Enelu sneered. He had already seen clearly that it was just a stone, and with the blessing of the heart network, he could easily capture the movement of the stone. However, relying on his special body, he did not even hide, and even said something. Mocking: "Huh! How can such a thing exist..."

Boom! ! !

Before he finished speaking the taunting words, the stone had already hit Enelu's face, making a muffled sound, and then fell to the ground with a thump, rolling twice playfully.

Enelu: "..."

Two lines of nosebleeds slowly left from Enelu's nostrils, and the air at this moment seemed extremely embarrassing.

"Oh, it seems to be working!" Kira smiled mischievously.


Kira touched the muzzle of the palm cannon and explained: "Haylo Stone, have you heard of it? He can invalidate Devil Fruit abilities! The magic cluster cannon just now was just to make you take it lightly. The sea stone shells are the real the goal of!"


Enelu took a deep breath and pretended to be calm, but Kira had clearly seen his red eyes.

"200 Million Volts Thor!!"

Along with the deep voice, endless thunder and lightning energy leaked out from Enelu's body crazily, wrapping his body, and instantly transformed into a huge fat blue man with thunder and lightning wrapped around his body.

The violent power of thunder and lightning shattered the surrounding stones and clouds that had been settled for an unknown period of time into powder, scattering them into fly ash in the wind. The tall figure exploded the cave, and even broke through the clouds above the ruins. The bombing created a clearing on Payado, which looked like a giant from a distance.

Such a huge movement not only attracted the attention of Robin, who was still wandering in the ruins, but also attracted the attention of everyone on Apayado. The Sandians who knew the whereabouts of their hometown and were rushing here planned to find Lark. Erza and others from Sass, as well as Laxus and others who were sleeping in the Shrine of God, were all attracted by this huge fat blue man.

"What's this?!"

"It's Enelu..."

“Is that guy crazy??!”

"Huh?? Is it that guy from before?! Such a violent thunder and lightning... can finally have a full meal!!"

At this time, Kira looked up at the God of Thunder in front of him, shaking his head repeatedly in his heart: "Is your mentality exploded? How pitiful... I haven't even moved yet!"

"Forget it, let's fight quickly!"

"But why did he become so big? Do you think I only have that small piece of sea tower stone in my hand?"

As we all know, the bigger the body, the bigger the place to be hit. Kira could hit the giant 'Thunder God' in front of him even with his eyes closed.

"A hail of bullets!!"

Kira drank softly, and used the magic of the spirit spirit to create hundreds of large-caliber cannonballs for the first time in a long time. At the same time, he connected the cannonball magazine to the sea tower stone warehouse in the portable space. Then with a thought, the cannons fired all day long.

Boom boom boom! !

Irregular sea floor stone shells were sprayed towards Fatty Lan at an astonishing speed. The moment the first stone hit Enelu, the figure of the God of Thunder collapsed and returned to the big-eared thief who was only over two meters tall.

Immediately afterwards, countless irregular-shaped sea tower stone shells came one after another.

Bang bang bang...

Bang bang bang...

Puff puff……

There were a lot of cannonballs. As soon as the first one hit, the next one arrived. Although Eniru wanted to dodge by transforming into a thunderbolt, he couldn't use his fruit ability after being hit by the sea tower stone. There was no chance to dodge through the elemental form. The heart net captured the sea tower. However, due to his weakness at this time, he also lost the ability to dodge.

These sea tower stones were only added to those stolen from Crocodile. They had been cut into pieces simply and roughly by him before, and were not specially made into spherical shapes, so Enel was soon beaten to a black face.

"Feel the powerlessness of falling into the sea, Earth Explosion Sky Star!!"

Kira raised his right hand high, and with the stone magic filled with level and proficiency at the same time, he controlled the launched seastones to quickly gather around Anilu.

Anilu was shocked to find that the sea-floor stones that fell after hitting him actually broke away from the attraction of the ground and flew towards him strangely, and then rested on his body motionless, making him unable to use them from the beginning to the end. A little bit of effort.

After a few breaths, the Hailou Stone turned into a stone jar, trapping Enelu in it, unable to move, leaving only one head outside to ensure breathing.

"Congratulations, you have achieved the same achievement as Crocodile!" Kira controlled the stone jar and slowly landed on the ground. Then he walked up to Anilu and gave him the same treatment as the 'King Shichibukai'.

"Damn it... I'm a god..."

At this time, Anilu was in an extremely embarrassed state. Although he was 266cm tall, he was now curled up and trapped in a stone jar, with only half his height left. The only exposed head was hit by the rain of shells from the sea tower stone just now. His head was bruised and bleeding, a bright red trail of blood dripped from the corner of his eyebrows along his big ears, and another trail of blood dripped from the hat along his face, staining half of his face red.

"Then you are really weak as a god..."

Kira spread his hands and uttered a cold and ruthless voice: "Little god of Sky Island, you did your best!"

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