The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 893 The Capital of Seven Waters

The City of Seven Waters, the island city with the best shipbuilding technology on the entire great route.

Like the city's prototype, the water city Venice, the City of Seven Waters is also an island city built on the water.

It is worth mentioning that the waterways here are very complex and cover almost the entire city. Under the water, there is a huge underwater city sleeping. The formation of the underwater city is due to the huge tsunami here every year. Her name is 'Water God' Akula Ragna!

Affected by the gods of water, the sea level in the Seven Waters City is getting higher year by year, so the residents here can only continue to build new houses on the original houses. This is the origin of the underwater city.

The mayor of the Seven Waters City is named Espagu. He was once the chief disciple of the world's best shipbuilder, Tom the Fishman. His shipbuilding skills are among the best in the world today, and he is the most important figure in the entire Seven Waters City.

Espagu is usually unsmiling, but he is honest and kind-hearted, has good business skills, is highly skilled and approachable, and at the same time has great personality in work and life, so he is deeply loved by the citizens.

Even though he holds a high position, he has never stopped honing his shipbuilding skills for a day, and he treats every ship he handles very seriously and responsibly.

Five years ago, he fascinated many craftsmen with his genius shipbuilding skills, and merged the seven shipyards in the Capital of Seven Waters into one, becoming the current Carrera Company.

On the river in the Capital of Seven Waters, Kira took the local water vehicle 'Buru' - a strange species whose upper body is a horse and its lower body is a fish. It tasted the famous local food specialty 'water' in its mouth. Water and meat', heading all the way to Carrera Shipbuilding Company.

After coming down from the Sky Island, he led everyone straight to the Capital of Seven Waters, where he planned to buy a boat.

His goal is to buy a ship that is about the same size as a naval warship. At the very least, it should be a ship that can allow hundreds of people in their guild to live freely. However, Kira's requirements for the ship itself are not as stringent as that of a naval warship, and it does not require strong firepower. support, and there is no need to plate the sea floor with stilts.

After all, he bought the boat so that everyone in the guild can have adventures on the sea together in the future, so it only needs to be convenient for life at sea. As for the bad weather and terrifying sea beasts, for their "Fairy Tail" wizards No need to care at all.

The City of Seven Waters is divided into an inner city and an outer city, with the Carrera Company's dock as the dividing line between the two.

There is a tall fountain in the middle of the inner city. Its function is to gather the seawater in the city and then erupt from a high place and flow down the river to form a waterway. It flows to the outer city through the drainage outlets between the multiple docks of Carrera Company, and finally merges into the outer city. sea.

Soon, Kira arrived at Carrera Company's No. 1 dock, and Erza came with him.

This ship is related to their next sea adventure. Erza attaches great importance to it, so she follows it. As for the remaining people, they are either sent by Kira to buy ingredients or go shopping in the city.

Due to the existence of the sea train, the capital of the Seven Waters has formed a close connection with several nearby islands, the 'Queen of Spring' Saint-Poplar, the 'City of Gastronomy' Pucci, the 'Carnival Street' Saint-Falter, as well as with the world The Judiciary Island, which is connected to the government center, is the only way for sea trains to pass through, so there is very frequent commodity trade and cultural exchanges between them.

The reason why Saint-Falter is called the 'Carnival Street' is because a carnival feast is held there almost every month, and this month it is the 'Mask Carnival'. Influenced by it, the Seven Waters Capital has also set off There’s a mask craze.

Along the way, Kira discovered that more than 80% of the residents were wearing strange masks. Not only did they wear masks, they also wore a coat to cover themselves tightly, which filled the area with a sense of mystery.

Carrera Company is the largest shipyard in the Seven Waters Capital. Their boss is Mayor Espagu. The best shipyard here, No. 1 Shipyard, has five foremen and shipwrights with excellent skills, namely:' Rope Man 'Barry', 'Pigeon Man' Rob Lucci, 'Long Nose Man' Kagu, and the unimportant Strong Man A and Strong Man B.

"Is there anyone?? Is there anyone??"

"Call the best boatman here... no, call your boss, I want to buy a boat!!"

As soon as he arrived at the dock, Kira immediately acted like a arrogant and extremely proud rich second generation, as if he was afraid that others would not know that he was rich.

At this time, he was dressed very gorgeously, inlaid with gold, extremely noble and luxurious, and coupled with his handsome appearance, he attracted the envious and jealous eyes of countless men and women along the way.

The originator of the show-off world once said, "Wealth does not return home, but it is like walking at night in brocade clothes." This sentence made Kira realize the importance of showing off since he was a child - of course, this kind of "showing off wealth" operation was only after he became a "goblin" The tail's magician was cultivated after he became a popular magician in the Kingdom of Fiore. Before that, he had been a staunch executor of the Gou Dao.

And what Kira is doing now actually has the intention of fishing for law enforcement: "I don't know if the Franky family will be targeted. If so, it will be a good opportunity to take advantage of them." ’

The Franky family is the most notorious gangster organization in the Capital of Seven Waters. They commit robberies, kidnappings, and all kinds of dirty tricks. In the original work, they snatched 200 million Baileys from Usopp and beat him badly. It was tragic, and they were also eyeing the Merry. If Zoro hadn't been on the ship at the time, the Merry would not have been able to escape the fate of being dismembered. However, in the end, because of Franky, they fought side by side with the Straw Hats. , successfully cleared.

Kira focused on Franky's family, mainly because she wanted to see if she could follow their route and go to the black market to buy the branches of the Adam tree. However, it didn't matter if she didn't succeed in the end. Anyway, Franky only bought the branches. It was enough to build a Sunny, but Kira needed a ship the size of a warship!

"Where are the boatmen? Are they not doing business in broad daylight?"

Just when Kira was about to continue calling people, a voice came out of the dock: "Come on, come on... don't make any noise here!!"

The visitor was wearing a high-collar boatman's uniform and a simple military cap, but the most eye-catching thing about him was the long, square nose on his face.

"I am the boatman from Carrera No. 1 dock, you can just call me Kagu!"

Kagu smiled brightly. If Kira hadn't known the plot, it would have been hard for him to believe that such a person could be an undercover agent of CP9.

In fact, when he first saw this group of boatmen on TV, he quite liked Kagu, especially the Yuebu debut when he first appeared. He was so handsome, but it was revealed a few episodes later They were from the World Government, which shocked Kira directly.

Seeing the person coming, Erza suddenly complained in a low voice: "Well... As expected, no matter how many times I read it, I still feel that the people in this world are strange! I really can't understand why some people's noses can grow like this? I read the newspaper before, I also discovered that there are some people in this world who are very big but have very thin legs. There are people who are six or seven meters tall, and there are people who have long hands and feet..."

Huh? ? I rarely hear you say such sarcastic words, Erza! Sure enough, they have been together for too long, and have they been led astray by Lucy and Happy?

Kira was shocked at Erza's transformation, but he also agreed with her complaints: "Maybe there was something wrong with the genes during evolution?"

"Some people speculate that this world experienced a flood apocalypse a long time ago. Today's humans, sea beasts, and almost all animals were created by scientists using artificial genes after the apocalypse. Perhaps there was an error during the synthesis. Not necessarily!"

If it is really the end of the flood, it must be related to the legendary ancient weapon king ‘Uranus’!

Kira suddenly thought that the water gods who made trouble every year in the Capital of Seven Waters might be the sequelae of the doomsday flood. As for why the sequelae were only seen here...

If nothing else, it should be related to the huge pothole on Judiciary Island!

After hearing the conversation between Erza and Kira, Kagu secretly complained in his heart, "What a whimsical guy", but he had a smile on his face, like an ordinary boatman entertaining guests.

"Did the two guests just talk about buying a boat? I don't know what the specific requirements are?"

Kira stepped forward calmly, took out the notes in his arms, and began to explain the requirements he had compiled in the past few days: "We want to buy a large ship that can accommodate more than a hundred people and less than two hundred people!"

"Because we are not pirates, but adventurers and businessmen, all the facilities on the ship must be designed to facilitate life. For example, there should be more rooms, sufficient living facilities, air circulation, and sufficient light..."

"There should be a kitchen, dining room, study room, swimming pool, large bathroom, warehouse, garden, etc., and then there should be a hall that can accommodate everyone's banquets and carnivals!"

"You don't need too much armed force, but the boat must be easy to operate. It's best to have an automatic transmission that can be driven by people who don't know the slightest bit of sailing skills. Just turn the steering wheel and the boat can drive forward automatically!"

"Of course, the most important thing is durability, and a defense that will not be damaged even if a cannon hits it. The best wood can be used... ugh!!"

At this point, Kira's voice stopped abruptly.

He suddenly thought of the destructive power of the guys in the guild, and couldn't help but hesitate for a moment: If this ship uses less durable wood, it will definitely be smashed by them in a few days, but if you buy a durable one, it will be more expensive and Let’s not talk about it for a moment, can we guarantee that we won’t be beaten to pieces?

"Based on my description, please estimate the cost of using different grades of wood!"

Kagu reached out and took the note in Kira's hand, and then stared at the content in the note in silence for a long time. When he looked up at Kira again, his eyes had become weird, because he found that the content in the note was not only very illegible, but also very messy. Even the content is a mess. I basically just write whatever comes to mind, without any overall plan. It's like a child saying, 'I'll order this much first, and I'll add more later if necessary.'

Can such a person be a captain? ? Today was really an eye-opener!

"What's the matter, Kagu? Is the guest's request troublesome?"

While he was thinking about it, another middle-aged uncle walked out of the big iron gate of Dockyard No. 1. He had an adult-like slicked back hair, stubble, and a cigarette in his mouth.

Here comes Barry the ‘Rope Man’!

Kira's eyes lit up. He had longed for Barry's miraculous 'rope manipulation' skills for a long time. If possible, he would really like to learn binding techniques from him, which might come in handy at some point in the future.

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