The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 894: Is a ship of this price suitable for my status?

After Barry appeared on the stage, he immediately focused on Erza. When he saw the thick armor on her body, he couldn't express the satisfaction in his eyes: 'Not bad... girls should dress like this! ’

"Miss, you..."

Suddenly, as his eyes moved downward, Barry saw less than 20 centimeters of skin exposed between Erza's black skirt and black boots.

"...Your outfit is so revealing!!"

Erza: "??"

Is there something seriously wrong with this uncle's brain? Is this also called exposure? Please take a closer look. I've only exposed less than 20 centimeters. Lucy's situation is called exposure, right? ! Also, a guy who looks at the exposed parts of a girl's body as soon as he comes out, what right does he have to comment on other people's clothes like this? !

"Hey, Kira! Are there really no problems with the people here?"

"Don't worry. Isn't it normal for people with some abilities to have weird personalities? If you think about Senior Warlord and then the President, you will know that this situation is normal for older people!"

"What's wrong with the president?"

"What's wrong? You're so old and still thinking about taking advantage of a little girl every day. Do you think it's normal?"

While the two were chatting without a word, the shipwrights from Dockyard No. 1 finally showed up one by one. At this time, they were calculating the cost of shipbuilding based on the requirements note given by Kira.

First-class shipyards, first-class boatmen, and the cost of buying a boat are naturally first-class.

If we were to build a ship the size of the Meili, we would only need tens of millions here. But what Kira wants is a large ship that can accommodate more than a hundred people. It is impossible to get it without three to five hundred million. This This is without considering the use of Adam branches as building materials.

Fortunately, Kira now has Golden Land in hand and is not short of money at all.

Not long after, Barry and the others came to Kira's side, handed back the hard-to-read 'Customer Requirements', and said, "Guest, based on your request, we have preliminary calculated the cost."

Kira raised an eyebrow: "So fast?! You have finished the calculation in just 10 minutes? You won't be cheating, right?"

One sentence made several foremen look worried: "Kid, watch your tone! Carrera Company is a first-class shipbuilding company in the world. We are the best shipwrights in this company and we have professional ethics!"

What a waste of professional ethics!

Two out of five people are monks halfway. How can this be regarded as professional ethics?

Barry glanced at Kira angrily. After decades of working in the industry, he didn't know how many times he had heard this kind of words, so he would not engage in a verbal dispute with a layman like him. Instead, he would just talk to himself. Looking at the cost calculated by several people just now: "If you use ordinary wood, it will cost about 500 million beli. The deposit is 20%, which is 100 million beli. It can be completed within a week! What do you think?"

"Huh?? 500 million Baileys? Are you kidding me?!"

Barry nodded, as if he had expected this: ‘Humph! Are you scared to death when you hear 500 million beli? I knew there would be no money in the hands of such a little devil! ’

Thinking of this, he proudly blew out a smoke ring from Zuoli: "If you think the price is too expensive..."

However, before he could finish his words, he was loudly interrupted by Kira.

"Take a good look at my body from top to bottom. Do you think a ship worth 500 million Baileys is worthy of my status?? Catching a random pirate on the Grand Line would cost more than 500 million Baileys, right?"

Kira's tone was very arrogant, his expression was arrogant, and he looked like a second-generation rich man, which made all the boatmen fall silent.

Good guy, I have been in the business for more than ten or twenty years, and I have received as many as eight thousand guests, if not ten thousand. I feel that the cost of the ship is too small to be worthy of my... I can’t say it’s the first time I’ve seen him, but it’s definitely a handful. number.

Besides, this is 500 million Baileys!

In the entire 'Paradise', there are probably less than a hundred pirates with a bounty of more than 50 million Baileys. You can count them with one hand if you have a bounty of more than 50 million Baileys. The 500 million Baileys you are talking about is not just catching a random pirate. Can a thief have it? Do you think this is a new world? ! !

At this moment, the five foremen, including Lu Qi and Kagu, all secretly labeled Kira in their hearts: arrogant and domineering, stupid and rich, with eyes above the top, exquisite vase, gold and jade inside and outside...

"Then how much do you think is appropriate? No matter how much you pay, our Carrera Company can build the boat to the point where it is worthy of that price, and we guarantee that you will get value for money!"

All the boatmen present secretly made a decision in their hearts. No matter how much money the red-haired kid in front of them spent to build a boat, they would use all their strength to build the most perfect boat, and then slap him in the face hard to make him surrender. Under the superb shipbuilding technology of Carrera Company!

At worst, ask the boss to do it himself!

Kira felt the dissatisfaction of the people in front of him, and secretly thought happily to himself, "I am in love with you." It was rare for him to be Party A's father, and he hadn't had enough fun yet.

"The key is not how much money I can pay. Am I the kind of person who is short of money? The key is whether your design and technology can satisfy me! Of course, Carrera Company has a good reputation, and I can still trust it technically. The question is In the design of the ship!”

"Let's talk about it first and come up with several plans for me. Remember to make corresponding functional designs based on demand analysis, as well as various cost statistics, and note the advantages, disadvantages and precautions. It's best to compile it into a paper. Show me the form! If I think it’s okay after looking at it, you can start construction according to the drawings.”

Several boatmen were confused: Where did this little kid come from?

Carrera Company is the number one company in the industry. It already has a provision that 'customers can request design plans from the shipyard and then start construction after screening.' However, the selection of plans will seriously delay the shipbuilding time, and Carrera Company The boats built are pretty good every time, so most customers won't do it.

Even if there are a few guys who have nothing to do occasionally, there will not be such outrageous requirements as "note the advantages, disadvantages and precautions, and then organize it into the form of a paper"!

Isn't this guy generally rich? ?

A group of people felt that Kira's request was too cumbersome, but in Kira's view, it was quite interesting that he did not ask them to write down a 'reference ship' and conduct a 'ship check'.

"What? Can't you do it?" Kira's voice was extremely provocative.

Sure enough, the moment he finished speaking, there was a loud shout in front of him: "Are you kidding?! Of course we can do this kind of thing!! Who do you think you are talking to? We are from Carrera Company Boatman!!”

Huh? ! Why is this way of speaking so familiar? ?

"Very good! I just need this momentum!" Kira clapped his hands with satisfaction, "Since there are five of you here, please make five plans for me first, one for each person. I will come to check and accept them at this time tomorrow, okay?"

Barry also felt a surge of unwillingness to admit defeat: "Of course!! Just wait and see, brat, I promise to surprise you tomorrow! It's best not to cry here because you are struggling with which one to choose!" !!”

"If this happens, doesn't it mean that the five design plans you gave are comparable, and no one can clearly surpass the other four?"

"That's because the five of us have very good shipbuilding skills!"

In the evening, in the staff restaurant of Carrera No. 1 Dockyard, the boatmen who had finished their work for the day were gathering together to eat a big pot of rice.

"What?! You're not even going to do it??"

When he learned that except for himself, none of his colleagues stayed up late to design the plan, Barry was stunned, "But...but the other party asked us to give a design drawing each by name!!"

Kagu pressed the hat on his head and looked like he didn't want to talk to Barry: "It's you who promised him, not us!"

Bipley Lulu raised her head from the bowl and said: "Kagu is right, he didn't pay us to work overtime! Just show him the previous shipbuilding drawings. Those are also the works of our painstaking efforts." Ah! The other party is just a brat of that age, and a layman with no knowledge of shipbuilding design. He seems to be stupid and has a lot of money. As long as it meets the other party's requirements, how can we tell whether the plan we come up with is a hasty plan? "

Telestone said in a deep voice: "To take a step back, don't we have no work at hand? Do we have to stop what we are doing for a customer who didn't even pay a deposit? This is not the kind of job that Carrera Company's shipwrights do Style, right?"

Barry was speechless at this time. He suddenly realized that compared with his colleagues, he was extremely honest! Obviously I am the most senior boatman in Carrera Company, why do I feel like they are the experienced ones? !

Barry looked at the last person: "Hey, Lucci! Are you like them?"

Lu Qi did not speak, but let Hadley, the pigeon standing on his shoulder, wave his wings to speak on his behalf: "Of course! After all, designing a shipbuilding plan for a 'hundred-man sailing ship' from scratch still needs to be done so well. There are so many demands, it’s not something you can come up with in one night! You were completely aroused by the other party, right?"

"This...I admit that I was a little excited at the time..."

Kagu took a mouthful of rice, puffed up his cheeks and complained: "A little excited?? Isn't it? I think you almost started a fight with that guy..."

"Stop... stop being so verbose!!" Barry blushed. An uncle and a kid were fighting in the street. Even if he didn't care about his face, the company still wanted to!

"If you don't do it, I will!"

As he spoke, he took a quick bite and then returned to the room to start designing.

Late at night, in the back alley of Bruno's Bar, several figures suddenly appeared here with a 'whoosh' sound.

"Intelligence has confirmed that the red-haired kid you are talking about is the 'Rain God' who appeared in Alabasta not long ago, the wizard they call themselves 'Fairy Tail', and the one who is causing great trouble in the new world. Just like everyone else!"

The person who spoke was Bruno, a tall bar owner. He was also one of the members of cp9 who was undercover in the Capital of Seven Waters in order to find the blueprint of 'Pluto'.

"What is their personnel composition?"

"There are 18 people in total, and they are not weak in strength. There are also three cats that can talk and fly. They are suspected to be new races. They all appeared on this island today. But the most important thing is that I found that among them, there are A very important person..."

"The world government has been searching for the criminal for 20 years, the legendary 'Orphan of Ohara' and the 'Son of the Devil'..."

"Nicole Robin!!"

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