The Magic Outfit

Chapter 94: press

"No, just read it once." Su Tang said.

The young detective took over the booklet, looked at Su Tang dumbly, and then tentatively asked, "Little Brother, do you ... remember?"

"Leave me alone first." Su Tang said: "It's up to you to read it."

Having said that, Su Tang has lit another red incense.

The princess seemed uneasy. In fact, he was useless now. If he was counting on the present, he would never be able to compete with Su Tang.

Su Tang closed his eyes slightly and practiced depicting charms in his brain. He instinctively sensed that each charm contained a unique vast power, but he could not understand it for the time being.

The princess was simply consuming time. His mind was not in the book. For a long time, he finally waited until the red incense burned out. He said feebly, "Brother, come on, let me see how many magic notes you have written down. "

Su Tang's detective started the magic sword, swept into the air, turned the mind, and used the tip of the sword to move the charm in the air.

Su Tang's movement was extremely fast, and hundreds of sword lights were drawn in an instant.At this time, his face was surprised, because the loss of Shen Nian far exceeded his expectations, and even made him dare not be sure. Can you completely portray a spirit symbol?

Wang An below saw the clue and hurriedly shouted: "Little Brother, it's just a demonstration. Even if you don't use the mind, the ancient mantra can be formed. Now it is too late to give up. The power of anti-bite is not strong. Hold on, it won't work anymore "

Su Tang's heart was turned, and then he gave up. The rune that was still forming in the air suddenly exploded, and then exploded. Su Tang's figure was instantly wrapped in the turbulent flow, but he had released his body. It is impossible for the turbulence to hurt him.

"Haha ... Brother Xiao, you lost." That girl shouted, his voice seemed weak, because according to common sense, Su Tang could not write down so many, the rune just formed can release its power. It proves that Su Tang remembered nothing.

"Start again." Wang An was too lazy to understand that.

Su Tang landed on the ground, and this time he did not run the mind. He just used the tip of the sword to draw the runes in the mud. It was only thirty or so times. Su Tang had already drawn a complete spiritual rune.

At this moment, there was a faint wave of spiritual power oscillating in the pattern of the spirit symbol, and then countless light spots emerged from the soil and slowly floated towards the sky.

There is an indescribable power in the light spot, so although the pattern of the spirit symbol is sometimes distorted, it has always remained intact.

For a moment, the spirit charm floated tens of meters high before slowly disappearing into the air.

"The first magic charm is correct, Junior Brother, how many do you remember?" Wang An asked.

"I remember it all." Su Tang said.

"What?" Suddenly the horror made a horrified scream: "Nonsense, I don't believe it"

"Since the people who are fighting with you don't believe it, then you can draw them one by one." Wang Andao, his eyebrows flashing with irresistible excitement, I don't know whether it was because of the thought.

"Okay." Su Tang responded faintly, and then flicked away Jianguang again.

At this time, time seemed to be slow, but Su Tang's speed of depicting the charm was getting faster and faster.He depicted the first charm, took thirty or more breaths, and portrayed the second one, which took exactly thirty breaths. It took only a little more than twenty breaths to describe the third track, but the speed improvement gradually became difficult, and finally remained at around fifteen breaths.

One after another, the charms floated out of the mud and flew up to the sky. Everyone checked them one by one. Su Tang drew thirty-six magic charms before and after, but there were many

The young man's complexion didn't know when he became ashen, but when the last magical charm floated up in the sky, he suddenly turned to sorrow. He was the first to applaud and laugh, and applauded for Su Tang: This intellect can be regarded as an unprecedented person and a non-coming person. It ’s awesome. It ’s awesome. It ’s a master. Before that, I started a foundation and established a career. Later, a younger brother developed.

"It's too late to say that now." Wang An said coldly: "The younger brother has drawn thirty-six magical symbols one by one, no matter what, now it's your turn."

"How dare I confess my ugliness in front of the younger brother?" The princess smiled bitterly: "I have practiced the magic charm for thousands of years, but I can only record fifteen."

"Fifteen? Go paint." Wang Andao.

"Wang An ... are you still my brother?" The poor man said helplessly: "Okay, okay, I'll be honest, I only wrote down thirteen."

"Drawing" Wang An only spit out a word.

"You ..." The girl's face changed, and he said bitterly: "Wang An, you're good at falling down, I'll tell you the truth, I only wrote down ten, so it's okay? You ... you all To bully others, I just want to lose a little. "

"Painting" Wang Andao.

"Wang An, do you really want to drive me to the dead end?" The princess looked extremely sad and angry: "I confess my defeat, I confess my defeat, I only wrote down the eight magic symbols.

"Drawing" Wang An still has only one word.

"Are you still not a person? Aren't you still a person?" The monster yelled, "Well, I've always been stubborn, I didn't study hard, I only wrote down five magic symbols"

"I wasn't originally." This time Wang Anduo said a few words, but finally returned to the original: "painting"

"Are you ..." The girl was almost about to cry, and then pleaded: "I only wrote down three, not that I didn't want to show it, but I was so distracted now that I was barely able to do it. It's probably impossible."

"Three ways? That should be almost the same." Wang Andao, then smiled and said: "Well, it's not that I want to embarrass you, I just want to give a bad breath for these decades of suffering, well, now the gas is out of breath I am very comfortable in my heart. Those twelve gods are crystallized, so you do n’t have to give it to you. "

"Is this my good younger brother?" Seeing Wang An relieved of gambling debts, the spirit of the younger brother was greatly revitalized, and then looked at Fang Yizhe with expectation: "Brother Blood Tu, what do you mean?"

"I don't have that relationship with you." Fang Yizhe buckled the maiden's head without a hesitation with a bucket of cold water: "Wish to gamble and lose, thirty-two gods will crystallize, and one or two will not work."

"You ... are you still not my brother?" The girl cried.

"No" Fang Yizhe answered more brittlely.

"Mine is fifty two." Xi Xiaoru shouted.

The young man showed up like a mourning test, and looked at the excited people, the members of the new thief gang, almost all bets, then he had to repay them one by one.

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