The Magic Outfit

Chapter 95: Amnesty Order

In the following days, the life in the spiritual realm was restored to peace. Only in leisure time did everyone have the opportunity to get together and talk about the world.Cultivation is after all the most important, and once the monks of the Xingjun Realm retreat, it is always a few months. Every party is always short of people.

Su Tang, He Lanfeiqiong and others are responsible for taking turns to explore the news. However, perhaps because of lack of communication skills, their efficiency is far less than that of Xingyu Travelers.Each time Xingyu Travelers go out, they will bring some major news. Tang always came back disgraced.

Of course, they have different styles. He Lanfeiqiong has the appearance of falling into the country and the city. The appearance is as clean and quiet as the ice valley Yulan. The momentum is like Lin Yuanyue. The ordinary monk sees He Lanfeiqiong, and the metropolis will rise in awe. No one dared to be arrogant and arrogant, and naturally spoke up with respect. So He Feiqiong went out a few times, but only met some monks who tried to get close to her, but failed to get valuable news.

Su Tang and He Lanfeiqiong are just the opposite. Every time he goes out, he will fight with the National People's Congress. It is not that he finds faults, but that the monk he encountered encounters him as a soft persimmon. Su Tang's Purple House has been destroyed, and the eyes of his eyes have become dim, giving people a feeling of sickness, not to mention that he will always release the devil's wings to walk through the star field, and the treasure light is everywhere, which is very easy to cause Attention of the monk.

Now that the Heavenly Dao League and the True Dragon are in full battle, all the star fields are in chaos, and they have lost their original order. Su Tang is pregnant with strange treasures, but he is ill, and it is a rare big fat sheep. I encountered such a role in a chaotic situation, and I am really sorry for my luck if I do n’t do it.

It's just that people's emotions are also very spiritual. They need to combine yin and yang.Even if they are militant like Su Tang and yin and ruthless like Fang Yizhe, they also need to put down their defenses.In other words, they must relax, if they say that A monk has always maintained the pinnacle of killing, seeing people killing people, seeing ghosts killing ghosts, then he must have been sick, not too sick.

After going out a few times, Su Tang felt a little annoyed. He met monks, and he just wanted to gather up and talk a few words casually, but the monks either turned their faces immediately or pretended to be good, and then looked for opportunities to launch a sneak attack. Su Tang was very upset, and finally So he gave all the news of the inquiry to the Xingyu Traveling Merchant, and he practiced it himself.

Suddenly, another few months later, Su Tang and Xi Xiaoru got together and listened carefully to Xi Xiaoru's remarks during the retreat. He pointed to Xi Xiaoru from time to time.

At that moment, the figure of the girl fell from the sky and came toward here with a smile. Xi Xiaoru closed her mouth. She had no feeling for that girl.

"What are you talking about?" The girl asked.

Xi Xiaoru snorted angrily, did not answer, Su Tang felt Xi Xiaoru's expression was very interesting, and did not pay attention to that nephew.

"Little brother, your little daughter is really tough enough." The little girl didn't realize it at all: "If only she is nothing, but she can control the hub of Zhuxie ancient array, every time I go to study the array, I have to please her, I said ... Brother, can you tell her, don't bother me

"Are you going to study the pattern of Zhuxie Ancient Formation? What do you want to do?" Su Tang was stunned.

"I also want to make some government puppets, and later when I have the spirit domain, I can let them watch for me."

At this moment, Fang Yizhe and Ding Haixing joined together, and Fang Yizhe smiled and greeted Su Tang first, and then said to the girl: "Thirty-two, are you there?"

The maiden face collapsed immediately and turned to stare at Fang Yizhe.

"Twenty-two, what are you busy with these days? I haven't seen you." Ding Hai Xingjun said.

At that time, the nuo and Su Tang gambling, after the fiasco, they could not pay the corresponding compensation.Everyone agreed to use their bets to call the nuo, on the one hand, it was natural to make fun of the nanny, on the other hand, it was also to remind the nanny, not to forget Debt.

The **** owes Fang Yizhe's thirty-two divine thought crystals, and Ding Haixingjun's twenty-two divine thought crystals, so they call them different.

That pity was inexplicable in his heart, but he had some inventory, but after losing Xi Xiaoru and Su Tang, there was little left, and he could only ask for delay for a period of time, so regardless of his image or even status, both It started to turn sharply.

"You two say a few words." Su Tang said, after all, he was a close disciple of Linglian Men's ancestors. He always wanted to help each other in the round. "Where did you two go?"

"We and Yanmeng Xingyu go to find something." Fang Yizhe said.

Su Tang just wanted to talk, and suddenly looked slightly, and then took the letter from Elder Wu and Elder Wu. Fang Yizhe and others knew that it was Su Tang's private secret, and turned their attention elsewhere.

After watching for a while, Su Tang's face changed, and then he sighed softly.

"What happened?" Fang Yizhe asked.

"The Western Emperor is out of the mountain." Su Tang said slowly: "The real dragon has lost two times in a row, and the fifth prince has been captured by the Western Emperor."

"For you, is this a good thing or a bad thing?" Fang Yizhe said.

"There is one more prince missing from the real dragon. Of course it is a good thing. Their strength is weakened again." Su Tang shook his head and then smiled bitterly: "But, I need the prince's gluttonous dragon spirit. In the hands of the Western Emperor, I am afraid I have no part. "

"Yeah, younger brother, you can learn the dragon's energy," the whisper suddenly cried out: "Then we don't care so much, just **** the five princes gluttonously"

Su Tang, out of awe of the power of the true god, didn't even think about this place at all, but regretted that he lost the opportunity to condense the dragon's energy, and the words of the poor, like a flash of lightning, suddenly exploded in his mind.

"You mean ... we are robbing people from the Xihuang?" Su Tang muttered.

"Are you crazy? The Western Emperor of the Heavenly Daoist League is one of the five emperors, but also the real **** of the ancient times." "

"Don't you mean to grab the gluttonous prince over directly?" Fang Yizhe said.

"I'm not talking about robbing people from the Western Emperor's hands." The whisper said: "After all, there are four true god-level giants in the real dragon. After the Western Emperor is strong, there is only one person. Will be tired of coping with the revenge of the real dragon, we only hide in the dark, and will always find opportunities "

"You wait." Su Tang hurriedly stood up and walked towards the forest.

For a moment, Su Tang stood firm under a big tree, picked up Xinpei, and began to run Shen Nian, writing a few lines on Xinpei.

How is the fifth prince gluttonous? Where is he detained?

For a long time, Elder Wu who received the information issued a rhetorical question.

I do n’t know. What do you ask about this?

Su Tang was silent. The usual reason is that there is no way to convince Elder Wu. The only chance is to tell the truth. If you can get the support of Elder Wu, the chance is much greater.

My purple house has been destroyed, the only way out is to absorb the dragon spirit and reshape my purple house.

Elder Wu seemed very surprised and waited a long time before replying.

Are you kidding?

Su Tang understands that if he wants to win the support of Elder Wu, he can only pour beans in a bamboo tube, and tell the cause and effect before and after.

I won't make jokes about this kind of thing, besides I have succeeded, remove the nine prince pepper map, I learned the eternal life skills, remove the big princes kiss, I learned a pneumatic mountain river, remove the six princes crickets , I learned to make dragon fist.

This time, Elder Wu responded very quickly.

Do you know what you are talking about?

Su Tang smiled bitterly. Maybe he shouldn't have concealed Elder Wu before. Now it is too sudden for Elder Wu.

Of course I know.

How can you learn the dragon formula?

Su Tang remained silent for a long time and wrote a line on the letter.

Because I have a real soul.

Elder Wu may have been overly emotional, and even wrote a dozen of the same words.

I'm going crazy, I'm going crazy, I'm really going crazy ...

Su Tang sighed and ran Shen Nian again.

You have to believe me. It matters a lot. I dare not mention it to anyone before.

I naturally believe in you. At that time, the Emperor Donghuang stripped away the real soul of the ancient real dragon.Since the two of you can become pro-disciples of the East Emperor, the true soul must be in the hands of both of you, but I never expected it. Soul has given you this potential.

Sutang paused and wrote on the letter.

I need help. If I can **** the five princes gluttonously, I can naturally win his dragon formula and dragon spirit.

The Western Emperor only captured the fifth prince glutton, but did not kill him, just for the sake of pardoning the mantra, but even the Western prince could not make the fifth prince gluttonous surrender, you may not allow the fifth prince glutton to seal the pardon order The spell was handed over.

I am different from the Western Emperor. If I want to get a pardon order, I must kill the fifth prince.

This time, it took more than half an hour for Elder Wu to speak again.

I'm going to find a wonderful chat, Shadow Demon, to be honest, I don't want to hide from you, let alone don't believe you, but I don't know if you will become another ancient real dragon, the emperor paid such a big price Before you get rid of the ancient real dragon, if you really gather all the dragon qi and dragon tactics, but the heart's nature changes under the influence of the dragon qi, just like the original ancient dragon, then I can't even say a hundred deaths Blame it.

Su Tang stopped talking, his mind was sober, he immediately understood Elder Wu's fears, he could absorb the dragon spirit, and showed his great potential, then after he became a big existence that was in parallel with the ancient vacuum, what would he choose? What kind of camp?

Then I will wait for your news.

Su Tang slowly wrote a sentence, and then put away the letter. Now it is all up to Zhen Xing Xing Jun. If Zhen Xing Xing Jun believes him, Elder Wu will naturally help him if he does not believe him. Then he can only rely on himself.

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