The Magic Outfit

Chapter 98: Righteousness

There was only one middle-aged man in the private room. He was wearing a gray robe and had a wine glass in his hand. There was no wine in the glass, but he kept holding it, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking, because he was too After so much concentration, he failed to notice Su Tang's intrusion.

Su Tang gently picked up the jug and filled the middle-aged man's wine glass. Then he picked up another wine glass from the small table beside him and filled it, and then sat opposite the middle-aged man.

"You ..." The middle-aged man's expression was very surprised, he looked at Su Tang dumbfounded: "Tian Mo, actually ... it's you? How did you come here?"

"Ask Brother Brother, it seems that we are really too destined." Su Tang smiled and said: "Can you meet in such a place?"

"What are you doing here?" Asked Xingjun Jun anxiously.

"I just turned around casually." Su Tang said vaguely: "What about you? Asking Xingjun Jun, who is not practicing in Tianle Mountain, how come here?"

"I'm here to meet a friend." Asked Xing Xingjun with a wry smile, and then slowly turned his eyes back to Su Tang: "The last time you said you were going to Desire, the result was that you never went back, and then a group of monks ran to Tianle Mountain is messing up, actually saying that it is your friend, almost causing trouble. "

"I know, they came back and talked to me about it." Su Tang raised his glass: "Ask Brother Brother, Daen, thank you, come, and I respect you." After that, Su Tang drank.

Qin Xingjun gave Su Tang a deep look and drank the wine in his glass. Then he said with a smile: "Why never come back?"

"It's embarrassing me ..." Su Tang sighed: "Should I tell the truth, or just make some excuses, and ask you to confuse the brother."

"The good medicine is bitter and conducive to illness, just say anything." Asked Xing Xingjun lightly said: "You should understand me, I have always been reluctant to listen to lies, no matter how good it is."

"I dare not go back." Su Tang said softly.

"Don't dare to go back?" Asked Xing Xingjun for a long time, he said for a long time, "Why not dare to go back?"

"The three teachers are too ruthless and the castle is too deep," Su Tang said slowly. "When I saw him, I really had a feeling of being a king and a tiger. I shuddered and fooled outside. Although my life was hard, I was free. Freedom and relaxation are much better than trembling in Tianle Mountain. "

"Speaking Master's gossip in front of me ... Tianmo, are you a bit excessive?" Asked Xingjun Jun to sink his face: "If it were not for us to have a lifeless relationship, just a few words of you, even if you are not If you turn your head in a hatred, you should have broken off with you. "

"If you put me in my position, you will make the same choice as me." Su Tang turned his eyes away from the window and said leisurely: "And, ask Brother Brother, I won't believe you can't taste it at all. , Just dare not reveal it? "

"What do you mean?" Asked Xing Xingjun in a deep voice.

Su Tang didn't answer, just picked up the jug, filled the glass with a glass of wine again, and then filled his own glass.He grabbed the glass in his hand and slowly turned the spirit vein, and the wine turned into a ball. A faint mist drifted out of the wine glass, but gathered together but did not disperse, and turned into a little dragon, slowly drifting out of the window

"A pneumatic mountain and river?" Asked Xingjun Jun, who was surprised.

"Not bad" Su Tang nodded: "My luck is good. During this time, I met Master Master again, and I got the trust of Master Master, so he would pass me a pneumatic mountain river."

"Your luck ... and it's more than just good ..." asked Xing Xingjun murmured.

"Master Uncle told me a lot of secrets." Su Tang took a sip of wine lightly and then played with the wine glass.

"What's the secret?" Asked Xingjun Jun's eyes began to blink.

"My Master is hiding in the Shengyun Mansion to practice. This is a great secret. The debris of a few Tiandao Leagues can actually hear this secret. Do you have any incredible feelings?" Su Tang said leisurely: "More Bizarrely, they actually succeeded in the dazzling Jiu Tianxing Hub, which became a decoration. "

Asked that Xingjun Jun stopped talking, and looked at Su Tang up and down with surprise.

"Hehe ... Looking back now, I'm such a fool." Su Tang said: "I didn't even know that it turned out that the ancient real dragon had long occupied Master's Purple House

Asked that Xingjun Jun lowered his head and watched his wine glass become enchanted.

"Ask Brother Brother, you are not surprised at all. It seems that you already know it." Su Tang sighed: "Why haven't you told me?"

"If I said that, you would have died long ago." Asking Xing Xingjun said lightly: "Master is the best at observing words and observations. You are a little wrong, so you can't hide Master.

Su Tang pondered for a long time and nodded, "This is the truth."

"What else do you know?" Asked Xingjun Jun.

"A lot." Su Tang once again filled the wine glasses of the two men with wine: "The three divisions went to the molten fire purgatory, not because you asked the brother to robbery, but the true star king of the Heavenly Dao League, save you and me, But it's just a matter of course. "Speaking of this, Su Tang paused a little, and then laughed loudly:" It seems that I was wrong again. "

"What's wrong with you?" Asked Xing Xingjun.

"I originally thought it was very simple." Su Tang said: "I tried to be scolded, scolded, and even shot at me with all my strength. I also have to explain these clearly, because you take me as a friend, I also take If you are a friend, believe it or not, I will always do my best to be a friend, but I really did not expect that you will be so calm. Are you too bearable, or have you understood these already? "

"Is the meaning of friends?" Asked Xing Xingjun murmured, and then changed the topic: "This time I rushed to the Great Wild Star Field to find an old friend, also to fulfill my friend's meaning."


"There should be a big change in the Great Wasteland, especially in the place where he lives in seclusion. In all likelihood, he will become sour, so I am looking for him and want to persuade him to leave the Great Wasteland. It's a pity ..." After a moment, he sighed: "He didn't want to see me at all, yeah ... we are different, he is the peak of the prince, but my practice is going to come again, what is the need for him to associate with a waste like me What about? "

"He is too unpredictable, right?" Su Tang said: "Anyway, ask Brother Gao you are after all a disciple of Three Masters."

"Probably he doesn't believe that I still have a chance." Asked Xing Xingjun said: "No matter how deep the grace is, there will be a time when it is exhausted. If I can't do it by myself, only by the Master's care, I will How long can it support? "

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