The Magic Outfit

: Testimonial

Thanks to the reward of fresh water coffee, the writing has reached the final stage, I don't think there can be a reward. The reward of fresh water coffee surprised me very much. I have been married for half a year, and now I am busy learning from Zhong Shao. It is said that Zhong Shao has been happy with a daughter. I ca n’t describe all the envy and jealousy of Zhong Shao in words. In order not to let Zhong Shao specialize in the former, wait for this After writing this book, I also spelled it out. I led my wife and went out to travel and make people.

My wife has taught me many times. When I see a book friend rewarding me, I must increase it. All the thanks are not as good as the real increase. However, I belong to a complete handicapped party. I remember starting QQ in 2002. At that time, I insisted on using the two-finger zen to practice my sister. After practicing for two full years, I was barely used to using both hands and my fingers. The efficiency of the sister was gradually improved. Then I started to code, and I coded for a long time. , But the so-called blind typing still needs to look at the keyboard from time to time.

I have been struggling with the daily update every day. It is really more than enough to add more energy. In the past, it was 500 to 700 words in one hour. Now it has improved a lot. I can occasionally reach more than 1,000 in an hour. I feel like I'm flying. As for those who can reach three or four thousand words in an hour, they are all non-human monsters in my eyes!

I also know that this is not possible. My wife ’s reading time is not shorter than mine. People started reading when they were in junior high school. The total chapters of her VIP number at the starting point are definitely within the first 300. She often said that I called you before. Rewards, you do n’t need to change anything, just say a few words of gratitude, she is very angry, and later she is too lazy to take care of me. If not, I wrote a chaotic God of War, which made her like it very much and would not have any intersection with me. , There will not be now ...

Well, cheating on a wife by a book should be my greatest achievement. She is a good reader and understands the reader's mentality. This matter, listen to her.

This book can't be done. It has already begun to finish, and I have to rectify the outline of the new book, and the affairs at home are very busy. I have to contribute from time to time. Wait for the next one. I obey the organization ...

Because I have to discuss the techniques of codewords with my wife every day. I have experience. The books she read are too complicated. I have seen all kinds of styles, which can just provide inspiration for me. Once, I suddenly understood.

The biggest reason why I am going to the street is that I want to walk from the niche to the public. I have forgotten who I said to me. My book protagonist acts a bit differently. It is difficult to give people a sense of substitution. Write again should write about a normal process of human growth.

In fact, what I really want to write is that the protagonist keeps setting up to bully people's pleasure, instead of being designed, and then all kinds of invincibility and various counterattacks, the former is active, the latter is passive, probably the Divine Code is a watershed, before all It was the initiative. Later, with the idea of ​​listening to people to persevere, I began to choose passive.

But this writing is becoming more and more awkward. Sometimes, I have clearly got inspiration, but I have reviewed the logic before and after the plot and found that it is inappropriate. This is an inexperienced young bird. How can it be so smart? Then I can only put aside the great inspiration without pain.

The protagonists of the previous books had their professional backgrounds as soon as they came out, so I wrote it very smoothly. Later, I was forced to write the history of the growth of my youth. It was really a stumbling block.

Now I finally understand that I was originally a niche, and I can only write a niche.

The next book, write what you really want to write, do not learn from others.

Thank you again, I still supported me like this during my trough, and Hou En ca n’t do anything. I can only say that I will write something that surprises you in any case.

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