The Magic Outfit

Chapter 1112: Major news

"Sihaixing Jun also wanted to follow us. We let him stay. With him helping Zhuang Die, there should be no problem on the Lingyu side." Fang Yizhe said.

"Okay, don't talk about them first." Su Tang said: "I let you come over, there is a big thing to discuss."

"It just so happened that we came here to have a big deal." He Lanfeiqiong said: "Tell you first."

Su Tang's operation of the pardon tactics, his hands and quotations, his release of Shen Nian is wrapping everyone in it. Everyone has a deep trust in Su Tang, and there is no resistance to Su Tang's Shen Nian.

At the next moment, everyone saw a flower in front of them, and suddenly found themselves in a strange place, there was an endless sea in front, and there was a vast earth behind, and the aura in the air was extremely pure.

"Where is this place?" Fang Yizhe shouted.

"It's a small endless sea." Su Tang said: "I want to change the evil monarchy to this place. For the time being, let's leave it for the time being. Let's put the monarch's spirit treasure for a while, although he has the ability to defend , But it ’s really difficult to say that there is a true God-level existence. There is an endless sea here as a barrier. I have also learned about the five Prince ’s gluttonous amnesty order to seal the mantra. Unless I am in retreat, even the true God ca n’t Break into the endless sea. "

"You have this certainty?" Ding Hai Xingjun's eyes widened.

Not only Dinghai Xingjun, everyone's heart is also full of shock, True God is the most powerful existence in the Star Realm, Su Tang even dared to call the True God directly, showing his strong self-confidence, although he must borrow the power of the Spirit Array However, it also shows what kind of entry Su Tang has reached.

"Yes," Su Tang nodded, and the five crown princes had worked so hard for a long time, just to give themselves a place to live, and now, everything is cheaper for him.

"Actually, the spiritual domain over there is also useful, there is no need to waste it." He Lanfeiqiong said suddenly.

"If there are people left there, we will be troubled." Fang Yizhe frowned.

"The exit of the spirit domain has been destroyed. I will withdraw the teleportation. The spirit domain naturally becomes a knot. What if the true **** comes? He can't find the spirit domain at all, and there is no way to threaten us. "He Lan Feiqiong said.

"Withdraw the teleportation array, then how can we get in?" Fang Yizhe said.

"I only need to give away two spirit species." He Lanfeiqiong said: "One stays in the spirit domain, one is placed here, using my spirit domain as a springboard, we can naturally shuttle without hindrance."

"This is a way" Su Tang's eyes lit up.

He understands the power of the Great Thousand Spirits.Each spirit is an independent space. He Lanfeiqiong can freely connect the various spaces together with his own mind.In the past, Helan Feiqiong was a monk in this way and the real dragon Competing.

He Lanfeiqiong separated her spirits and scattered them in various places in the deserted star field. Then she could disappear in one place and appear in another place at any time, as long as there were her hidden spirits nearby.

The exit of the spirit domain over there has been destroyed, and then the teleporting spirit array will be removed, and there will be no breath out, no one wants to find it.

More importantly, if he fails to hold the endless sea, and is penetrated by the existence of the true **** level of incompetence, then everyone can retreat to the original spirit domain through He Lan Feiqiong's spirit species, which is equivalent to an extra escape route.

In the same way, if it is really found there, it can also be withdrawn through He Lanfeiqiong's spirit.

This is double insurance

"I will leave a spirit here first, and then go back immediately." He Lanfeiqiong said, she did not ask other people's opinions, in her subconscious, these things only need her and Su Tang to discuss, Su Tang nodded. .

"Don't worry." Su Tang said: "First talk about your business."

"Cough ... let me say it." Wang Anyu coughed: "Last time we broke up in Jiutian Xingyu, I went to Lixing Xingyu and went to find a friend of mine. His name was Zhe Luoxing. The Lord is the palm sect of Zhixian Mountain. Zhixian Mountain was originally very famous, especially when it was the five emperors in the ancient times, it was also regarded as the second-rate sect, but after the rise of the true dragon, the network has been completely Taken by the real dragon, in order to ensure his own safety, the monk naturally chooses the strong side to join.In fact, Zhixianshan is still good.Many originally good sects, now only two or three kittens and puppies are left. It ’s just a lively mind that has already found another way. "

"Wang An, let's focus on it." The girl said impatiently.

"Okay ..." Wang An shook his head helplessly: "I said this, I just wanted to let Brother Tianmo know that Master Luo Xing was a monk with a long history. Although the news he told me was a bit incredible, he definitely wouldn't It ’s a word. "

"What news?" Su Tang asked.

"Let me speak slowly." Wang An said: "At the end of the Taikoo and the beginning of the ancient emperor, the three great primordial treasures, the Demon Demon Record, the Royal Sword and the Magic Mirror, fell on the three big In your hands, Brother Tianmo, you talk about it. If you know that there is something very scary in the world that can cause great harm to yourself, what can you do to make yourself safe? "

"Destroy that thing, or keep it in your own hands." Su Tang said.

"Yes, they do the same." Wang An nodded: "The Emperor holds the sword of the Emperor, Taikoo Zi is in charge of the Demon Record, and the magic mirror falls in the hands of the Nine Wings. A piece of Lingbao can pose a huge threat to their race, and even have the scourge of genocide, so of course, Lingbao should be controlled by them. "

"Since this is the case, why not destroy Lingbao Yu brittle?" Su Tang said.

"That's the Yuanshi Lingbao, can it be said that it can be destroyed by destruction?" Wang Andao said: "In the previous Archaic era, there were frequent chaos. These Yuanshi Lingbao changed hands many times. If they can be easily destroyed, it would have been a long time ago. No longer exists. "

Su Tang frowned, he suddenly remembered the news he had heard before, the ancient real dragon harmed Taiko Zi, and captured the Demon Record, just because he wanted to refine the treasure of Tai Koo Zi, and destroy the Demon Record, only to delay After the time, was blocked by the three emperors, if the Yuanshi Lingbao cannot be destroyed, then there must be hidden insider

"The news I got is related to these three great Yuanshilingbao." Wang An continued.

"What the **** is the news?" Su Tang's curiosity was aroused.

"It's news of the Yuenjian." Wang An said: "Since the Taihuang's death, the Yujian's sword has disappeared. Some people say that the Taihuang is concerned that there may be infighting in the Huangtian, so he hides the Yujian's sword. In the wake of this, some people said that the Emperor Tai was going to hand over the Emperor Heaven to his own disciples, so he changed the Yuen Sword by using the law of heaven. As long as he could find the disciple of the Tai Huang, he could also find the whereabouts of the Yuen Sword. "

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