The Magic Outfit

: Accusation

I'm extremely sorry, but one thing after another these days, I apologize to everyone, I'm really sorry.

The day before yesterday, I just broke my arm. There was news again that several trucks had been seized, and as soon as Tianmeng was bright, I got up and went to the customs.

The conditions there are very poor. It takes dozens of dollars to call China for one minute, and there is no Internet at all, and there are also local LANs of their own.

The wife finally found some people and opened up the relationship, but the officials who were there were rude. I just wanted to take a look at China. Let us help send an invitation.

Then I walked all the way, laughed, eat, and drink with me.

I thought about going back to the Internet today and sending an apology, but someone over there must be followed by someone from the Ministry of Security. If anyone has seen such a person, I should understand my hardship.

I called with my cell phone, and he didn't care. I used my cell phone to get online. I wanted to read the book reviews first, and then went to the author's section. When he asked me what I was doing, I said I was online.

I do n’t know the taboo, the SB translator understands it, but actually translated my words directly.

As a result, the security department immediately smiled, the expression became very serious, the atmosphere was awkward, and then the translator did not look good, and only told me what would cause misunderstandings.

What time it is, actually seeing the net as a flood beast, it is puzzling and sighing.

Then put away the phone and accompany others to sweep, it is really sweeping. I visited two cities a day, non-stop, the most common old shirts, all kinds of together bought 30 pieces, shoes bought eight pairs, watches , Necklaces and the like, also bought a lot, also bought a second-hand small notebook.

The reason why I mention the notebook is because it is too cheap, it is four hundred yuan, but others are like a treasure,

I do n’t understand either. I do n’t even have an internet connection. What should I do to buy this? Let's look like you have a taste jacket?

However, I found that compared with them, I am not the best. I heard that the monthly salary of the first secretary of the Tangtang Municipal Party Committee, but the RMB is not more than 200 yuan ...

I remember seeing Cui Yongyuan's seven-day tour before, and I don't know if it was hand-written by him. Anyway, those things are really cola.

There are several major benefits there, such as free medical care, free school, free pension, etc., literally, it is no problem, but the actual situation is quite nonsense.

If nothing else, medical treatment is free? Is there medicine? If you do n’t find a relationship, you ca n’t even buy a cold medicine. Is there a free fart?

The school is free of charge. If the parents do n’t give gifts to the teacher, the child will be wanted to go to school. Do n’t blame the teacher. At that salary, he will starve to death.

Pension is free, how many elderly people can be seen over there? Old people are everywhere in China, there are very few over there, and their average life expectancy is less than 55. It is only a dozen yuan to change the pension into RMB. Can they live?

Of course, there is a big flaw here, people don't spend RMB, how can they not live?

But I have to say, wrong, this is not a flaw.

The currency in circulation there is the RMB, because the national currency has been declared invalid several times, it is completely invalid. The people no longer believe in the national currency, only the US dollar and the RMB, but in the competition for several years, the RMB has driven the US dollar out .

Even if you take a taxi, you must pay in RMB. The money you give over there will be desperate for you.

Not much to say, I apologize to you again, and my mother-in-law will come back in two days. I wo n’t be busy with this kind of thing in the future. I ’m not suitable to go outside. I sit quietly and work at home, which is what I want most. .

I have to make up for the debts of these chapters anyway. In the past, let me open my eyes and let me go ...

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