The Magic Outfit

: decisive battle

All the corners in the nucleus are constantly changing. Su Tang flew in the air, sometimes bursting bursts of fire, and sometimes rushed into the monstrous waves that came out of the sky, and he was wrapped in a powerful shock. The force could actually cut off the giant wave and cut off the waist, resulting in a gap of a thousand kilometers wide. Innumerable water droplets were shot at a speed close to the limit, and the lethality was far more than the arrows shot by Zan.

He Lanfeiqiong, who was following, was very distressed. The continuous change of the environment could not have affected her, but what Su Tang had done would cause a big explosion in the energy of the entire area, and the lethality would be greatly improved. It is only by avoiding the harassment of the outside world that the great thousand spirit species are not released and flashed into the spirit domain of the spirit species.

The further he went, the more suspicious He Lanfeiqiong was. After so long, he still did not see a figure. Where did the monks of Tianle Mountain go? There are also ancient monsters in the sky core, how can they disappear without a trace?

Was it all killed by the third prince? impossible! The strength of the Taiko demon is exceptionally strong, and the true **** is poor light is an example, and even if the three princes can do it, it will never be so crazy, and always have to subdue some partisans, otherwise why should he control that block of stars ?

After almost a hundred breaths of time, Su Tang passed by a huge stone, his body suddenly slowed down, and there was a sea of ​​countless strange crystals in front of him. The crystals exuded a strange cold light and trembled. If the substance is average, it hurts He Lanfeiqiong's eyes.

There are no feelings when they are more than a thousand meters away from those crystals. After reaching more than a hundred meters, an indescribable wave of spiritual power comes to the surface, like a huge wave of thousands of kilograms.

He Lan Feiqiong's body protector was frantically shaking, and he seemed unable to bear the pressure.

He Lan Feiqiong was taken aback, involuntarily took a step back, and then strange things happened, the pressure enough to suffocate her suddenly disappeared.

He Lanfei Qiong paused, and took another step forward, just one step, let her humming, the pressure appeared again.

He Lanfeiqiong gritted his teeth and looked around, at the other end of the sea, or at the center of the sea, there must be something preventing the spiritual power from escaping, but it can accumulate spiritual power to this magnificent degree The power of that kind of thing should be terrifying.

Su Tang stood in front of He Lan Feiqiong, his face was very heavy, and he slowly pulled out the sword.

The whole sea surface oscillated, and He Lanfeiqiong took a breath of air. She only then saw clearly that the crystals were all falling, like playing cards layered on the table, now they are all standing .

Each piece of crystal is sealed with a figure, male and female, old and young, some, and demon, they seem to be able to see the changes in the outside world, countless pairs of hateful eyes are concentrated on Su Tang and He Lanfei Joan.

"What's that?" He Lanfeiqiong asked, barely controlling the inner thrill.

"All methods belong to the sect." Su Tang said slowly.

He Lanfeiqiong wanted to ask what Wan Fa Guizong was. At this time, a long voice suddenly came from the depths of the sea: "Heavens and Heavens, you are really persevering! But what is the point? But you can be so short It was far beyond my expectation to be promoted to God within the time limit. "

"No wonder you want to get the Demon Record in this way, everything is difficult at the beginning, you have not planned to share this new world with your brother from the beginning!" Su Tang replied word by word, he finally understood that in the Dragon Cave , Why the third prince Zhan Lian was uncharacteristically, impatiently took the robbery demon record, it is basically prepared for two hands, if you can grab the demon devil record, of course it is a good thing, enough to allow the third prince to complete the most primitive spirit The accumulation of power is nothing, and the third prince Zhan Lian has somehow forced several true **** princes to make full efforts.

For both sides, this battle is regarded as the final battle, and will never give in. If you lose a hundred, you will also pay a heavy price for the victory, leaving the third prince with a chance.

"All the disasters in the world have originated from too many persons and too many true gods." The voice said slowly: "Only if all the methods are united and all beings are united, this starry sky can truly restore calm."

"It makes sense." Su Tang smiled faintly: "But, the only true **** left at the end, why are you? Why are you?"

"You make sense." The voice laughed: "But ... why not me? Why not me?"

"It's hard to say, let's fight." Su Tang's pupils glowed with golden light, and at the same time, the golden smoke cloud hanging above him began to spin wildly.

"Fight? You came too late!" The voice sighed long and seemed to feel sorry for Su Tang.

Su Tang's figure suddenly swept up, and the sword in his hand exuded a dazzling brilliance, but his action alarmed the endless sea in front of him, and a glass-like crystal jumped up automatically, blocking Su one by one. Tang's way.

Each crystal stretches out a looming chain formed by star points. All chains lead to the depths of the sea and finally merge into a little.

The whole sea came to life abruptly, and He Lanfeiqiong was running, and she was going to shoot, when Su Tang suddenly shouted, "You're raiding me!"

He Lanfeiqiong was stunned, but she knew that Su Tang should have special considerations, hesitated a little, and backed out of the envelope of spiritual pressure.

There were more than a dozen glass-like crystals surrounding Su Tang first, and the monks in the crystals made aggressive actions. Then, a wave of spiritual power bloomed wildly.

The strength of those monks is not strong, only two are Da Luo Xingjun, the rest are only ordinary monks in Xingjun Realm, but within the scope of spiritual pressure, their combat power seems to be expanded dozens of times.

The sword of Su Tang in the hands of Su Tang fell forward, and the sword light condensed into a light curtain that was thousands of meters long.

Booming ... The glassy crystals were too dense. The sword light fell, and almost dozens of crystals were hit. In an instant, they turned into blasting debris, mixed with countless blood and rolled in all directions.

"Huangtian? Is it Huangtian?" The voice from afar was shocked.

Su Tang once cracked similar crystals in the Dragon's Cave, and released the ancient real dragon. However, the third prince Zhu Lian thought it was a coincidence and did not take it seriously. Now Su Tang just throws a sword and smashes it. Dozens of Guizong seals made by the emperor Zhi Zhi, the three princes Zuan Lian, found that something was wrong.

Su Tang didn't answer, the sword in his hand turned out to be a light curtain. In fact, the seal of Guizong made by the emperor Zhi was extremely tough, otherwise it would not be possible to seal the existence of the true **** level, but Su Tang had the power of the emperor. , It is possible to restrain the Guizong seal.

Suddenly, Su Tang had penetrated thousands of meters away. Behind them were pieces of smashed crystals. The debris burst into the air. The scene was extremely spectacular.

He Lanfeiqiong breathed out a long breath, her personality was extremely belligerent, if she failed to participate in this battle, it would become a pity, but she had not yet figured out, why Su Tang wanted her to avoid temporarily , I can only take a look and wait.

It should be realized that the ordinary seal cannot stop Su Tang, and the numerous crystals surrounding Su Tang suddenly retreated, and then several more crystals jumped out of the sea and shot at Su Tang.

Su Tang exhibited his sword, and the sword light rolled towards the crystals. A bat-shaped monster was sealed in the front crystal. The monster opened its mouth and sprayed a blood mist.

Boom ... The sword curtain cut through the blood mist, and a loud noise erupted. Su Tang's invincible royal sword failed to hurt the crystal of the seal monster.

At the next moment, another piece of crystal burst out with a sword light not inferior to that of Su Tang, slashing towards Su Tang with lightning, and the last piece of crystal ejected countless electric lights, instantly overwhelming Su Tang's body with the overwhelming momentum.

Cut the thunder? There was actually a great god-level presence in the seal, and there were three in one shot. He Lanfeiqiong's double pupils standing outside the spirit pressure suddenly widened, and she understood it all at once!

The **** mentioned by Su Tang refers to the need for primitive spiritual accumulation of the third prince's ancestral ancestors. Before the Xihuang rushed to Tianle Mountain, the third prince's monk had sealed all the monks in Tianle Mountain Each seal of guild can enhance the power of the three princes, and the chain that loomingly stretches deep into the sea should be proof.

Then the third prince Zhan Lian took advantage of the legal world and sealed his brother, and his strength rose again.

I felt that the Western Emperor was originally full of confidence, but I never imagined that the power of the third prince Luan has become very terrifying. After a fierce battle, he should be sealed by the third prince.

But this is not the end point of the third prince Zhan Lian, he took all the seals of the ancestors, broke into the sky, and began to seal the ancient demon in the core of the sky!

Thinking of this, He Lanfeiqiong's fingertips tremble slightly, she has never been as discouraged as now. If her guesses are correct, then this battle is not their decisive battle with the third prince. The two of them are fighting against all the monks in the star field!

It's almost impossible ... The thunderbolt appeared, which means that the seventh prince glutton is also in the seal. What about the eighth prince 狻猊? What about the Western Emperor? What about the ancient demon in the sky core?

With her power, even if it retains the opportunity to be promoted to God on the spot, what role can it play?

The most terrifying thing is that the power of the third prince who hasn't known how many times he has swelled hasn't shot yet. Once he shows up, can Su Tang resist it?

Also, since there are so many true god-level existences that ca n’t avoid the ending of the seal, she and Su Tang have no reason to escape the seal. In the end, I am afraid they will also become the same puppet.

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