The Magic Outfit

Chapter 1173: Super storm

The three true god-level big shots intercepted, Su Tangrui's improper offensive was finally contained, he had to fly back hundreds of meters, to avoid the thundering light, and the dreadful swordmans.

However, it was only a moment when he discovered that the three true god-level seals that had been sealed had no intention of pursuing it. Su Tang's mouth sneered.

Now is the real decisive battle, his fighting spirit has reached its peak, his fighting intentions are like a rainbow, there is no reason to give up so easily, deliberately showing weakness, it is just a temptation, the third prince Zhan Lian did not personally shoot, nor let his puppet chase It proves that the third prince is in the situation of doppelganger. There must be other more important things.

"Let you see the real thunderbolt ..." Su Tang exhaled softly, his voice had just dropped, his figure had been swept up like lightning, but he approached the bat-shaped monster in an instant.

The bat-shaped monster reappeared with its skill, and spit out a blood mist again, and it seemed to know what Su Tang was going to do. The blood mist shrouded the entire crystal strictly, just to resist the damage from the thunder.

Another sealed middle-aged man, Seventh Prince Ji Can, and the monster were horned. When Su Tang attacked, they immediately responded.

Boom ... Thunder and light from the sky fell from the void and slammed into the blood mist, then Su Tang's palm turned over, and a magic charm came out.

The charm came first, hit the blood mist one step faster than thunder, and then blasted away.

The thick blood mist was quickly stripped by an invisible force, but in a flash, the blood mist had become dim, revealing the crystals inside.

Su Tang drank angrily and pushed forward with his right hand. A dragon-shaped force struck the crystal with lightning.

In the air of an airy mountain and river surrounded by countless bright golden lights, the crystal was instantly blasted into a sieve, and then the thunder that cut off the thunder finally fell and swallowed the bat-like monster in it.

In fact, the thunderbolt that struck thunder from appearing to hitting the target was just a matter of blink of an eye, and Su Tang first released the pardon order in this electro-optical stone fire, and added a pneumatic mountain river, the ancient demon almost Without any response, he was torn to pieces by lightning.

Su Tang has never seen too, and has been fighting life and death many times with the ancient Zhenlong, but it is difficult to accurately describe the benefits he received from both.

Su Tang got the Royal Sword and the Emperor's Heaven. These are the inheritance of the Emperor Tai's power, but he has never received an oral instruction from the Emperor Tai. How can he turn his power into his own? It depends on him Insights.

The power inheritance that Su Tang obtained from the ancient Zhenlong is incomplete, and the power of the true soul is far less than the original. However, the ancient Zhenlong taught the real dragon nine skill hands to Su Tang, and Su Tang no longer needs to understand anything. .

More importantly, the emperor's emperor's emperor blessed Su Tang with supreme power. Su Tang combined the power of the emperor's emperor into the real dragon nine skills to maximize the destructiveness of the real dragon nine skills. It is inferior to the ancient real dragon that kept its heyday.

The power of the emperor, the skill of the true dragon, is now Su Tang.

At this time, the thunderbolt released by the middle-aged man's swordman and the seventh prince Jiu Ji also hit Su Tang's body protection mind, but he could not shake Su Tang's defensive circle at all, which proved the promotion of the throne. God's Su Tang has reached what level of entry.

The bat-shaped monster was cut off by the thunder and torn into pieces, and countless gravel crystallized by Shennian blasted to the bottom. Su Tangchang took a breath and ran the eternal life-sponsored trick. Some of the burst of gravel changed its direction and merged into Su Tang's psychic realm disappeared without a trace, but more gravel was affected by another force, turned into countless streamers, and shot deep into the star field.

"You actually know how to live forever!" Su Tang said slowly.

"Stupid ... Do you really understand it or not?" There was a low laughter from the depths of the star field: "The guild of all things is derived from the eternal life ..."

The emotion of the third prince Zhan Lian is very stable. The demise of a true god-level existence cannot affect him, because he still has many such cards.

"Really? Then you have to work hard!" Su Tang also laughed: "I'm afraid you ... can't be busy!"

At the next moment, the golden golden clouds swirling over Su Tang, with Su Tang's gesture falling, enveloped around Su Tang.

Su Tang flew forward with all his strength, just like a huge artillery shell, but by himself fusing the emperor's body protection mind, forcibly broke away from the layers of the seal of the clan seal and flew deep into the star field.

The whole sea has become boiling. Numerous crystals are frantically gathering towards Su and Tang, and there are more and more true god-level existences hidden in it, which have reached ten digits. The intention of the three princes is obvious. Can't make it, now only need to delay Su Tang's footsteps.

Su Tang has flew more than ten thousand meters away, but his speed is constantly slowing down. There are too many crystals around him. The cold light emitted by the crystals is up and down, up and down, left and right, as if it has crystallized. The sea water is going to trap him in it.

"It's almost ..." Su Tang's detective raised his sword and slashed forward.

Yurenjian burst into a light curtain with a length of nearly thousand kilometers, and even cut a fissure in countless crystals.

However, despite the blessing of the Emperor's power, Su Tang also shot with all his strength, but it is only a sword, and the powerful force has its own limits. Only dozens of crystals are cut off by Su Tang, and more crystals are just sword light. Soaring.

Su Tang again wielded the second sword, followed by the third, fourth, and fifth swords. The light curtain released by Su Tang one after the other, the bright golden cloud formed by the rippling air formed a huge circle around Su Tang swirl.

A terror storm that is visible to the naked eye is rapidly taking shape, and Su Tang, who is in the center of the storm, is still fully operating the spiritual veins, the sword curtain is continuously integrated into the storm, and the power of the storm is also constantly improving.

When Su Tang met Bai Ze for the first time in the human world, he relied on the spiritual storm he released to gain the upper hand, almost making Bai Ze nothing, and now he has been promoted to God and surrounded him. The storm was many times more terrifying than it was originally unknown.

Booming ... The seal of Guizong used to smash piece by piece. The strength of the seal of Guizong depends on the strength of the person being sealed, and the storm released by Su Tang became a true touchstone.

The ordinary seal of the sect, as long as it comes in contact with the storm, will be shattered. The seal of the monarch-level sect of ancestors can insist on a slightly stronger time, but at most it is only a breath of time. Broken, the monks inside will also be strangled by the storm.

The star-class Guizong seal? It won't last long, and the true god-level Guizong seal has been highlighted, and only they can sustain it in the storm.

The speed of the storm is too fast, and the enclosed space is too large, with a diameter of about 10,000 meters or so. Although the third prince Zhan Lian felt wrong, it was too late to let the vast seal of the sect of the sea retreat. In time, tens of thousands of seals of ancestors were completely annihilated in the storm.

This did not end. Su Tang was advancing toward the depths of the star field at a seemingly slow speed. More and more Guizong seals were caught in the storm.

The death of the monks will inevitably produce energy dissipation, and tens of thousands of monks have fallen at the same time, and the spiritual aura has reached a level of madness. Su Tang did not forget to run the eternal life skills, the spiritual power has just When it escapes, it will be drawn into the storm and eventually merge into his spirit.

It can also be said that Su Tang ’s lethality has been maximized at this moment, but there is no loss. If necessary, he can let the storm continue indefinitely. Of course, the supplement must keep up.

The third prince Zhan Lian in the deep of the stars is also absorbing the dissipated aura, but the dissipated aura is involved in the storm. He ca n’t **** Su Tang at all, and nearly 70% of the aura belongs to Su Tang. The most he got was only a pitiful 30%.

Su Tang and the three princes are like two fat people with unusually burly shapes, desperately drinking the sea water in the same sea. They know that one more sip will make them more likely to win, and no one wants to relax.

However, this piece of sea water originally belonged to the third crown prince, Su Tang belonged to the intruder, and every bite was a bit cheap, and for the third crown prince, the shattered seal of the ancestor had lost all its value. The purpose of absorbing Qi is to reduce his loss as much as possible. His inner pain is conceivable.

Dozens of true god-level giants who are struggling to support in the storm are trying to release the attack to the center of the storm. However, Su Tang ’s spiritual storm is to some extent a powerful magic circle integrating attack and defense, not only killing The power is extremely terrifying, and external attacks will also be resolved by the storm. No matter how powerful those true god-level existences are, how powerful the soul tactics released are, they ca n’t pass through the storm belt with a diameter of more than 10,000 meters. cause some damages.

In fact, Su Tang ’s every second of wear and tear is extremely alarming, and it is replaced by other true god-level existences. If he wants to maintain such an offensive, I am afraid that after dozens of breaths, his spiritual power will be exhausted, but Su Tang is not afraid, Not only did he not wear out, but the power of the storm became stronger and stronger.

In the end, the third prince, Zeng Lian, could not bear the loss. The sea surface composed of countless crystals suddenly separated to both sides. He originally wanted to use the seal of Guizong to block Su Tang, but now he had to put Su Tang in.

Rao is so, the storm that is rapidly advancing still contains countless pieces of crystals that are too late to avoid.

At this moment, the faint sound of flute came from under the sea, and the sword of Su Tang was also inexplicable. He saw the sealed Xihuang, but the Xihuang was not the reason why he stopped.

On the side of the Western Emperor, an old man was sealed, and turned out to be the ancestor of Linglianmen. Su Tang knew that he could embark on a path of cultivation and possess everything he has today. It is inseparable from the ancestor of Linglianmen.

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