The Magic Outfit

Chapter 20: lesson

Seeing Tong Fei keep air-conditioning there, Su Tang smiled and said, "Do you have a toothache?"

At this time, Wen Xiang's figure appeared outside the door, and slowly walked in: "It's almost the same? Even the great ancestor should be dead."

"If Mr. Su is right, that guy may be the Founder Pavilion of Dakai Mountain in Hongyangmen." Tong Fei murmured: "We are in big trouble."

"It's more trouble for them to get in trouble with me." Wen Xiang sneered, "Today is just the beginning."

"His Royal Highness" Su Tang extended his thumbs with a smile.

Wen Xiang gave Su Tang a white look, then frowned: "Are you injured?"

"It's okay, a little injury." Su Tang said.

"It makes people feel ashamed ..." Tong Fei said: "With both of us there, we must let Mr. Su lure the enemy ..."

"Don't pretend to be a polite guest, let you go, can you escape alive?" Wen Xiang said, and then looked at Su Tang: "Sit down, I will show you."

"My injury doesn't hinder. I'll wait until after tonight." Su Tang said: "It's time to go to Xianxinzhai."

"Will they still have major practitioners?" Tong Fei said.

"It's been more than a month. Isn't it enough to leave a grand master?" Su Tang shook his head. "Hongyangmen, just those few practitioners, have nothing to do?"

"Go." Wen Xiang said.

The three people walked out of the room, jumped on the roof, and flew quickly towards the direction of Xian Xin Zhai. Halfway, Zong Yiye greeted him from one side. He first looked at Su Tang with suspicious eyes, and then said to Wen Xiang: "Xian Xin Zhai didn't respond at all. "

Zong Yiye was responsible for the outer reconnaissance, and he could not see the magic warrior coming out.However, he knew that Su Tang had taken the task of enticing the enemy, and the spiritual force generated during the battle fluctuated sharply. Tang's true strength.

For a moment, several people successively fell at the door of Xianxinzhai and exchanged glances. Su Tang and Wen Xiang stepped in, while Tong Fei and Zong Yiye were far behind, so that even if they encountered an ambush, they could respond to each other. Not to be trapped together.

Passing through the empty main hall and into the backyard, the two samurai said with a smile and a smile, they saw Su Tang and Wen Xiang, they were both dumbfounded.Obviously, they couldn't think of it anyway. Will lose.

One of the samurai warriors "with enemies" pulled out his long sword in his backhand and shouted.

Su Tang just took a step forward and smelled: "You are hurt, I will come." Then her body was shot like a shell

The samurai holding the sword took a step forward, and Jianguang pierced Wenxiang's throat. Another samurai leaned over and grabbed the stone lock on the ground. His spiritual weapon should not be carried on his body, and he could only find something temporarily.

Wen Xiang's left hand clasped the blade, the flashing sword light disappeared without a trace, life and death broke through the world's spiritual weapon, and the sword became an ordinary iron in the blink of an eye. At the next moment, Wen Xiang's left hand flicked gently, and suddenly there were several blood stains with deep bones in the throat of the samurai, and the blood hung like a waterfall.

Another warrior raised the stone lock and split his head to hit Wenxiang. Wenxiang once again reached out his left hand and slapped on the stone lock.The stone lock flew back suddenly and was hitting the warrior's face door. It was distorted, and wailed and fell to the ground.

There was a loud noise in the main room where Wen Xiang originally lived. Su Tang was preparing to shoot, but Wen Xiang took another step forward and rushed into the window.

There was a dull collision of flesh and a wailing howl in the main room. When Su Tang kicked the door open, the three samurai inside had fallen into the pool of blood.

At this moment, Tong Fei and Zong Yiye had split their heads and searched the rooms on both sides, and found nothing.

"It should be alive." Tong Fei said.

"No." Su Tang smiled: "Yesterday, there were a few people from Hongyangmen who were guests in Wanjia. They left Feilu City at dusk and went south. They first cleaned the place before going there. Chase them. "

"You are trying to kill it all." Tong Fei tapped his mouth, he tasted a little bit, and smelling incense wasn't arrogant, today is just the beginning.

"Go and see in the basement." Zong Yiye said.

Wenxiang strode across the corner door and entered a partial courtyard. There are a row of compartments in the north and south of the courtyard.The south is the warehouse with debris, and the north is the mill.After all, this is a teahouse. Yes, so as not to cause suspicion, Wenxiang walked towards the corral. There were several donkeys used to pull the grind. Now the donkey is gone. There is a donkey head covered with flies hanging on the wooden fence. The samurai who occupied Xianxinzhai ate.

Wenxiang dialed with her foot, a wooden board was exposed under the weeds, she lifted the wooden board, and then walked slowly.

The spirits transported back to Feilu City were all stored in the basement, and now they can't even see the root hair, and several organs set up in the wooden ladder and in the wall were all destroyed.

However, there was still a man in the basement, with his hands hanging above his hands and his feet in shackles, where he wobbled and seemed to be dozing off.

Wenxiang approached slowly, and the man was aware, did not raise his head, but only begged in a weak voice: "I beg you ... let me sleep for a while ..."

Su Tang froze for a moment. Hearing that the voice was Mei Fei in Baihua Palace, Wen Xiang walked over and picked up the man's chin with her finger. Then she was taken aback and shouted, "Who are you?"

The man's face was extremely ugly, his eyes narrowed into a slit, her cheeks were covered with horizontal flesh, her skin was gray, and she barely opened her eyes to see Wenxiang and cried, "Miss is me, I am Amei ... Save me, save me ... "

"How did you become like this?" Wen Xiangqi said.

"The ancestor was afraid that we would lose our innocence, so we gave Huarong Dan, and it became like this after eating it."

"Why didn't you use it when you were caught by us last time?"

"Last time ... I didn't have a chance, and you have all seen me, and it's useless to eat." Mei Fei murmured.

Tong Fei also walked down the wooden ladder, glanced at Mei Fei, and asked, "Are you yourself?"

Wen Xiang was a little hesitant. She didn't know whether Mei Fei was considered her own. For a moment, she nodded.

Tong Fei leaned down, dragged the shackles on Mei Fei's feet with his hands, and then lifted the hammer to be smashed. Su Tang suddenly said: "Slow down."

Tong Fei was stunned, looking back at Su Tang.

"Your spiritual power has recovered?" Su Tang said slowly.

Wen Xiang ’s expression became solemn, but she did not forget that Mei Fei was a grand master. If the spiritual power had been restored, the presence of these people might not be able to control her.

"Yeah, I won't do bad things, really not. I can swear, you and the lady treated me so well ..." Mei Fei replied in aggrieved manner, but her spirit was no longer so depressed, and her body was also Straighten up.

"What do you call me?" Su Tang asked, he wouldn't believe it. How did Wen Xiang treat Mei Fei, he didn't know, but he and Mei Fei had only met once in private, or for the sake of little things, they couldn't talk What is it good?

"Master ..." Seeing Su Tang seemed displeased, Mei Fei hurriedly changed her mouth.

"Can you recognize me?" Su Tang was surprised.


Su Tang also wanted to speak. Zong Yiye came down from the wooden ladder. He closed his mouth and said to Tong Fei, "Unlock her."

Although he has not been in contact with him a few times, he has probably understood Mei Fei's personality, perhaps because of the deliberate brainwashing of Xuanyuan's prosperous world, or his nature is very weak, Mei Fei lacks the strong man's sense of struggle from the bones, and his slavery is extremely heavy. Especially after hearing the news of Xuanyuan's death in the flourishing age, she seemed to lose her soul, and she always talked and talked, and she was timid.

Su Tang judged that there should be no problems.

Tong Fei smashed all the upper and lower locks with an iron hammer to restore Mei Fei's freedom. Wen Xiang asked, "Amei, what about mother-in-law?"

"Dead." Mei Fei mourned: "They killed her here."

Wen Xiang slowly closed her eyes, seeming to calm down her inner agitation. After a while, she asked again, "What about Zhao Zhiling? How are the others?"

"Everyone else should be dead." Mei Fei paused. "That ... that Zhao Zhiling couldn't carry it, and the master was recruited. Later he was taken elsewhere."

"Do you know where it is?" Wen Xiang asked.

"I don't know." Mei Fei shook her head.

"What about your whip?" Su Tang asked.

"Stolen by them."

"When did your spiritual power recover?"

"For half a month, I haven't found a chance to run away. The three guys outside are very powerful." Mei Fei whispered: "They let me do laundry and cook for them during the day, and lock me here at night, no Let me sleep ... "She said while sneaking a glance at Su Tang, the eyes seemed to really treat Su Tang as the master, looking forward to Su Tang's revenge for her.

"They didn't torture you?" Wen Xiang said.

"I was tortured at the beginning, and later I knew that I was just a maid, so no one ignored me." Mei Fei said.

"It seems that Zhao Zhiling didn't betray you." Su Tangdao said: "He just really couldn't pass it, and he explained some things."

Wen Xiang gently exhaled a breath, she understood the meaning of Su Tang, there is an essential difference between full account and forced account, if you really give up, not only will Mei Fei ’s identity be dismantled and placed in other places of wealth, I ca n’t help it anymore. All the people are uprooted, and the people of Hongyang Gate have been staying in Xianxinzhai, which proves that they know very little.

For Wen Xiang, this is a profound lesson. Zhao Zhiling can insist that it does not mean that there will be no traitors in the future. This loose organizational structure must be significantly restructured. At least one link must have problems, and the other links will be immediately Respond to minimize losses.

What should I do ... Wen Xiang is thinking, at this time Wen Xiang did not realize that she grew up slowly from the setbacks, and it is not too late to make up for it. If you do n’t have today ’s thinking, huh It is impossible for the temple to stand on the top of Moyun Ridge again.

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