The Magic Outfit

Chapter 21: track

In the early morning, after a short break, Su Tang and others left Feilu City and merged with the four people of Baolan and the archers of the survivors, all the way south.

The Hongyang Gate is in the south of Feilu City and occupies the spiritual veins of Jiguan Mountain.According to conventional standards, the Hongyang Gate is just a small sect, and the ten ancestral clubs that the Hongyang Gate depends on are medium-sized sect. At the peak of the establishment of the Tenth Ancestors Association, there were a total of ten great ancestors, and whether there were great ancestors, and how many great ancestors, was the core benchmark for measuring the strength of a martial art.

There is no grand ancestor at Hongyang Gate, and only four people can reach the height of the great practitioners, and now there are only three left.

After a whole day of running, it wasn't until evening that Wenxiang spoke to let everyone find an open space in the forest.

Wen Xiang, Zong Yiye, and Tong Fei were sitting around the campfire and talking in a low voice. Their faces were very dignified. The conversation was definitely a big deal. Bao Lan looked at it from a distance, and was curious in his heart, asking Su Tang. : "Fate Lord, what are they talking about?"

"How do I know?" Su Tang shrugged his shoulders: "She drove me over, not letting me listen, it should be ... something about the temple, I feel like she is going to have an operation inside."

"Fate Lord, why don't you let us know?" Zhao Dalu shouted: "Don't she trust us?"

"Dalu, you think too much." Yue eleven whispered: "His Royal Highness probably doesn't want to let the Lord get involved in too deep, so as not to involve us in the future, in fact, this is fine, and too close to the Temple of Zhu, always not Proper. "

Su Tang didn't speak. He knew the ideas of the four of them.

"Wen Dian's actions have been meticulous, how can he eat such a big loss?" Bao Lan said: "I'm afraid ... there are traitors inside them again.

"No, if the insider betrayed, Zong Yiye didn't have a chance to leave Feilu City at all, and you will follow the bad luck, the real reason ... you should be able to guess." Su Tang said softly.

"We?" Bao Lan and others looked at each other with a little puzzlement.

"Eleven, what did you do with Lao Chu a few days ago?" Su Tang said.

"Fate Lord, we found the devil Gu Zong's people, and then did you let us follow?" Yue eleven said.

"Wenxiang knows that I hate people of Mo Gu Zong very much, so she wants to cut off contact with them, but before that, she is going to design to pit them once, and also vents her anger for me." Su Tang said slowly: "But ... Mo Gu The Zong people started first. "

"Are you saying that Mo Gu Zong used the Hongyang Gate?"

"There is only this kind of explanation." Su Tang said: "Otherwise, Hongyang Gate will not only occupy Xianxinzhai, but other places will not move."

"The people of Mo Gu Zong realized His Highness' intention?" Yue eleven asked.

"No, they didn't have good intentions when they first came in contact with Wenxiang." Su Tangdao, then slowly stood up: "I'll go to see the little boy, I will come back later."

Drilling into the temporary grass hut, she saw Mei Fei lying on the grass, her appearance had returned to normal, and after a day of rushing, she looked a little lazy, but she sat on her cheek, whispered. Talking about something, talking and laughing, the atmosphere is very harmonious.

"Master." Mei Fei immediately sat up.

"Mom ..." Xiao Dou shouted cheerfully.

To be honest, no matter how obedient Mei Fei behaves, Su Tang is always a little uneasy and dare not take care. Although Mei Fei's fighting skills are awkward to the extreme, it does not match the identity of the Grand Master, but the strength is real. When placed there, he must act carefully.

Xiao Dou Ling Zhi gradually spreads, slowly, no longer haunts Su Tang as before, it hopes to see more novel things, and hopes to make more friends, but Su Tang is too strict with it There are not many people it can contact, and fewer people like to contact.

Xiaobudian has a good relationship with Wenxiang, but Wenxiang is always busy, and has no time to play with it, sapphire blue, Xiaobudian also thinks she is boring, always looking at it, then the rest is only Mei Fei, and come to find Mei Fei, Xiaobudian has an excellent reason to learn whipping.

"Call me Mr. in the future." Su Tang said.

"Yes, master." Mei Fei responded.

"Okay ..." Su Tang no longer reluctantly. He glanced at Mei Fei and sighed in his heart. It is meaningless to continue to watch out. If a person can perform to this degree, he admits to planting, convinced by mouth plant.

"Princess Mei, remember you said that three of those people are particularly powerful?" Su Tang said while sitting on the grass.

"Uh." Mei Fei nodded.

"The most powerful one? Talk about his appearance and dress." Su Tang said.

"The most powerful ... should be the youngest person." Mei Fei said: "He seems to be about forty years old, wearing a blue robe, um ... didn't see his magic weapon, and two other people are right His attitude is very respectful. "

"The most powerful one you said is dead." Su Tang sighed with relief. The horror pressure released by the middle-aged man still makes him feel terrified. If someone is stronger than him, then he can only think The way to persuade Wen Xiang, not to take revenge, turned into a door to death, is a big joke.

"Dead? Who killed him?" Mei Fei asked in surprise.

"It's me who killed it." Su Tangdao, definitely not for credit, but for the plan he came up with, and for him to go out to lure the enemy, and Wen Xiang and Tong Fei are cooperating with him.

"Master, you are so powerful ..." Mei Fei murmured, and countless small stars seemed to flash in her veins.

Su Tang was a little stunned. The woman in front of him and the fierce grand master in the Baihua Palace are difficult to coincide. They are just two.

"Princess Mei, I want to discuss something with you." Su Tang's tone was very soft.

"Your order is just right." Mei Fei hurriedly said.

"If we are in confrontation with them, can you entangle one of them?" Su Tang said: "You can rest assured that I will let the surviving archers fully support you." After all, the other party has two great masters, and like Mei Fei. In this way, it is difficult to find a lantern. He must think about the worst, and cannot underestimate the combat effectiveness of the Grand Master, so he needs the help of Mei Fei.The three of them deal with a Grand Master, and the odds have improved a lot.

"Understood, Master." Mei Fei answered very brittlely, and then said: "But, my whip ..."

"You and Xiaobudian joined forces." Su Tang said: "I don't ask you to beat him, as long as you can delay it for a while."

"I get it." Mei Fei nodded.

"Are you afraid?" Su Tang asked.

"Why should you be afraid?" Mei Fei asked, puzzled.

Su Tang was speechless, and then got up and drilled out of the grass shed. Could it be that he really has the domineering spirit, or is there some other level of reason? Merely cowardly, not enough to explain Mei Fei's attitude, what is it for ...

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