The Magic Outfit

Chapter 28: ruins

"Unexpectedly, they actually built such a large underground palace." Su Tang sighed, his eyes glanced around.

"Hongyangmen has a history of seven or eight hundred years, but Baihua Palace was built by Xuanyuan Shengshi. If it is stronger than strength, Baihua Palace is stronger. After all, there is a great ancestor. If it is more than the heritage, Baihua Palace is It is impossible to compare with Hongyangmen. "Wen Xiang said slowly.

"This is indeed the case." Bao Landao said: "If nothing else, we found a dozen medicine gardens in Houshan. It is estimated that ... Many of the various elixirs usually taken by Hongyangmen disciples were planted by themselves. Made by myself. "

"I have a medicine garden? No one came to fight their idea?" Su Tang was a little strange.

"If you can't do it, you will die if you come. If you are strong, everyone has their own foundation." Wen Xiang said: "Self-sufficiency is the last word. Being a robber is not a long-term one. If possible, I want to bring it in my dreams. As they occupy a spiritual vein and develop slowly, there is no need to hide from Tibet, unfortunately ... they will not give me a chance. "

The surviving archers are divided into pairs, running around in the underground palace, waving their weapons while running, leaving traces on the walls, tables and chairs.This is Su Tang's order.He wants to lay an illusion.Anomalies have occurred here. Fierce battle.

"Brother Tong, it's been a long time. Can this door be opened? Can't you open it?" Zong Yiye said: "I found the secret room in the hall just now. Let's go over there. "

"What do you know?" Tong Fei reached out and patted on the door, making a dull sound: "I heard it? This is made of a whole piece of meteorite. Do you know how to transport the meteorite here? How much manpower and time does the gate cost? I dare to guarantee that there are good things behind "

"No hurry, there are two days." Su Tang said: "And the old Chu is outside. Once there is wind and grass, he will notify us immediately.

"Little man, let me help you, by the way, teach me how to crack the organ." Wen Xiang said, and then walked to Tong Fei.

"Why suddenly became hard-working?" Su Tang said with a smile.

"When my mother-in-law was still, I persuaded me many times, let me learn the techniques of making drugs, but I have to deal with a lot of things, and also a little lazy, dragged down every day." Wen Xiang said softly: "Now I want Study, but her mother-in-law is no longer here, and her poison is lost ... It ’s all my fault. "

"Wen Da offerings, what is this ... Do you mean that if you don't follow me now, yours will be lost?" Tong Fei couldn't help crying, it was a curse ...

"Less nonsense." Wen Xiang said angrily. Every time she mentioned her mother-in-law, her mood would become very bad.

Su Tang walked forward a few steps, took off a medicine bottle from the shelf, opened it, looked at it, and threw the medicine bottle out. The lazy mastiff lying on the ground stood up violently, leaping into the air, biting Medicine bottle.

With the crisp cracking sound, the ghost mastiff had broken the medicine bottle, leaning on the dexterous tongue, rolled out the debris, and swallowed all the medicine inside into the stomach.

"Some wasted?" Zong Yiye said, there is still a **** outside. The two beasts should eat the red medicine every day, and think about the days they lived before, the gap is too big, it is really even a beast It ’s not as good as ... so every time he sees Su Tang feeding the elixir to the ghost mastiff and giant eagle, he will feel very distressed.

"Come back." Yue eleven shouted. During these days, the ghost mastiff has always been brought by him, and there is a little affection for each other. Except for Xiaodou and Su Tang, the ghost mastiff will only listen to Yue eleven.

The ghost mastiff swallowed back slowly, and lay down under Yue eleven feet again.

"A lot of things can't be taken away, just make some preparations in advance." Zhao Dalu said.

"If you don't take it away, you will burn it, you can't leave it to them anyway." Bao Lan said.

After a few hours passed, Tong Fei screamed in surprise: "Finished" After he finished, he stepped back a few steps, walked to the winch, and grabbed the handle and turned hard.

There is an iron wire with a thick arm on the winch, which is embedded in the wall above the gate. Tong Fei wanted to use the simplest method to break the wall and directly damage the organ, but the wall was also made of meteorite and could not be smashed at all.

Wow la la ... In the eyes that everyone expected, the gate slowly rose, Wen Xiang took off a torch from the wall and strode in.

The back room inside is very large, almost 200 square meters, with a total of five rows of shelves, two rows in the middle, and the other three rows are attached to three walls. In fact, there is no torch lighting at all, and there is a pearlescent treasure everywhere.

Wen Xiang observed while walking. The weapons listed around her were exuding a strong aura. By induction, she walked to the place where the spiritual power fluctuated the most, and then picked up a spear from the rack.

The gun has a length of more than six feet. The body and tip of the gun are integrated. As the finger strokes, a small arc flashes between the fingertip and the spear.

Wenxiang tried to stab a shot forward, the wind of the gun rose, the flash of the arc suddenly became intense, and even made a snorting noise.

"I want this shot." Wen Xiang smiled: "Yiye reminded me last time that you can't always use life and death."

"Why choose a gun?" Su Tang said.

"Life and death are good for melee." Wen Xiang said: "The spear is good for long-distance attack, so the opponent will try to get close to me."

Su Tang saw that there was a small black box where the gun was placed, so he picked it up and opened it and found a booklet inside.

Su Tang turned over casually and handed the booklet to Wen Xiang: "Look, it may be the magic trick of this gun."

"Oh?" Wen Xiang hurriedly put the spear aside and picked up the booklet. Su Tang saw that Wen Xiang was a little inconvenient. She took the torch in her hand. Wen Xiang carefully read it, read a few pages, and then laughed. : "It is indeed the spirit tactic of this gun, called the counterscale tactic, the gun is the silver light counterscale lance. I have never heard of it before ... In the end, it is a serious practice school, and it is really convenient. It also comes with a spiritual tactic."

Looking at Luo Lie's weapons in the Chamber of Secrets, Yue Eleven Chang sighed.

"Eleven, what's wrong with you?" Zhao Dalu asked.

"Last time I got this sword." Yue eleven reached out and patted on the scabbard: "It's just familiar ... Is this going to change again?"

"Hey ..." Zhao Dalu laughed, and then said proudly: "Remember, at the beginning, I wanted to make a suitable magic weapon in my dreams. After the husband, did you really pick it ..."

Su Tang saw something, quickly walked over, reached out and picked up a long whip from the shelf, and looked it up.The shape of this whip was a little weird, piece by piece, and it looked like a legless centipede. , Covered with sharp barbs, Su Tang turned and threw the long whip to Mei Fei: "Your whip has never been found. It should be on that Hu Kuohai, or you may not find it again. Use this first."

"Thank you, Master." Mei Fei answered, and then caught the whip.

"Use it in the future." Wen Xiang said: "This whip's spiritual power fluctuation is much stronger than your original whip, in fact ... Xuanyuan Shengshi must beware of you, worrying that you will threaten him, so, He will not give you a top-grade spirit weapon, nor will he spend too much time and energy to cultivate you. "

"Head, don't be kidding, Xuanyuan flourished but the four concubines were trained, the four great masters," Zong Yiye shouted.

"Perhaps, Shuangxiu Jue does have a certain uniqueness, so their entry is very fast." Wen Xiangdao then looked at Su Tang: "How is it? Is it a bit tempting?"

"What kind of heart?" Su Tang asked puzzled, but he was laughing secretly in his heart. Was this a trick to try? Idiots won't be fooled ...

"It's nothing." Wenxiang shrugged and turned her eyes elsewhere.

Tong Fei took off a small porcelain bottle from the shelf, leaned close to the torches in Su Tang's hands, observed for a moment, and asked, "Great enlightenment, what is this medicine?"

Wenxiang took the small porcelain bottle, looked at it for a moment, and shook her head: "I can't see it. If you tell me the name of the Elixir, I will know how to use it and what effect it wants. I want it to be recognized. I haven't seen the Elixir at all. "

"Anyway, everything has to be taken away." Yue eleven said: "It is definitely a good thing to let them hide here."

Su Tang drew a short sword and knocked on the wall, making a crisp golden iron symphony. He changed seven or eight places in succession, and the sound was almost the same. It seems that the entire chamber was made of meteorite. of.

Su Tang pondered for a moment, handed the torch in his hand to Yue Eleven, and then walked to Tong Fei, reached out and patted Tong Fei on the shoulder, motioned Tong Fei to speak out.

Tong Fei froze, followed Su Tang to the outside, the two talked for a while, Tong Fei said: "I try it, it should be almost the same."

"This is not something to try." Su Tang said: "If one fails, we may be killed."

"Give me some time, I think about it." Tong Fei said.

"Okay." Su Tang nodded. "If it doesn't work, tell me early, we'll change something else."

"Got it." Tong Fei responded.

Bao Bei walked in with more than a dozen surviving archers and began to move the things in the secret room. There were also several surviving archers who carried the body of the disciple of Hongyang Gate into the underground palace in various poses.

When attacking Baihua Palace, Wenxiang made sufficient preparations in advance and almost evacuated the entire Baihua Palace. This time was too tight and there was no preparation, so she could only choose carefully.

All the elixirs, including various herbs in the Hongyangmen Pharmacy, can be taken away. They are light in weight and do not take up too much space. All the big things were burned. Although it was a waste, it could not be left to the people of Hongyangmen and the Tenth Ancestors Association.

In the middle of the night, the Hongyang Gate was ignited with blazing fire. Su Tang and others withdrew in batches. When the Tianming fire extinguished, the Hongyang Gate with a history of seven or eight hundred years had become a ruin.

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