The Magic Outfit

Chapter 29: Real desperation

At noon, two small black spots appeared in the north of Hongyang Gate.They walked in the sky and flew towards Jiguan Mountain at a very fast speed.After a while, they flew over the mountain gate of Hongyang Gate, and then landed on the rubble heap. in.

On the left is a middle-aged man, on the right is an old man, they are slowly turning like a robot, their eyes dull and their faces twisted.

They knew that they were fooled a few days ago, so they spared no effort and hurried back at the fastest speed, but it was unexpected that the entire Hongyang Gate would be completely destroyed and turned into a ruin. Perhaps they also guessed the worst result, which was subconsciously unacceptable, so they have been deceiving themselves.

"How could this be ... how could this be ..." Zhao Dongcheng kept mumbling to himself, and within a few days, the world he knew collapsed, leaving him with six gods and no master, and he didn't know what to do.

Hu Kuohai was able to calm down a bit, leaned over and tried the temperature of the ashes, and it was already cold. The fire should have ignited yesterday, and then walked towards a corpse.

Hu Kuohai hopes to find a survivor and ask him, but even seven or eight corpses have been examined, and they are all dead. His patience is passing quickly, and then he flew in the direction of the original hall, and Zhao Dongcheng Followed blankly behind Hu Kuohai.

The gate of the underground palace was open, and Hu Kuohai's heart was cold, and his speed accelerated a bit.

Rushing into the underground palace, the underground palace is empty and empty, with only corpses scattered, the door of the innermost chamber is also opened, Hu Kuohai almost vomits blood, as the elder of the Hongyang Gate, he is very clear what is in the chamber, how much is that The family members of the generations have worked hard to accumulate the family, the family is here, the Hongyang Gate and the hope of Dongshan come back. When the family is lost, the Hongyang Gate will disappear, and they can only go to other schools to live a kind of life under the fence.

Hu Kuohai rushed into the secret room. The secret room had been searched so well that there were two corpses lying on the ground. Apart from that, there was nothing else.

Hu Kuohai could not bear it until now, and suddenly an angry roar broke out.

Then Zhao Dongcheng rushed in, closed his eyes in pain, it was over, it was all over ...

The hissing stopped suddenly, because Hu Kuohai saw a corpse move, and there were people alive? At the next moment, Hu Kuohai immediately threw himself over. The life and death of Hongyang Gate can be set aside temporarily, at least to know who it is, otherwise, this breath can hold him alive.

That was his apprentice, Xie Canjun, Hu Kuohai reached out to try Xie Canjun's breath, waited for a while, but could not feel anything

"Huh?" Zhao Dongcheng exclaimed. He also saw it, and Xie Canjun's arm moved again.

Hu Kuohai frowned, reached out to grab Xie Canjun's sleeve, yanked it, and then tore Xie Canjun's sleeve. There were actually two mice in it, and the tails of the mice were tied to Xie Canjun's arm.

what is this? Hu Kuohai and Zhao Dong froze in Chengdu.

Beside the winch outside the secret room, the floor was pushed away, a thick hand protruded from the ground, grabbed the iron rope, and then, the rope suddenly broke open, and the door made of a whole meteorite fell suddenly.

Zhao Dongcheng's response was extremely fast. He was walking forward. The location was only more than ten meters away from the gate. Hu Kuohai was in the back of the chamber and found that the gate fell, but it was too late to make an effective response.

Zhao Dongcheng screamed at the gate and wanted to get out of the gap below.At this moment, an arrow shadowed with a howling sound blasted out, the angle is extremely tricky, if Zhao Dongcheng rushes forward, it is equal to his own The head is sent to Feng Shi.

Zhao Dong released the flying sword cost-effectively, and greeted the arrow shadow, boom ... The strength of the arrow shadow was far from his flying sword, and it was instantly dissipated, but Zhao Dongcheng's figure was also slowed down, his upper body was just Drilled out of the gate, the gate had fallen to the floor, pressing Zhao Dongcheng's body under the gate.

Zhao Dongcheng made a crazy howling, his hands were flexing on the floor desperately, trying to make his waist and legs free, but the tens of thousands of pounds of the door almost pressed his waist into a pie and could not move at all.

Su Tang's figure appeared, and there was a long looming long bow in his hand, and then arrows shot out of the sky and shot at Zhao Dongcheng one after another.

Where did Zhao Dongcheng still have the energy to block the arrow, his hands were still desperately swaying on the floor, blood sputtered in his mouth.

Booming ... The arrows shot by Su Tang failed, and he shot Zhao Dongcheng's head one after another. Zhao Dongcheng twitched like an electric shock, then he became paralyzed and his breathing stopped.

Tong Fei drilled out from underneath, picked up the flying sword on the ground with a smile, and tapped gently on the blade with his fingers.

Su Tang put away his longbow and walked slowly towards this side.

"Not bad, we haven't waited." Tong Fei said.

Boom ... The door suddenly made a crash sound, Tong Fei was startled, and then realized that it was Hu Kuohai.

Booming ... Hu Kuohai seemed to see his own ending, and was crazy and kept hitting the door.

Wen Xiang, Bao Lan and others walked slowly down the stairs. They first looked in the direction of the sound, and then Wen Xiang smiled and said, "It's done?"

"Well." Su Tang nodded. "Should deserve, who asked them to make the Chamber of Secrets so strong."

"You guys, there are so many **** tricks ..." Wen Xiang sighed. She suddenly began to doubt herself. In order to prevent Su Tang from being implicated, she has been trying to avoid Su Tang, not wanting both parties to go too far. Recently, at least not to get tired of it every day, but is this decision really correct?

The Hongyang Gate was destroyed by Su Tang. They are just executors, and all the planning is done by Su Tang. This kind of ability is definitely not comparable to her.

Boom ... Hu Kuohai in the Chamber of Secrets is still smashing the door frantically.

"They hurried back in less than three days and still have so much energy?" Su Tang said with a smile: "Is it great?"

"There is no ventilation hole in the secret room, and it will not be long before he will be suffocated." Tong Fei said, then walked to Zhao Dongcheng, rummaging for loot.

"Then will we wait a little longer?" Zong Yiye said: "When he dies, let's go in again, maybe there will be a bigger surprise."

"The iron wire was cut off." Tong Fei said: "I can't open this door."

"Where will the Ten Ancestors be? A few days away from here?" Su Tang asked.

"Not very clear." Wenxiang shook her head.

"Then don't take any more risks." Su Tang said: "Clean up, we should go back."

"Back to Feilucheng?" Wenxiang frowned: "It's not safe ... Your friends know that we have to deal with Hongyang Gate. They know that the head of Wanjia will also know, in case the door of Hongyang Gate Lord Xiao Jingbo and the people of the Tenth Ancestors Association came over and we will be in trouble. "

"So where are you going?" Su Tang asked.

"I have a good place." Tong Fei said.

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