The Magic Outfit

Chapter 215: track

"How come?" Wen Xiang Jiao said disgustedly.

"Traffic jammed." Su Tang subconsciously replied that this is the soul fusion. Even if he has never really experienced it, he will treat other people's memories as his own.

"Traffic jam?" Wen Xiang was surprised, she really couldn't understand.

"Mr. Su, sit here." Zong Yiye stood up. In any case, Su Tang was much stronger than the Wu family, three Shao Wu Shao Feng. Using Su Tang to let Wu Shaofeng retreat from difficulties, it is also a good way. .

Su Tang was sitting next to Wen Xiang. The two were really acting and doing a good job. The conversation was very pleasant. Wen Xiang also laughed from time to time. The young man's expression on the other side of Su Tang changed a little, looking back to Wang Rui, Wang Rui's face Tie Qing, seeing Su Tang's first glance, he thought that Su Tang had been chasing him from Leopard Forest until he was here. Of course, he would be scared. Although he understands that Su Tang came to the captain Wen, let him relax. But he immediately reacted, and the previous gaffe made him lose face.

Wu Shao San Shao Wu Shao Feng did not act rashly, he vaguely felt that Su Tang's origin seemed to be huge, otherwise it would be impossible to bluff Wang Rui like this.

For a moment, the door of the box was pushed open again, and Wu Shaoyun walked in slowly, and he greeted with a smile on his face: "Everyone, bother bother, oh ... Su Gongzi, I feel a little familiar in the back, Sure enough, you are destined when you meet each other. Come and let me give you a drink.

After talking, he naturally picked up the wine glass in front of Wu Shaolie, and he didn't dislike it. He gathered around Su Tang. Wu Shaolie had two big heads. Today, the third brother invited guests, and the big brother actually broke in to join in the fun. Will fight ...

The so-called angry fist does not laugh at the face-to-face, Wu Shaoyun is so enthusiastic, and Su Tang is not easy to handle. He picked up his glass and touched Wu Shaoyun.

Immediately thereafter, Wu Shaoyun's eyes fell on Wen Xiang: "Captain Wen, are you and Su Gongzi friends?"

"What do you say?" Wen Xiang said with a smile.

"Haha ... But I can see that, no wonder the captain smells so arrogant, and even the idlers can't look down on it. It turns out to be like this ..." Wu Shaoyun laughed: "But, some cats and dogs don't know what their virtue is. Whimsical, ridiculous, ridiculous. "

Everyone in the room could hear Wu Shaoyun mocking who, Wu Shaofeng's face changed from time to time, but after seeing his brother's respect for Su Tang and verifying his guess, he was afraid to take any action.

However, Wu Shaoyun didn't give up, he was passionately looking for various topics, and he stabbed a few words from time to time. Wu Shaofeng endured for more than ten minutes.In the end, he couldn't bear it.He suddenly threw the glass on the table and got up. As he walked out, several friends brought by Wu Shaofeng, as well as Wang Rui, couldn't sit still and stood up one after another.

In a blink of an eye, the man on the wine table was halfway away, and Wu Shaoyun was somewhat stunned, looking at Wu Shaofeng: "Lao Qi, did I say anything wrong? Which one is the third boy? Alas ... his temper is too irritable. , It really should be changed. "

Wu Shaofeng smiled bitterly. This kind of non-stop sarcasm ca n’t be replaced by anyone. The youngest one is pretty good. If it ’s you, would you shoot the table already?

Su Tang took Wenxiang's hand under the table and wrote a word in Wenxiang's palm.

For a moment, Wen Xiang lazily stood up and said to Su Tang: "Let's go too, it's a bit weary, I want to go back to rest earlier."

"Okay, I'll go back with you." Su Tang said.

"Su Gongzi, sit down for a while." Wu Shaoyun hurriedly said.

"No, change the day." Su Tang said.

Wu Shaoyun didn't dare to persuade anymore, so he had to stand up and send him away. Zong Yiye would also follow, but Wu Shaoyun grabbed him.

Walking out of the hotel, Su Tang whispered: "Mei Fei, you send Wenxiang back, I have something to do."

"What are you going to do?" Wen Xiang also lowered her voice.

"Wait for me to tell you." Su Tang said.

The middle-aged man named Wang Rui walked quickly on the street, although it was not too late, but there were no street lights in the world, and there was a dark mass everywhere.He walked around a corner and seemed to sense something, and suddenly turned around, Looking back, he just saw nothing.

Wang Rui stood patiently in the dark, listening and waiting quietly. After more than ten minutes, he was relieved and turned to continue walking forward.

After walking for more than 200 meters, Wang Rui walked into a small courtyard and pushed open the door of the false room. With the light leaking out of the room, he glanced back at him again before walking slowly into the room. It closed, and the courtyard returned to darkness.

A dozen seconds later, a cloud of black fell from the sky and slid silently into the hospital. It immediately merged with the darkness, and no one with good eyesight could see any clues.

There was a low voice in the room ...

"Are you crazy? How can you come here to find me?" Said a hoarse voice.

"I can't help but come, I saw a person just now." Wang Rui replied.


"The man who killed Wu Xinzhou" Wang Rui's tone was full of hate.

"He? Why did he come to Anshui City?" Asked hoarsely.

"Are you asking me? Or do you want me to ask him?" Wang Rui smiled bitterly.

"Have you heard any wind?" Said a hoarse voice.

"Impossible." Wang Rui said flatly: "So far, only three people know that you and I will not speak out, nor will he speak out. Even Wu Xinzhou is unclear what we are going to do."

"It's the critical moment now, don't mess with people," said a hoarse voice. "If you delay a major event, you know the consequences."

"But ... what if he just wanted to trouble me?" Wang Rui asked.

"He recognized you?"

"Recognize it." Wang Rui said: "However, he ignored me."

"Hehe ... that's right." The hoarse voice laughed: "The person you said should be a descendant of a family of a major spiritual practice. Such talents are too lazy to care about you, as long as you don't offend him. , He will naturally not hurt you, right, what is his surname

"His surname is Su, his name is Su Tang." Wang Rui replied.

"Surnamed Su? A person from the Su family of the Iron Curtain?" Said that hoarse voice hoarsely: "How can the Su family come here after tens of thousands of miles?"

"I don't care what the Iron Curtain Su family, Xinzhou's hatred must be reported" Wang Rui said: "Now I will not provoke him first, wait for us to find the Nibi Temple, and then slowly deal with him, even if he is more powerful, need to know the gun It's easy to hide the dark arrows and it's hard to defend. As long as I have patience, there will always be opportunities. "

"Pouting" the hoarse voice shouted, and then the door was suddenly pulled open, walked out of a white-haired old man, he turned half a circle in the courtyard, and listened for a moment, then strode back.

"Are you afraid of someone following me?" Wang Ruiyu smiled: "Forget what I used to do?"

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