The Magic Outfit

Chapter 216: Storm

When Su Tang returned to the hotel, it was already midnight. Like yesterday, he quietly turned into the backyard, floated to the window of Wenxiang, pushed open the window, and flew into the room. There was no sound at all during the whole process, even Wenxiang Did not notice his arrival.

Depending on the situation, I have the potential to be a thief. One day I can't be mixed, I can change my course ...

Tossing so late, Su Tang was very tired. While yawning, he took off his clothes three times and five times and took off his clothes and got into the bed.

There were no lights in the house and it was completely dark, but Su Tang's eyesight was so sharp that he could vaguely see Wenxiang back to himself and was still asleep.

Su Tang put it in the past, put his palm on Wenxiang's waist, stroked it twice, and then picked up the wicked clothes with his fingertips, protruding in to hold Wenxiang's towering chest and gently kneading.

The hand feels surprisingly good. Wenxiang was disturbed and twisted twice, it seemed a little dissatisfied, but her body quickly warmed up

Su Tang knew that Wenxiang was very sensitive in this respect. He laughed twice and stretched his head over again. When he smelled the body fragrance, the movement of his fingertips stopped suddenly, something was wrong, when did the body fragrance seem to smell Yes, but it's definitely not the smell.

The woman saw that Su Tang was not moving, and her body came to her initiative. Then she used her nasal voice to make a very charming bang, Su Tang's mind wavered uncontrollably, and some parts also changed.

At this moment, Wenxiang's voice came from the door: "It's too late, you should go to rest, pay attention to it later, don't disturb the witch house, let their brothers fight, we just look at the lively, whoever loses It does n’t matter if we win. "

"I know." Zong Yiye said.

Su Tang was anxious in his heart and sat up suddenly. He was seen by Wen Xiang. This misunderstanding was even bigger. He should find a place to hide immediately, or leave the window, but his clothes had been stripped off Xi threw it in one piece, which was not immediately recovered. He also kicked his boots under the bed. If he was seen by Wen Xiang while he was running away, he could not explain it.

When Su Tang entered and retreated, Wen Xiang had pushed open the door and came in. She held a candlestick in her hand and saw Su Tang lying on the bed. She was taken aback, and then asked in a low voice: "When did you come back?" ? "

"Just ... before and after the feet, I just lie down." Su Tangyu smiled, he emphasized the time all the time, just to leave a fortune for his explanation.

"Why smile so fake?" Wenxiang frowned.

"I ... it's nothing." Su Tang wanted to laugh with him but didn't dare to laugh.

Wenxiang put the candlestick on the table and walked towards the head of the bed. Then she saw Mei Fei sleeping on the inside, her footsteps stopped suddenly, and she remembered that Mei Fei had not gone.

"It looks like ... I didn't come back." Wen Xiang said with a smile.

In this case, Su Tang was afraid to take it, and most of his energy was used to fight his own body.Now he can conclude that the spiritual formula of Mei Fei's practice is a kind of charm, otherwise his roots will not be so out of control. There is even a feeling that it is about to burst.

Wen Xiang suddenly stepped up and walked over to raise the bedding, Su Tang's Qingtian style was unobstructed.

"Hehe ..." Su Tang laughed again.

"Are you still smiling?" Wen Xiang's grudging detective grabbed Su Tang's ear.

"I thought it was you." Su Tang sat up with Wen Xiang's strength. Here, he made a wink at Wen Xiang, and at the same time turned back to Mei Fei, who was facing away, meaning that there were outsiders, save face ...

Seeing Su Tang looks really embarrassed, smelling fragrant, he snorted, raised his legs across the bed, squeezed into Su Tang and Mei Fei, and elbowed Su Tang with his elbow: "Go, let's sleep together today. "

"I took it off ... Where can I go?"

"By the way, Yiye is next door. Go find him." Wen Xiang said.

"I'm not good with that tone." Su Tang couldn't help crying.

"What kind of tone do you like?" Wen Xiang laughed with a sneer, and then raised her face again: "Then be honest today, don't be fooling"

"Good ..." Su Tang Rumeng amnesty, then lay down, back to smell incense, motionless.

Not long after, Su Tang has entered a dream, Wen Xiang did turn over and could not sleep in the past. She is sensible, knows what kind of cultivation path she has embarked on, and knows that the disaster of extinction may come at any time, so She deliberately rejected Su Tang and did not want Su Tang to get too deep. When she knew that the relationship between Su Tang and Xi Xiaoru had changed, she kept silent, because she hoped that Su Tang would find another favorite person, and she was unlikely to accompany Su Tang through this life, since the day she contacted Zhu Temple , She has done a good job of psychological standards

Seeing that Su Tang and Mei Fei were lying together, she should turn around and leave without any misunderstanding, but her heart was extremely uncomfortable, and the ghost left the gods behind.

After a while, she felt guilty. In this way, Su Tang would only sink deeper and deeper. As a result, she would be exhausted by the temple. After a while, she felt unwilling. She just wanted to be with her beloved man. Why not?

It wasn't until dawn that Wenxiang was forced to fall asleep, not knowing how long it had passed, she was awakened by a small cry.

"Don't do it, don't do it, mom, you're fooling"

"Why the **** are I doing?"

"Sister Mei helped you cheat, I have seen it all," Xiao Dou yelled.

"Have you cheated for me?" Su Tang asked Meifei.

Mei Fei twitched for a while, and the two adults colluded to cheat such a small thing, and they still happily cheated dozens of times. Su Tang did n’t care. The more she played, the happier, but she was really embarrassed, hesitated, and nodded: "Yes what."

"Look, Sister Mei confessed," Xiao Xiao's cry was louder.

"Okay, okay, I lost." Su Tang answered.

Xiaodou chose to forgive his mother for cheating, but after a while, after seeing Su Tang admitting defeat, there was no response and could not help reminding: "Mother wants to learn dog barking"

"Why?" Su Tangqi said.

"Because you have spoken well, you have to learn dog barking when you lose, and people have barked dozens of times," Xiao said in a hurry.

"Why don't I remember?" Su Tang said.

Mei Fei couldn't stand it anymore and turned her face to the side. This was no longer a cheat, but a slapstick.

"Mom Laipi" was a little bit wronged, and then burst into tears: "Wow ..."

"Good, I learn." Su Tang replied helplessly.

Xiaobu stopped crying and stared at Su Tang closely. In her memory, starting from Yunshuize, she won only once until today, and the victory was hard-won.

"Oh, how did the dog bark? I forgot." Su Tang said.

"Mum, you are stupid." Xiao Bu said: "Yes ... Wang Wangwang."

"What? Didn't get it."

"Wang Wang Wang ..."

"Okay, you have called for me, what else do I call? Let's go, let's go to dinner."

"Wow ..." Xiao Doudian just had a smile, and he was forced to cry again.

"Don't cry, don't cry, my name is okay?" Su Tang sighed.

Xiao Doudian reorganized his emotions and looked at Su Tang.

Su Tang adjusted his breath and cried, "I, I ..."

"No, no, it's a lot ..."

"I am I ..."

"Wang Wang Wang ..."

"Good boy, learn really like it." Su Tang said.

"Su Tang, how old are you and still bullying the little ones?" Wen Xiang shouted.

"Mama is a bad guy ..." Xiaobu crying and flew to Wenxiang. With her love for Su Tang, she could say `` big bad guy, three words, enough to prove what kind of inhuman persecution it suffered.

Wenxiang glared at Su Tang while coaxing the little boy.

Su Tang said with a smirk: "Come on, small, I will take you to eat delicious."

Xiao Dou forced his head to the side to show how much he complained.

"Then I went by myself." Su Tang stood up. "Maybe I won't come back." This threat is Su Tang's only magic weapon to deal with small things. Although it has been used many times, it always has an immediate effect.

Sure enough, Xiao Dou became panic, and immediately flew away from Wenxiang and landed on Su Tang's shoulder, but it still tried hard not to look at Su Tang.

"You" Wen Xiang shook her head helplessly, Su Tang's tiredness, sometimes people really gritted their teeth: "You are here to wait, let me go and see what to eat, and save myself from hitting a leaf , Something happened again. "

When Wen Xiang came back with food, Su Tang and Xiao Budian had been reconciled for a long time, Su Tang leaned beside the pillow, Xiao Tang sat on his chest, and did not know what Su Tang said, anyway, it was to tease Xiao Bodian Giggling.

Wen Xiang sighed, she was grieved for the little things, she was purely worried: "Su Tang, I have to go out with Yiye, some things

"You go." Su Tangman responded.

Less than half an hour later, Wen Xiang stepped into the room again, and she looked a little weird: "I took the task and I had to leave immediately to go to Leopard Grove."

"Which task?" Su Tang asked curiously.

"They kill the flying wing beasts, they have raised the price again." Wen Xiang said.

"How many?"

"Kill Flying Wing Beast, give ten thousand, find the trail of Flying Wing Beast, give five thousand." Wen Xiang said.

"Aren't you saying that you are too lazy to move? This little money will impress you?"

"Wu Shaoyun is missing." Wen Xiang said: "Several of his guards were killed in battle, leaving a lot of blood on the scene. The Wu family is going to be messed up. In fact, Wu Shaoyun and Wu Shaofeng are in contention, but it's just a kid who is playing and making trouble. It's a big storm, but now it's life is different, the situation is different, it will involve the dispute between the lineage and the lineage, Anshui City has become a land of right and wrong, we should go out and hide for a few days, wait for them to fight for a result, We will come back again. "

"Wu Shaoyun is missing ..." Su Tang couldn't help frowning.

"What about you? Are you staying here or going to the Leopard Forest with us?" Wen Xiang smiled: "Don't blame me for not telling you, I just met the real employer, pretty girl, but ... beside her There is a man, with our uncle Su's ability, shouldn't it be ok to pry off the corner? "

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