The Magic Outfit

Chapter 218: want to go home

Just when Mei Fei was hesitant, Su Tang was already impatient, and the stubble of that tree was cut in half, he still had a lot to say, time was running out, he suddenly reached out and grabbed Mei Concubine's arm. Although Mei Fei was a great master, she didn't dare to compete with Su Tang. She had to fall into Su Tang's arms.

"Miss Wen ... Look at it." Mei Fei shouted in a low voice like mosquito, in fact, this is what she was most worried about.

People all have a certain nature, some people are tigers, some people are wolves, and some people are still sheep even if they are armed with teeth, and Mei Fei's character is a little weak, plus Xuanyuan's deliberate cultivation in the prosperous world makes her like A vine, no matter how strong it is, must be habitually attached to the tree. Therefore, if Su Tang really wants to do something, not only will she not resist, but she will make every effort to meet.

"Don't talk, from now on, remember every word I said." Su Tang leaned into Mei Fei's ear and lowered his voice, said: "You cry and run away, find Wenxiang, don't expose your breath, Imagine myself as a child who has been aggrieved, understand? Then tell Wen Xiang, no matter what happens here, don't control me, I can take care of myself, go. "

"Ah?" Mei Fei opened her eyes to Su Tang.

Zong Yiye on the other side, his eyes widened more than Mei Fei, he completely served, don't you want to follow the incense? Actually get this out with other women? Not afraid of smelling incense?

Wen Xiang noticed Zong Yiye's abnormality and turned around, seeing Mei Fei sitting in Su Tang's arms in a very ambiguous posture, and Su Tang's hand was still touched in a restless manner.

Wen Xiang's potential showed at this moment, she immediately judged that the situation was abnormal, because of trust, and because Su Tang had no reason to do so, she just smiled and turned her body back.

"Head, did you not see?" Zong Yiye said in amazement, and the gap between Wenxiang's reaction and his imagination was too great.

At this time, Su Tang's fingertips had touched Mei Fei's ass, squeezed hard, and repeated: "Go quickly"

Mei Fei instinctively jumped up and covered her **** with her hand, Su Tang twisted too hard ... Then she stumbled and ran to smell incense.

Su Tang called out a breath and it was okay, without much flaws.

Mei Fei ran to Wenxiang, took Wenxiang's arm, and relayed what Su Tang said to Wenxiang. Wenxiang glanced back at Su Tang and shook her head with a smile.

In the eyes of outsiders, Mei Fei must have been bullied, so she went to the Miss Family to complain, only to hear that the relationship between Captain and Su Tang was a little special, and she obviously did not want to care about it.

Zong Yiye suddenly realized that he exchanged his eyes with Wenxiang, and then chatted lightly. In fact, both he and Wenxiang have increased their vigilance and are always ready to respond.

Squeak ... Wow the tree cut by the warrior finally collapsed, Zong Yiye facing the face changed a lot, and hurriedly shouted: "Suke Gong, be careful ..."

Su Tang secretly praised, it seems that Zong Yiye has a very promising future. Although he explained that he should not care about this matter, he can't really ignore it.All reactions should be in nature. Zong Yiye's loud warning is normal. Ignorance will only cause doubt.

Su Tang jumped up in a hurry and looked back. The tree was just hit by the head. Su Tang yelled and fled to the side with his head covered, but unfortunately his movement was too slow, and he was buried directly in the canopy.

"Help! Cough cough ... Help ..." Su Tang's voice was frightened, and the corner of his mouth was still bleeding.

"Su Tang?" Wen Xiang and Zong Yiye rushed over with the fastest speed. Zong Yiye grabbed the tree and exhaled, and his body suddenly shot into the air, stiffly lifting the whole tree. stand up.

Wen Xiang immediately lifted Su Tang lying on the ground. Su Tang could no longer move. His body was extremely stiff and was completely dragged away by Wen Xiang.

"How are you? Su Tang? Don't scare me ..." Wen Xiang's voice trembled.

"Song Gong? Are you okay? Are you injured?" Zong Yiye, who fell from the air, asked anxiously.

Su Tang felt so extreme in his heart that Wen Xiang's eyes were filled with tears. Obviously the tree hit him, and the pain was in her heart. Zong Yiye looked very anxious. The good brothers of his life were just like that I really didn't see it before the show. Is this to grab the rhythm of the film emperor?

"Pain ..." Su Tang moaned.

"Dead girl, what are you stupid standing for?" Wen Xiang turned and shouted at Mei Fei: "Come and help me"

Mei Fei was stupid, heard Wenxiang ’s roar, hurried over, held Su Tang ’s arm, and then, Wenxiang took a deep breath and looked coldly at the angry samurai: "How are you going back?" What happened? "Wenxiang's breath became violent, and she seemed to be able to shoot at any time.

"I ... I ..." The samurai stepped back a few steps and groaned.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" The people on the opposite side were all alarmed, and all the warriors came around, and the man and the woman came to the front with a sullen face.

"Ask your people, what did he do?" Wen Xiang sneered.

The man and the woman's eyes fell on the warrior who was in trouble. For a moment, the beautiful-looking woman whispered: "Atu, what the **** is going on?"

"I was chopping the tree, but I didn't expect that the tree fell to this side, and the result was ..." said the samurai with a sad face.

The man walked slowly towards Su Tang, and then reached out to Su Tang's neck.It seemed to be sensing Su Tang's blood pulse with his fingertips. Wen Xiang and other people couldn't help but raise it, worrying that Su Tang would expose the stuffing, but they I don't know the source of Su Tang's power. As long as Su Tang seals his brain, even the great ancestor will be kept in the dark.

For a moment, the man turned around and said: "Fortunately, this brother is not a big deal, just suffered some internal injuries."

"It's not a big deal to get hurt like this?" Wen Xiang's tone suddenly increased: "Is it a big deal to have to die?"

"Don't be angry, Captain Wen, we are not intentional." The man persuaded, and then walked to the warrior who caused the trouble, raised his hand, and pumped it on the cheek of the opponent: "Why are you stupid so careless?

The samurai groaned, staggering a few steps, and then reluctantly accompanied with a smiley face: "I'm so sorry, sorry to hear the captain ..."

The other party has already responded, and Su Tang ’s injury does not seem to be serious. Wenxiang has no reason to continue to entangle. Just when she hesitated, Su Tang suddenly wailed and cried: "I want to go home ... want to go home……"

"Good" Wen Xiang stared at the warrior in trouble, turned to Su Tang, and said softly: "We go home, everyone, I'm sorry, we give up this task, the deposit received, we will According to the rules, you will be compensated twice. One leaf, give them money. "

Zong Yiye immediately took out a roll of gold tickets and counted them carefully.

The team's Liu Jingfang, Wu Shaolie and several warriors hired looked at each other. Will this be given up? It ’s not like smelling Captain ’s style

The man and the woman opposite looked at each other, and they all showed anxiety. The man took a step forward and smiled bitterly: "Wen Captain, so ... not good?"

"My person is injured, sorry." Wen Xiang said coldly: "The responsibility is on you, so the medical expenses should be borne by you, Yiye, deduct the medical expenses from the compensation."

"Captain Wen, to be honest, the blame is indeed on us, but we can't all blame us." The man said: "We have hired you for money, you should not bring in a person who is helpless, here is the experience In the land, any accidents can happen. I can see that you have a close relationship with this Su Gongzi, but ... you are doing a task, not going out to play, what does it mean to take this Su Gongzi ? "

"Also, money is a trivial matter." The man reached out and pulled out two gold tickets: "This is the bounty for the mission, I can give you now, as long as you can take me to find the flying wing beast, I will give you ten more Gold coins "

"Ten times? One hundred thousand?" Wen Xiang was taken aback.

"Yes, one hundred thousand." The man said: "We are not short of money. We bargain with you in Anshui City, but we just don't want to attract the attention of others."

"I ..." Wen Xiang paused, her expression looked very serious: "I'm just a guru, the task of 100,000 is not what I can take, you should change."

"Captain Wen is too cautious ... No wonder the warriors in Anshui City all respect you as much as you do." The man smiled: "Relax, you just need to help us find the Flying Winged Beast. You don't need to manage other things. "

"We are only responsible for finding?" Wen Xiang asked.

"Yes." The man nodded.

"I'm going home ..." Su Tang wailed again.

Wen Xiang ’s expression was already a little tempting, and she regained her determination after hearing Su Tang ’s voice. The man scolded in his heart, and did not wait for Wen Xiang to speak. He said first: “Captain Wen has a dead air in his body, afraid Was it severely internally injured before, and it has never been able to recover? Go on like this ... I ’m not scaring you. You can live up to three years. Fortunately, you have met me now. "

Wen Xiang heard ‘Death, two words, and she was terrified. She almost immediately started to do it. When she heard the words later, she found that the other party had misunderstood, and then she was relieved.

"This is a holy product for healing, gel dew pills." The man took out a small porcelain bottle and said slowly: "This small bottle alone is more than one hundred thousand gold coins, which I count as a gift."

Wenxiang took the small porcelain bottle, opened it and looked at it, and carefully sniffed the medicine in the porcelain bottle. Then asked: "How do I know if this is true or false?"

"Can you try one?" The man smiled bitterly: "However, after taking Gelu Pills, you must retreat and adjust your interest rate. The longer the time, the better the effect. Now it is a bit wasteful to try."

"It doesn't matter, there are nine in total." Wen Xiang said lightly, then looked at Zong Yiye: "Bring the wine."

Zong Yiye immediately ran to the back, ran back with a wine pouch, Wenxiang took the wine pouch, and slowly shook it, she just wanted to throw the pill into her mouth, but then paused, and then handed the pill to that Man: "You serve one first"

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