The Magic Outfit

Chapter 219: link

"Captain Wen was really careful." The man said helplessly, and then twisted the pill and put it in his mouth. Wenxiang passed the wine bag. The man took the wine bag and lifted his neck to take a big sip.

Seeing that the other party was so sincere, Wen Xiang's complexion obviously eased, and the man smiled: "Captain Wen, now ..."

"I'm going home ..." Su Tang shouted again.

The man was very angry in his heart, but the cause of the incident was that he had cut the tree by accident. He hurt someone. He had no reason to attack. He sighed and asked Wenxiang in a low voice: "Captain Wen, who is this Su Gongzi, who are you? ? "

"His parents have great kindness to my family, and my auntie has already given me permission to him." Wen Xiang said lightly.

"It turns out so ..." The man understood at once, and the fiance asked to go to the Leopard Forest together. Wenxiang couldn't refuse it naturally, so he brought such a burden, the man sighed: "Captain Wen is a serious and important Strange woman, admire "

After all, Wenxiang is a guru, and Su Tang is just an ordinary person. If Wenxiang wants to regret her marriage, it is a breeze. Being able to give up to an ordinary person proves that Wenxiang is very nostalgic.

"Take a break early tonight, and leave early tomorrow," Wenxiang said.

"Okay, thank you Captain Wen." The man nodded, seeing Wenxiang no longer ask to give up the task, he let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm going home ..." Su Tang was still screaming.

Wen Xiang walked back and whispered something in Su Tang's ear. Su Tang was honest, and then Wen Xiang bent over to lift Su Tang and walked to the temporary tent in the distance.

Looking at Wen Xiang's back, the man secretly said, but unfortunately such a outstanding girl is really a flower inserted in cow dung

Su Tang, who became a cow dung, did not have any consciousness. With the pace of Wenxiang, his drooping arms kept swaying, perhaps because Wenxiang's **** were a little tall, or because the pace was too large, Wenxiang every In one step, Su Tang's hands would rub against her breast.

"You give me some seriousness" Wen Xiang was annoyed and whispered.

"My arm hurts and I don't have any consciousness at all ..." Su Tang pretended to be addicted and said pitifully.

At this time, you can see the impact of nature on destiny.If you change to Mei Fei, you will suffer from it all the time, and Wen Xiang secretly ruthlessly, holding Su Tang's buttocks, grabbing somewhere lightly a bit.

"What ... what are you doing?" Su Tang immediately became alert.

"It's nothing, just let you experience my feelings." Wen Xiang said lightly, and then grabbed it again.

"Let's talk about it, no more trouble" Su Tang actually showed his true character of being able to bend and stretch.

"Humph" Wenxiang got into Su Teng and carried Su Tang into the tent, then threw Su Tang into the ground angrily.

At this time, Zong Yiye's voice came from outside: "You two, turn around, don't let anyone approach, I will see how Su Gongzi's injury is." The voice just fell, Zong Yiye also drilled Came in.

The faces of the three people became very dignified. Although their experiences were different, they all lingered on the edge of life and death, and they could smell a dangerous taste.

"Hundreds of thousands ... really generous." Zong Yiye sighed softly.

"The comers are not good, the good ones do not come." Su Tang said.

"What should we do?" Zong Yiye said: "Is it ... sneaking away when it's late?"

"No need." Su Tang shook his head and said: "We have won half."

"Having won halfway? What do you mean?" Zong Yiye asked puzzled.

"Did you have clear liquid in your wine bag?" Su Tang looked at Wenxiang.

"I knew I couldn't hide you." Wen Xiang smiled.

"Qingxinye? That's not the poison of mother-in-law ..." Zong Yiye showed a horrified look: "Head, are you crazy? Poisoned in front of them? In case it is taken down ..."

"I have put Qingxin Liquid in the wine for a long time." Wen Xiang said.

"Then how do you know which wine bag I will take?" Zong Yiye said.

"It doesn't matter which one you take," Wen Xiang said.

"All poisonous?" Zong Yiye dumbfounded: "Head, what are you doing?"

"Relax, Qingxin Liquid is not harmful to people, the drug effect will last for up to half a month, and then it will be fine." Wen Xiang said.

"Isn't it harmless ..." Zong Yiye smiled bitterly: "Then I have drunk Qingxin fluid? Head, you told me quietly."

"You don't take the lead, I'm afraid they will doubt." Wen Xiang said softly: "I don't mean to harm anyone, but ... the heart of the people is indispensable, Liu Jingfang and Wu Shaolie ... the time of contact with them is still too short, It is impossible to trust them unconditionally. "

"They have two grandmasters, one is solved, one is left ..." Su Tang murmured.

"It's better not to hit that woman's idea, she is too alert." Wen Xiang said: "I tried, but there is no way to contact, and, now that we have an advantage, there is no need to take risks, really In the event of a conflict, how many of us join forces, and Mei Fei, afraid she won't succeed? "

"You said, what did they do at such a high price?" Su Tang said: "Just to find a flying wing beast?"

"I don't know ..." Zong Yiye shook his head.

"What do you think?" Wen Xiang asked.

Su Tang pondered, and he suddenly remembered some of the messages he heard when tracking Wang Rui: "Have you heard of the Temple of Nirvana?"

Wen Xiang and Zong Yiye looked at each other, and they were both at a loss.

At this moment, the curtain was lifted, Mei Fei leaned in, she stopped talking, and then wanted to retreat.

"You come in." Su Tang said: "I heard what we said just now?"

Mei Fei nodded.

"You know the Temple of Nirvana?" Su Tang asked again.

"Before ... I heard the ancestors say before." Mei Fei said with a gusto. She was peeping at Su Tang's face. After all, Xuanyuan Shengshi was his former master. She knew she shouldn't presume in Su Tang. Seeing that Su Tang ’s face was calm, she continued: "The ancestor said that before the appearance of the Three Heavenly Gates, many practitioners were scattered, and they did not like to form gangs. They left nothing in many corners of the world. The treasure of price, the Temple of Nirvana is one of them. It is said that it was developed by a person named Feng Wu. She is very strong. At that time, there were very few practitioners who could be promoted to Da Zun. She was one of them. I am good at releasing and not extinguishing the fire, and I do n’t know anything else ... Yes, the ancestor said that when Feng Wu died, he should have left the fire. "

"What is Tinder?" Su Tang said.

"It's not clear, I heard the ancestors mention it occasionally at the time, and I was not very interested in these, and did not ask." Mei Fei replied.

"The two of you have never heard of Fengwu?" Su Tang looked at Wenxiang and Zong Yiye. It sounds like Fengwu is a very respectable lord. Wenxiang and Zong Yiye should have relevant information.

"Don't ask me." Zong Yiye shrugged: "I grew up in Taohuayuan, I haven't been out, how can I know?"

"I can't know everything." Wen Xiang smiled bitterly.

"Princess Mei, do you know where the Temple of Nirvana is? In the Leopard Grove?" Su Tang looked at Mei Fei again.

"No one knows. If the ancestor knew, he would have come to the Leopard Forest." Mei Fei said.

The account was quiet for a long time, Su Tang said slowly: "We are utopian here because we don't understand it, anyway ... Everyone should be more careful these days, take a step by step."

In the next few days, Wenxiang and others kept searching in the leopard forest, but they could not find the trace of the flying wing beast.The look of the man and the woman became more and more anxious.Due to the tree felling incident a few days ago, Wen Xiang maintained a high degree of vigilance against them. When camping at night, the camps chosen by both parties were always far away.

That evening, Su Tang, Wen Xiang, and Zong Yiye were talking by the stream, and suddenly heard a sound from the forest: "Who?" That was Wu Shaolie's voice.

"It's royal blue." Su Tang said.

"I'm looking for Mr. Su." Sure enough, Bao Lan's voice came.

"Shao Lie is a friend." Wen Xiang said in a loud voice.

For a moment, Baolan quickly walked out of the woods and approached Su Tang.

"Why are you here?" Su Tang frowned. Among Yue eleven and others, only Bao Lan was a master and had Bao Lan's caregiver, he could leave with confidence. Now that Bao Lan is gone, he is worried about an accident.

"At noon today, Lao Chu saw you." Bao Lan whispered: "Everyone is nearby."

"Oh." Su Tang let out a sigh of relief: "How is it over there?"

"Sir, we have been following for seven or eight days and have never found anything. He has been taking us around in the Leopard Forest." Bao Lan said: "Or, he found us, or ... he didn't even know what he wanted. Where to go, there is no goal at all. "

"Did you find anything unusual?" Su Tang asked.

"Anomaly ... He is always in a daze, and sometimes he writes on the ground. After writing, he looks at his words and does not move. It takes a few hours to sit." Bao Lan said.

"Do you know what he wrote?"

"Lao Chu has seen it, it is two poems, two tigers form a peak, and there is only one fisherman in the sky."

What does it mean? Su Tang broke a branch and wrote it on the ground. After watching it for a moment, his eyes fell on Wenxiang and Zongyiye. Wenxiang and Zongyiye were frowning and thinking, and they did not understand.

"Let all of you come and see, brainstorming." Su Tang said.

Wen Xiang greeted him, and Liu Jingfang, Wu Shaolie, and several homeless warriors hired came over, looked at the writing on the ground, and whispered.

"Dudiao Weng should refer to Diao Weng Shi?" Wu Shaolie said with uncertain tone.

"If the sky alone fisherman refers to the fisherman stone, then the two tigers forming a peak means Shuanghuling." Liu Jingfang said: "The two places are close to each other."

Su Tang silently asked for a moment, "How far is Shuanghuling from here?"

"It takes about four or five hours." Liu Jingfang replied.

"Going to Shuanghuling tomorrow" Su Tang threw the branch on the ground. He felt that he had caught a bond that could link these things together.

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