The Magic Outfit

Chapter 220: No fire

Departing early in the morning, at noon, the crowd finally arrived at their destination.A severely weathered boulder appeared in front of it, almost 20 meters high, with a horizontal pillar on the top of the boulder, stretching forward and looking away, Just like a giant fishing, this should be the origin of the fisherman stone.

In the direction pointed by the stone pillar, there is a hill with a gentle slope. On both sides of the hill there is a conspicuous lying stone, and the diameter should be more than 100 meters.According to Wu Shaolie, it is all tiger spot stone, so that The hill is called Shuanghuling.

The crowd stopped and looked far away. At this moment, a girl with a long bow leaped from the jungle and strode toward here.

Wen Xiang recognized that it was Bao Bei, and hurriedly stopped Liu Jingfang who wanted to step forward. Bao Bei ran to Su Tang and whispered something, Su Tang nodded, then signaled Wen Xiang and Zong Yi Ye came over and said slowly, "I asked them to follow a person, and I went to the neighborhood, and that person was gone."

"Who are you following?" Zong Yiye asked.

"You know it." Su Tang said: "The one I met in Taohuayuan was the Gu master."

"Why did he come to the Leopard Forest?" Zong Yiye said in amazement.

"He told me that he had made a great wish to go through the famous mountains and rivers in this world. Now look ..." Su Tang smiled: "He is deliberately hiding something."

The man and the woman hurried to catch up from behind.In the past few days, everyone in the leopard forest has been moving forward in a 'shape' to search for a larger area. Today's path is a straight line. Let's see what happened.

"Did you find something?" The man asked in a loud voice.

"It's not easy to say." Zong Yiye said vaguely.

The man glanced at Bao Bei because Bao Bao was a raw face, and then looked around, then waved his hand, the group of warriors rushed over, divided into scattered lines, and walked in the direction of Shuanghuling. Yiye did not clearly admit it, but he had his own intuition.

The warriors had just approached the woods. Suddenly, there was a loud noise from inside, and the warriors immediately stopped and prepared to adapt.

For a moment, a weird figure came out of the woods, saying that he was weird because he walked in a weird posture, it seemed that the joints on his body were rusty, the pace was extremely stiff, and the steps were shaking, his eyes were godless, like a zombie .

Su Tang frowned. He recognized the person coming. It was one of the few friends of the old man named Gu. Seeing his situation, he seemed to be greatly frightened, and the whole person was frightened.

The warrior headed by "Stop" shouted coldly, his sword had been sheathed, and he pointed at the strange figure.

It was just that the figure was unheard of, still walking forward, his lips tightly clenched together, and his throat made a gurgling noise.

The headed warrior made a wink, and immediately two warriors went around from the side, and when they were close to the figure, they shot at the same time and pulled the sword sheath towards the figure's knee.

The figure had no precautions, his back knee was hit, and he knelt on the ground involuntarily. He stretched out his shaking hands and seemed to want to grab something.

The two warriors took a step forward, and Jianguang cut across the neck of the figure.

The headed samurai stepped forward and shouted, "Who are you, what are you doing here?"

The throat of the figure's throat became louder and his hands danced.

The samurai headed by "Talk" shouted.

When the figure heard this, he slowly opened his mouth with great difficulty. At the next moment, a white light spewed out of his mouth.

Boom ... The firelight blooms in an unusually sudden form, instantly covering a dozen square meters of space around it. The warrior headed is a master-level practitioner, and he was swallowed by the firelight before he could react. The two warriors who held the weird figure had no chance to escape.

The flash of fire, the four people shrouded in flames, have become a burning fireman, but one of them is kneeling like a sculpture, and the other three are running and howling.

A warrior on the periphery of "Big Brother" was splitting his eyes, screaming and rushing up. He raised his feet and wanted to kick his companion down

Bang ... A fireman was kicked and rolled back into the grass, but the rolling action did not affect the firelight, the flame was still burning.

The warrior rushed up a few steps and wanted to help his companion. At this moment, several warriors shouted in unison: "Soldier, your feet"

The warrior looked down and found that his feet were covered with flames, he stomped his feet sharply, and then rubbed quickly on the ground with the soles of his feet.Usually, this method is effective, and the fire will be extinguished immediately, but his feet The flames above are strange, not letting the flames grow stronger and spreading upwards.

The warrior panicked, stomping his feet like crazy, and finally tried his best. The whole foot and half of his calf stomped deeply into the soil.

However, all his efforts have no effect, the fire is getting brighter and brighter, and just a few breaths, his body, like several unfortunate companions, has turned into a human-shaped torch.

"Sure enough not to extinguish fire ..." The woman who rarely spoke sighed.

"This kind of fire is too evil. Even if you and me, it's too fierce if you don't put out the fire." The man murmured.

"There is no life," the woman said.

Seeing that they were not extinguishing the fire, they were agitated and a little out of control. They said something inappropriate and made Su Tang and others understand a lot.

Sure enough, they did not come for the Flying Wing Beast, but for the Temple of Nirvana.

"Two, are our tasks completed?" Wen Xiang said slowly.

"Captain Wen, you are not right. We are talking about finding the flying wing beast." The man said with a sullen face, his attitude suddenly became very tough, and the previous kindness had already disappeared.

Su Tang is very clear about the meaning of the other party.They are a little afraid of releasing people who do not extinguish the fire, so they hope that Su Tang and others will continue to lead the way and act as cannon fodder. In fact, this idea is blameless. A few homeless warriors have the same purpose.

Wen Xiang was silent. In fact, she didn't want to leave. Where could there be a reason to return to Baoshan empty-handed? Just now, I just made a show to show my cowardice, and at the same time, let the other party's vigilance clear.

"Good." Wen Xiang said slowly: "However, I have to put the ugly words in front. We only deal with flying wing beasts. If we encounter other people or spirit beasts, we will not control it."

"I see." The man responded casually: "Please hear the captain, please."

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