The Magic Outfit

Chapter 225: Foresight

Han Duoyong's face is uncertain, if the other party has released the poison, but his body has no abnormal reaction, if the other party is just bluffing, but the smell of fragrance is very calm, and it does not seem to be false.

"Wonderful is wonderful." At this moment, Wu Shaoyun laughed loudly: "It's really embarrassing to hear the captain, I just know what you have in hand, Ma Gucao, right? Gee ... Brother Han, your courage is really too small. Isn't Magnus used to control insects and rodents, and it still has some effect. It's too far to kill people. This can scare you too? "" Is it? "Wen Xiang sneered. In fact, she was very inner. Anxious, the person who has drunk the heart liquid will smell the smoke of Magnum grass, the body will produce highly toxic, but the transformation process will take time, she has already ignited Magnum grass, and Liu Jingfang fell down just now, and Liu Jingfang It's just the pinnacle fighter, Grand Master's resistance to toxins is naturally much stronger, and it will take a while

Han Duo-yong's expression turned sharp, and the grand master was frightened by a broken grass.It was an insult.He slowly raised his hands, and the metal claws on his wrists were radiating cold light, and then his body suddenly started. And rushed to Su Tang.

Han Duo-yong just moved, and Mei Fei also followed, and the knot in her hand made a piercing shriek and rolled toward Han Duo-yong's chest.

The so-called one-inch short, one-inch insurance, one-inch long, one-inch strong, these two grandmasters' spirit weapons are extreme, Han Duoyong's pair of claws are only long, and he is obviously good at close-fitting, and his body skills are also good. It will be very flexible and elegant, and all the whips in Mei Fei's hands are unfolded, reaching several feet long, and protecting the enemy from afar.

The advantages and disadvantages of the battle between them are clear at a glance. If Han Duoyong can't break into Mei Fei's whip, he will definitely lose. If Mei Fei is caught by Han Duo Yong, then she is the one who died.

Su Tang has seen Mei Fei's whiplash technique, especially the speed of whiplash, which must be far beyond the speed of sound. With his eyesight, he can't see it at all, and Han Duoyong seems to be able to make a prediction. While holding his hand, he has avoided to one side and then continued to advance forward.

Mei Fei showed no signs of weakness, and she greeted her straightly, her whip slammed, and a burst of crisp bursts of sound suddenly sounded in the air.

Han Duoyong's eyes contracted immediately, his figure turned into a shadow, and he quickly retreated outward.

Su Tang sighed, Mei Fei's combat experience is still too scarce. If you wait for the first class and wait for Han Duoyong to approach some more, there is no possibility of retreating so easily.

The explosive power of Mei Fei Ling Snake's wild dance was only instantaneous, and her energy soon became weak, and Han Duo Yong once again threw himself up.

Mei Fei's right arm retreated, and the whip twitched again, and the whip suddenly turned into a line, sprinting into Han Duoyong's chest.

Han Duoyong's figure flew to one side, his claws suddenly protruded, and he held the knot like pliers, and then pulled suddenly.

Mei Fei could not help but stagger forward, Han Duoyong immediately seized the opportunity, lightning generally approached Mei Fei, his claws pointed to Mei Fei's heart nest.

After all, Mei Fei is a great master, and she knows that there is absolutely no good fruit for her to get close to, and she is very nervous. Then she screams and the spirit snake dances again.

Han Duoyong had to retreat, but this time it was too close, and his clothes had been pulled out of a dozen cracks, revealing the silver soft armor inside.

Han Duo-yong became angry and angry, he wanted to keep some secrets. Although Wu Shaoyun had a brother Han, he knew that the two sides only cooperated temporarily.If he showed a little fatigue, Wu Shaoyun would not be stingy, but he did not expect that It is difficult for a woman to be entangled, especially the large-scale strong outbreak of enchantment, which restrains him a lot.

Han Duoyong started his figure again. I do n’t know why. His speed was much slower. The whip thrown by Mei Fei was wrapped around his neck. Mei Fei could n’t help but rejoice, her wrists raised, and the whip curled around Han. Duo Yong's body flew high into the sky, and then she shook hard again, Han Duo Yong fell like a rock, and hit the ground heavily, the body was even torn apart, but the fragmented body was silent. Disappear in the air.

Mei Fei was stunned. At this moment, Han Duoyong appeared on her side and back, shining forward, and her twin claws flashing cold light flew into her back like lightning.

Mei Fei suddenly turned around, Han Duoyong's claws were close at hand, she could even sense the coldness emitted by the tip of the claw, and at the next moment, Han Duoyong's face suddenly showed pain, and her figure slowed down.

"Yeah ..." Death was right in front of me. Mei Fei suddenly screamed sharply, and the spirit snake danced with full force.

Han Duoyong swallowed hundreds of whiplashes, not to mention his clothes, even the soft armor inside became full of holes, his head became a blood gourd, and even the celestial cover was lifted by whiplash, and his face was clothed. The cracks in the bones could be seen everywhere, just like the broken car window. The body flew back dozens of meters away, hit the wall behind Wu Shaoyun, and fell to the ground softly.

Although she won, Mei Fei was still in shock and gasped violently.

Wu Shaoyun looked back at Han Duoyong's body, he frowned, because some did not understand, at the last moment, Han Duoyong had occupied the advantage of the raid, how could it be somehow defeated?

"Yu is good." Su Tang smiled.

Mei Fei grinned reluctantly, turned her eyes to Wu Shaoyun, and slowly backed away. She had self-knowledge, and Wu Shaoyun was much more powerful than Han Duo.

"It's really useless." Wu Shaoyun sighed: "I have to rely on myself in the end."

Su Tang, Wen Xiang and Mei Fei all stared at Wu Shaoyun without blinking. They had already mentioned a hundred cautions. The kind of flying rainbow released by Wu Shaoyun was too fast. No one could guarantee that he could avoid it. .

"Actually, I'm a little afraid of you." Wu Shaoyun's eyes fell on Su Tang: "Or, my fire is a little afraid of you, but ... I still want to try it." After that, Wu Shaoyun walked slowly. before.

"You are far away." Su Tang whispered.

Wen Xiang wanted to say something, hesitated, did not say it, but quietly lifted Liu Jingfang and Mei Fei back.

"Let me see, what the **** do you have?" Wu Shaoyun smiled, and at the next moment, his figure rose to the ground, fluttering towards Su Tang, his palms together, a flying rainbow rolled out, and shot straight at Su Tang .

Wu Shaoyun's movements were as monotonous as before, lacking in quality, but the speed beyond the limit made up for all the defects.

Su Tang didn't mean to dodge. He knew that he couldn't avoid it. However, there was a longing in his brain. The crystal ball that overlapped with the mask longed for Feihong's baptism, so he was not afraid at all.

Countless black swirls spewed out in the air, condensing into an overwhelming black curtain. Feihong was bombarding the black curtain. At the next moment, the lifeless black curtain became a vibrant starry sky, and countless stars flickered in the black curtain.

Su Tang walked slowly out of the shady curtain, and the black vortex flowed around the ground, plus the star points that radiated light, Su Tang didn't look like he was walking in the hinterland of the cave, but in the vast galaxy Walking, the momentum is huge and unmatched, giving a heavy pressure.

Wu Shaoyun's palms remained closed, his expression stiff, and he stared blankly at Su Tang.

"Magic costume ... Samurai ..." Wu Shaoyun sighed: "So you are a warrior in magic costume"

Wen Xiang's eyes flickered, first she looked at Mei Fei, and then turned her attention to Liu Jingfang, which forced Su Tang to use the magic outfit, then Liu Jingfang could not stay, and wasted a detoxification pill if it only involved her The secret, Wenxiang may bet once, bet that Liu Jingfang is loyal and trustworthy, but she will never take Su Tang ’s secrets to take risks.

Liu Jingfang stared blankly at the front. Everything he experienced today was unbelievable to him. In a short period of time, four grand masters had fallen into the pool of blood, and the seemingly weak Su Tang, actually Become a warrior of magic.

The old man named Gu and the concubine Mei had the same appearance. The old man named Gu had just known Su Tang's identity, and the performance of Mei Fei was a bit strange.

"I don't believe it, the magic is so powerful." Wu Shaoyun smiled, and then his palms pushed forward again.

Boom ... Feihong bombarded on the black swirl continuously, but failed to have any impact on Su Tang, still approaching step by step, and, with Feihong's attack, the flashing stars became more and more Bright.

"How is it possible?" Wu Shaoyun couldn't keep his smile anymore, showing a look of horror, then backed away a few steps, and then gritted his teeth: "Oh, I didn't expect that your magic outfit could even restrain my fire But ... do you think it's all right? Kill me all. "Finally, Wu Shaoyun suddenly shouted.

With a howl, a burly figure descended from the sky and fell heavily on the ground. At the moment of collision with the ground, Wenxiang and others, who were tens of meters away, also felt the vibration from the ground.

It was a monster with a height of more than two meters. It looked like a gorilla, but it had no hair, and its body was fiery red. When it opened its mouth and howled, it could clearly see Baisensen's fangs.

"This is a melting ape. Even if they are both alive, they may not be able to beat it." Wu Shaoyun smiled and said: "I have drawn the fire, and the melting ape will naturally recognize me as the master, Su Gongzi. Good luck, ha ha ha ha ... "

"Tinder has an anti-toxic effect?" Su Tang said suddenly.

"What?" Wu Shaoyun froze.

"It's nothing." Su Tang muttered: "According to time, it should have happened ..."

"Haha" Wu Shaoyun laughed: "Su Gongzi, this little trick is useless to me, I have been very careful, you have no chance to poison me"

"Originally, there really is no chance." Su Tang smiled: "However, the few of us are drinking with your third brother, you have to get together, and you have to honor me, you said ... Such a good opportunity, how do I Will it be missed? "

"Interesting ... At that time, we were barely friends?" Wu Shaoyun changed his face, and immediately returned to normal: "Song Su, did you have the foresight to predict today?"

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