The Magic Outfit

Chapter 226: Tinder

"You don't have any flaws," Su Tang said lightly: "But your eyesight doesn't seem to be very good. I found a few pig-like partners. The first time I saw you in the Leopard Forest, they came to find trouble, and it was clearly at you. I came, but I was not too cautious about you, especially the man who actually sold you his back. It seemed to be very reassuring to you. "

"Just because of this?" Wu Shaoyun frowned.

"I'm suspicious, and people will follow you." Su Tang said: "Sure enough, it didn't take long for you to go with that Wang Rui.

"Xinkoukaihe." Wu Shaoyun sneered: "I go to Leopard Grove more than ten times a year. I want to follow me here. It's not that easy."

"Xin Kou Kai He? I think you should be watching the genius right." Su Tang also sneered: "There are so many talented people in the world, how can you know that no one can follow you?"

The old man with the surname Gu bears his beard. Of course, he knows what Su Tang followed. When he first encountered Su Tang, he was suspicious of the giant eagle hovering in the sky.

"Then you poison me?" Wu Shaoyun felt a little flustered. He vaguely felt that Su Tang didn't seem to scare people: "I am familiar with many herbs. If the wine is really poisonous, I can't drink it."

"It's still that sentence." Su Tang said in a sneered tone: "There are so many talented people in the world. How dare you guarantee that you can recognize all the poisons? It's also bad luck. At that time, I just got a very fun. Poison, I have always wanted to find someone to try the effect, and found that you have suspicions, and then you are selected.If you are not enemies with me, the toxicity will dissipate in half a month, and you will find nothing. I am the enemy ... I can easily drop you. "

"Speaking more is useless" Wu Shaoyun slammed his heart violently, regardless of whether he was poisoned or not, he first broke the person and destroyed it, but only when he just started to order the melt ape, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest, and his throat was uncomfortably closed Without breath, the body's blood veins seemed to be coagulated and chilled.

"Heha drug attack." Su Tang smiled: "Now should I understand? I am delaying time, so I will tell you so much nonsense."

"Kill ... Kill ... them ..." Wu Shaoyun gave a hoarse roar.

The huge molten ape has not moved, and has been watching Su Tang with suspicious eyes.

"With the fire, you can become the master of the molten ape?" Su Tang whispered: "Then I count as its half master." After that, Su Tang reached out his hand, a transparent sphere appeared in Su Tang's hands, the sphere In the center, there is a dazzling flame spinning.

"That's ... the spirit breath of fire ... how could it be ... kill ... kill ..." Wu Shaoyun screamed as he stepped back, and finally couldn't help it, sitting on the ground.

Su Tang turned his hand over, with a long bow in his hand, and then he slowly pulled the bow string, but he was glancing at the melting ape in the corner of his eye, ready to adapt, and then shot an arrow.

Boom ... Wu Shaoyun's chest exploded a mass of blood, and his figure fell backwards.

"Unfortunately that kind of fire." Su Tang said softly.

"Tinder will not be easily extinguished." Old man Gu surnamed: "Otherwise it will not stay today."

"Oh?" Su Tang was a little surprised.

"Wait a minute, Tinder will come out on its own." Said the old man named Gu.

At this time, the huge molten ape slowly came to Su Tang, Su Tang did not move, Wen Xiang and others were watching with heart, and the molten ape walked around Su Tang a few times, it was obvious to Su Tang No malice, just curiosity, and then went to the ball in Su Tang's hands.

The light spot in the sphere suddenly turned on, and the molten ape was taken aback and stepped back a few steps.

"How do I feel that this melted ape is so timid that Wu Shaoyun doesn't say that much." Su Tang was a little funny.

"The solitary merchant ancestors drove away the melting ape at that time, it took a lot of effort." Gu old man said: "This melting ape may not be the same one."

"Impossible." Su Tang said: "It is close to me because it senses the breath of fire, and I don't know if it can understand me, otherwise ... I will try to let it attack you?"

"Don't fool around," Wenxiang exclaimed strangely.

"Su Gongzi, look quickly," said the old man named Gu suddenly.

Su Tang's eyes moved away from the melting ape and turned towards Wu Shaoyun's body. A thumb-sized flame was drilling out of Wu Shaoyun's heart.It was like life, jumping on Wu Shaoyun's chest, seeming to be doing game.

"That's Tinder?" Su Tang said.

"It's it." The old man surnamed Gu sighed: "Unfortunately ... no one here can get it."

"How?" Wenxiang frowned.

"I didn't listen to them just now. It's not a cultivator of the fire attribute. If you forcefully learn it, you will only backhand."

"That's not necessary." Su Tang smiled, then walked slowly towards Wu Shaoyun's body, walked closer, and slowly leaned down.

At this moment, the shock became steep, and the long-dead Fengzhi Fan suddenly jumped from the ground and shot at Su Tang like a gust of wind. Su Tang Zheng was fully controlling the crystal ball in his brain, trying to draw fire, and even root Without precautions, it didn't take long for Fengzhi Fan to approach a few feet away, but it was too late.

The black vortex floating on the ground immediately rose, and at the same time, Fengzhi Fan's hands had been protruded, and sharp thorns were drawn towards Su Tang's back, and a water-blue light curtain lit up, and thorn A collision occurred and immediately collapsed. The next moment, the thorns had penetrated Su Tang's body separately.

Then, Feng Zhi Fan's arms flicked, Su Tang was flung to the air, and then Feng Zhi Fan leaned over and was about to grab the tinder.

"Su Tang" Wen Xiang's eyes were splitting, and he rushed forward, and Mei Fei arrived first, and the whip in his hand was turned into a long spear with a length of seven or eight feet, piercing the back of Fengzhi Fan. heart.

"She is the descendant of Fengwu, and has the blood of the Phoenix." The old man with the surname Gu made a strange cry. This time he was aware of the hindsight, but he can't blame him, because the blood of the Phoenix is ​​a kind of inheritance. Not as ordinary people think so hard. Among the practitioners of the Feng family, the proportion that can activate the blood of the Phoenix is ​​less than one-thousandth, and the power of Nirvana's rebirth is only once in a lifetime, and the ability to fake death is not very easy to use. Just die once.

The more crucial point is that Nirvana rebirth is only to rejuvenate the dead body.If it is cut off by someone, Nirvana rebirth will have no effect, and the battle between the major practitioners, the power can use the river to overturn the sea. Describe that it is not easy to keep a whole body.

Reversing the battle through Nirvana's rebirth is a small probability event, so the old man with the surname Gu didn't care at all, but it was unexpected, and a small probability event happened under the nose.

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