The Magic Outfit

Chapter 227: Escape

Fengzhi Fan's fingertips were about to hit the fire, and suddenly there was a dull wind behind him. The melting ape opened the grinding disc-sized giant claws and grabbed the back of Fengzhi Fan.

Molten Ape will regard the practitioners who have drawn the fire as the master, but its intelligence is limited, and it is impossible to read human language. Wu Shaoyun ordered it to attack Su Tang, it just felt the will, and Su Tang also has the breath of fire, So it did not obey, but if Su Tang attacked Wu Shaoyun, the consequences would be unpredictable, which is why Su Tang chose to deliberately delay the time.

Wu Shaoyun is dead. Su Tang is the only practitioner who can be recognized by Melt Ape. Fengzhi Fan's attack on Su Tang naturally made Melt Ape angry.

When he grabs the fire, he will be pierced by the giant claws of the melting ape, Fengzhi Fan withdraws his hand helplessly, sprinting forward to avoid the attack of the melting ape, and then roars: "Sinister, get away with me "

The thorns of Fengzhi Fan's hands shot out of the red line and kept stabbing on the body of the molten ape, but did not cause substantial damage, but just splashed a slick Mars. The molten ape seemed to have never happened. After chasing Fengzhi Fan, the giant claws shot from the top to the head of Fengzhi Fan.

Fengzhi Fan was taken aback, the tenacity of the melting ape was far beyond her expectation, and she had no choice but to drift back again, further away from the fire.

At this moment, Wen Xiang has rushed to Su Tang and supported Su Tang with both hands. Su Tang's eyes were a bit bleak. Although at the last minute, he flashed in time, letting his heart hurt to avoid Fengzhi Fan's attack, but his lungs The ministry was also penetrated, and Fengzhi Fan flung him into the air mercilessly, causing a large tear in the wound. If he could not be cured, he would definitely die.

Fortunately, there is Wenxiang

Wen Xiang's right palm slapped on Su Tang's back. With the influx of spiritual power, Su Tang's spirit was slightly cheered up, and after all his strength, he threw out the crystal ball in his hand.

The crystal ball flew to the fire which was as weak as candlelight. The fire seemed to be attracted by the crystal ball, floated and attached to the crystal ball, and gradually spread out, making the entire crystal ball into a fire ball.

Fengzhi Fan judged that Su Tang was using some special method to draw the fire, and he was in a hurry, but there was no way to stop it. The molten ape behind him posed a great threat to her, and her attack was almost ineffective against the molten ape. However, the attack of the melting ape, she definitely did not dare to get up.

At the next moment, Fengzhi Fan turned suddenly and rushed towards the exit, seeming to have forgotten the tinder.

On the straight, the speed advantage of the melting ape is becoming more and more obvious. Although Fengzhi Fan's art of flying the sky is very skilled, but the melting ape can take eight or nine meters in one step, and here is the underground world, the top of the cave is So high, the gap between the two is getting shorter and shorter.

Fengzhi Fanqing was anxious and wise. At the moment when the molten ape flew forward, the thorns in her hands slammed into the top of the cave, and her body slammed against the cave wall because of inertia.

The molten ape giant claws hit the sky, and the figure continued to sprint forward. Liu Jingfang over there saw the molten ape with open teeth and dancing claws flying towards him, and there was no place to dodge around.

Boom ... Melting Ape waved his palm casually, and shot Liu Jingfang and even the man with his sword. It was like shooting a fly. The old man with the surname Gu was so scared that he sat on the ground and closed his eyes to wait for death. He did not regard the old man with the surname Gu as an enemy, reversed his figure, and snarled and chased after Fengzhi Fan.

"Leave the fire on" Fengzhi Fan screamed. She usually looks as clean as an iceberg, but at this moment, she can't take care of anything, and the melting ape will soon chase her. This is her last chance.

The flame attached to the crystal ball began to condense into the interior of the crystal ball. Su Tangchang took a breath.He burst black in front of his eyes, but he must not give up now.Once the fire is taken away by Fengzhi Fan, he will get the molten ape. Acknowledge, several of them have to die

The black swirl quickly expanded, covering Su Tang, Wen Xiang, and Mei Fei, who were preparing to intercept the enemy, and struggling for a while. Wen Xiang immediately understood the meaning of Su Tang and helped Su Tang to avoid the side. go with.

Mei Fei was very familiar with this kind of darkness, immediately turned to defend, stood still, and carefully sensed the fluctuations around her. Fengzhi Fan was taken aback, waved his thorns, and attacked the position she was impressed. .

Xiao Budang protruded her head from Mei Fei, flicked her whip, and the vine whip swam towards Fengzhi Fan like a spirit snake, but the closer to Fengzhi Fan, the slower the vine whip swims.

Xiao Bu Dian and Su Tang share a vision, they can see Fengzhi Fan, but Fengzhi Fan can't see it, and they are still attacking indiscriminately.

The whip was less than the distance between Fengzhi Fan and stopped. It seemed to be accumulating strength, and then suddenly started, striking Fengzhi Fan's left eye with lightning.

Under the influence of Su Tang, Xiao Doudian became darker and darker. He knew that the opponent was very strong, so he must attack the vital parts.

It is a pity that Fengzhi Fan is a grandmaster after all, and she also has a lot of fighting experience. When she sensed that a strong wind was coming, she immediately turned her head and the thorn protruded forward.

It's a little more than ten meters away from Fengzhi Fan. Fengzhi Fan's attack can't reach it at all. However, his attack was also avoided by Fengzhi Fan on the occasion.

Feng Zhi Fan was frightened with cold sweat, and she realized how dangerous the darkness was for her, and she immediately backed away.

At this moment, the molten ape also rushed in, like a headless fly, generally slamming left and right in the dark, Fengzhi Fan did not dare to move forward and back, he had to reapply his skills, and his figure was stuck up. Cave top.

Su Tang has now collected the crystal ball back and attached it to Wenxiang's ear. He said in a voice like "Go away ..."

Xiao Budian is also pointing at Mei Fei's retreat. Among them, Su Tang's state is not the highest, but it is definitely the main force. Seeing that Su Tang was hit hard, even the highly independent smell of fragrance seems to be lost. The subject is the same, with no fighting spirit, just want to leave quickly, and then heal the injury for Su Tang.

Wen Xiang carried Su Tang on her back and waved her hands back while waving back, pink dust drifting in the air, but no one except Su Tang and Xiaoding could see her movements.

Retreating out of the darkness, smelling the incense like resentment, all the dust left in the hand was spilled out, and then a glance turned to Mei Fei, and several people walked out silently.

Su Tang fell into a coma, the black vortex disappeared naturally, Feng Zhi Fan saw Wen Xiang and others going to escape, and the tinder disappeared and became furious: "Want to go?" The top of the cave chased here quickly.

Wen Xiang sneered, her right hand shook in front, and another Magnus was ignited, emitting a smoky smoke.

Fengzhi Fan suddenly smelled a strange aroma and saw Magnus in Wenxiang's hands, reminiscent of the deaths of Han Duoyong and Wu Shaoyun, and was shocked in his heart and took a few steps back.

In fact, the fragrance smelled by Fengzhi Fan was emitted by those dusts, which had nothing to do with Magu grass, and she had n’t drunk the clear liquid, Magu grass was harmless to her, but the lesson of the car was there, she Don't dare to act.

Wenxiang's face was contemptuous, and there was a bit of a provocative taste. It seemed to be saying, can you bear it? But the more she is like this, the more cautious Fengzhi Fan will be. Although she is in a hurry to breathe fire, she just dare not take Leichi a step further.

Wenxiang shook Magu grass up and down to make the smoke diffuse faster, then faced Fengzhi Fan and walked backwards step by step.

Before waiting for Fengzhi Fan to decide whether to chase it or not, Melting Ape roared and threw over again, Fengzhi Fan had to turn around painfully and avoid looking aside.

Exiting a few hundred meters away, the opening in front is a little narrow. After passing through the opening, Yongdao becomes very spacious again, and Wenxiang suddenly stops: "We are waiting here for a while, Fei Mei, you are guarding the opening, no matter what Keep it up "

Mei Fei looked around and realized the meaning of Wenxiang. The channel was very spacious, enough for her to release her whip, but the import was very small, which could restrict the other person's figure and be easy to defend.

Wen Xiang gently put Su Tang on the ground, touched the wound on Su Tang's chest with his right hand, and began to mobilize spiritual power. The old man with the surname Gu looked at it for a moment and whispered: "Su Gongzi is all right?"

"Don't want to die if I'm here." Wen Xiang replied faintly: "Why don't you go first?"

"Let's go first?" The old man with the surname Gu smiled bitterly: "Everyone is honorable and loses, and I still know the truth."

Wen Xiang's face eased a little, then the old man with the surname Gu asked again: "Captain Wen, what did you leave just now are poisons? How long can it be delayed?"

Wen Xiang ignored him and turned his attention to Su Tang, who was unconscious, and the old man named Gu laughed a little. He knew that Wen Xiang was not a good talker, so he no longer worked hard.

There were roars, howling, and howling from time to time in the dark lacquered hole. Obviously, the battle between Melting Ape and Nafushiba had entered a white-hot stage.

Not long, a wave with a strong breath quickly approached the opening of the cave, and Mei Fei immediately made preparations.Then, the embarrassed Fengzhi Fan appeared at the entrance of the cave, and Mei Fei stepped forward, and the spirit snake danced with full force and burst. Fei's whip has sealed all the roads of Fengzhi Fan.

Fengzhi Fan had become disheveled, disheveled, and the clothes on her right shoulder were ripped apart. Her blood stained her half of her body. , She wanted to desperately, but instinct still drove her to fly backwards, and then, Feng Zhifan screamed in the dark.

Wenxiang stood up and waited for a while. The cry from inside became more and more bleak. Wenxiang raised the torch and walked forward a few steps, then raised her hand and threw the torch into the hole.

For a moment, Wen Xiang sighed: "Let's go."

Zong Yiye was sitting bored on the closing stone boringly. Hearing the footsteps inside, he hurriedly jumped off the stone and was walking head-to-head with the old man named Gu. Lived, secretly groaning in my heart.

The psychology is the same as that of Tong Fei. If there is a choice, no one wants to be confused with the remnants of the Zhu Temple. The risk is too great. Unfortunately, he is no longer in charge.

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