The Magic Outfit

Chapter 228: Dingxin Wan

Leaving the Temple of Nirvana and heading towards Anshui City, Su Tang, under the careful care of Wen Xiang, recovered quickly, and he was able to get up and walk around in only two days, but his mental state was still a bit weak.

Su Tang originally wanted Bao Lan and others to stay in the leopard forest, but unexpectedly, the obedient Bao Lan actually refused. In fact, Su Tang was injured and had no relationship with Bao Lan at all. The enemy was too powerful, and he did not know the Phoenix. Bloodline has the power of rebirth.

But for pure ascetics, it is a shame that the Lord is hurt, but they are safe.

Baolan is going to follow, Bao Bao does not want to stay in the leopard forest anymore. The Mangshan survivors have been dealing with the forest for countless years, and they are willing to come out because they are yearning for prosperity and want to open their eyes. Mangshan makes no difference.

Su Tang's spirit was not good enough, he was too lazy to persuade, and he left it alone.

Finally, he walked out of the Leopard Forest, embarked on the road, and walked on the road for a long time, passing by a caravan.A moment, a knight ran back from the caravan and caught up with Su Tang and others.The knight's sight was heard. Xiang and Mei Fei paused for a moment, and then laughed with each other: "Excuse me, who is Captain Wen?"

"You have something to do with me?" Wen Xiang said.

"Are you just Captain Wen? That's great," the knight said with joy: "Someone is waiting for you in Baishi Town in the front. I'll take you there."

"Baishi Town?" Wen Xiang paused: "No, we can go by ourselves."

"Still ... let me lead the way." The knight Yu smiled, and then a little embarrassed, explained: "There are rewards.

"Do you know who is looking for us?" Wen Xiang asked.

"It's an old man, he said, as long as you tell you‘ Great Enlightenment, three words, you will know. ”The Knight said.

When Wen Xiang was surprised, Xiao didn't regret not knowing which corner of the world he had gone to, knew her original identity, and knew that she had gone to Leopard Grove, only Tong Fei.

"Okay, you lead the way." Wenxiang said.

Su Tang's face has always been sullen, but there are individuals in the team whose face is more ugly than Su Tang's, that is, the old man with the surname Gu, and he deliberately stayed away from the brigade, and one followed.

Su Tang looked interesting and waited for a while. When the old man named Gu came over, the two of them went side by side.

"Master Gu, his face is not pretty, what's wrong?" Su Tang asked with a smile.

"Su Gongzi, you just asked for knowingly." The old man with the surname Gu smiled bitterly: "It's not a good thing to have people with Zhu Temple, but the wind spread out ... No matter how big the world is, there may be no place for you and me to stand."

"It's not as serious as you think." Su Tang said: "It's really not possible. You can't do it if you go back to your Pengshan sacred gate. Will anyone dare to go to the sacred gate to trouble you?"

"I escaped from the holy gate? Did you find death?" Said the old man named Gu.

"At that time, you were implicated because of the Holy Land of Holy Helan. Now, Holy Holy Land should be seated. If she can help you speak, no matter how big it will be," Su Tang said.

"She speaks for me?" The old man with the surname Gu breathed air-cooled: "Son Master Su, do you really not understand or be confused ... I am just a servant, I usually tidy up the forest and sweep the floor, I am in Pengshan like this Should there be thousands of them? What are the qualifications for the working Holy Father to speak for me? "

"So, it's your blessing to meet me." Su Tang's smile was unpredictable.

"Su Gongzi means ..." The old man surnamed Gu blinked.

"My relationship with Uncle Jiu is inflexible, and the relationship with Brother Niu is also very good." Su Tang said: "Piao Gaozu Zhou Jin has a great favor with me, but unfortunately, I haven't waited for me to repay him, he has ... alas." Su Tang sighed. The old man with the surname Gu was so disturbed that it was not conducive to long-term cooperation. He had to give the other party a peace of mind, so I exaggerated it a bit.

The old man with the surname Gu was stupid. He never thought that Su Tang had such a deep background. Although the ancestors of the ancestor level were nothing at the holy gate, it depends on who followed him. Retreat, don't talk about Grand Sovereign, even those holy seats have to give Jiuzu Xue Jiu some face.

Su Tang looked far into the distance.He is now remembering Zhou Jin, who is gracious to himself. It is not easy to turn his head to observe the look of the old man named Gu, and the old man named Gu is also a personal elite.If he is perceived by him, he will only do the opposite. Effect.

After waiting for a long time, the old man with the surname Gu didn't respond at all. Su Tang thought that the other person had lived in Pengshan for a long time, and he knew so much. He didn't take him seriously. His eyes turned, and he decided to take another strong medicine: The Holy See came into my house, I have coaxed her to play, barely considered a sweetheart, although you can rest assured, Helan Holy See is a person who misses old feelings, I come forward to say a word, it may not be comparable to Uncle Ji, and ... "

Poof ... The old man with the surname Gu fell down immediately. Su Tang was stunned and hurriedly grabbed the reins. The old man with the surname Gu was still quite strong. He turned over and jumped back. He returned to the horse and his lips trembled: "Son Master Su, we are mingled with the Temple of Zhu, and the future is already worrying. If you arrange the Holy See in this way, we ..."

"Master Gu, am I that kind of nonsense?" Su Tang said lightly.

The old man named Gu was speechless and speechless for a long time.

After half an hour, the people had entered the town of Baishi. Under the guidance of the knight, Su Tang and Wen Xiang successively entered a small courtyard. An old man was sorting the flower beds in the courtyard. The knight cried out loudly: "Old gentleman, Captain Wen is here. "

The old man raised his head, opened his dizzy eyes, and looked up and down at Wenxiang. Wenxiang frowned. She had never seen each other.

"Old gentleman?" The knight made a gesture of counting money to remind the other party.

"Oh ..." The old man coughed and asked, "You are the captain?"

"It's me." Wen Xiang responded.

"It's really beautiful ..." The old man mumbled, then took out a gold ticket and handed it to the knight.

"Thanks." The knight smiled, and politely said goodbye after receiving the gold ticket.

As soon as the knight left, the door of the room was pulled open. Tong Fei's figure appeared at the door. He looked tired and whispered: "Come in.

"Are you looking for me?" Wen Xiangqi said: "What do you do so sneaky?"

"Come in." Tong Fei made a step.

Wen Xiang and Su Tang glanced at each other and walked towards the house. As soon as they entered the house, Tong Fei couldn't wait to close the door and whispered: "Do you know, how much risk did I take to come to you? "

"What's wrong?" Wenxiang said.

"What happened to Anshui City?" Su Tang also asked in surprise.

"The people who hired you are from the Feng family in Lingnan." Tong Fei said: "They followed three great practitioners, two of them went to the Leopard Forest to find you, and the other one was waiting for you to return in Anshui City.

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