The Magic Outfit

Chapter 229: People always change

"Great practitioners?" Wen Xiang was taken aback.

"Yes." Tong Fei said: "You can't go back to Anshui City anymore. The priests of the Feng family asked the Wu people to come forward and issue a reward in Anshui City. If anyone knows where you are, they offer a reward of 100,000 gold coins. If someone I met Flying Winged Beast in the Leopard Forest and passed the news back, they will give a quota. "

"What quota?" Su Tang asked.

"A place for family disciples in the demon altar." Tong Fei smiled bitterly: "You don't know, the whole Anshui city is crazy"

Su Tang and Wen Xiang looked at each other, they vaguely guessed some experience, that Fengzhi Fan should be hiding the Feng family, want to monopolize the kind of fire, this kind of thing is easy to understand, there are many children of the Feng family, Fengzhi Fan may not be the best, if you wait for the family Assignment, it is difficult to turn her. Going further, it is absolutely impossible for some of the major practitioners who came with them to have the fire attribute if one of them possessed the fire attribute.

"Alas ..." Wen Xiang breathed out a long breath, her expression was a bit tangled, it seemed that no matter where she went, it would become a mess in a short period of time.

"When you came out, did anyone notice you?" Su Tang said.

"No." Tong Fei said: "However, I mean to go out to buy some ore. When I go back, I have to bring something."

"Anshui City can't go back, where are we going?" Wen Xiang whispered.

"Master Gu, what is your opinion?" Su Tang said.

Tong Fei's eyes fell on the old Gu surnamed, his eyes widened immediately: "Master Gu? Are you?"

Gu old man nodded with a smile: "Tong Xiaoyou, meet again."

"You know?" Wen Xiang asked suspiciously.

"Without Master Gu's instructions, how could I be promoted to guru so quickly?" Tong Fei looked very respectful and then looked at Su Tang: "Mr. Su, how are you ... with Master Gu?"

"We are also old friends." Su Tangdao, he had some doubts earlier. The first time he met the old man with the surname Gu, the other party's conversation was normal. This time, when he met, he would say something about Tiangong and Xingdou. Now I fully understand that Tong Fei's "Divine Essentials" was given to the old surnamed Gu, which is now sold now.

"This world is sometimes small ..." Tong Fei said.

"Hehe ..." The old man named Gu smiled and nodded: "It is also destined."

"Master Gu, where should we go next?" Su Tang asked again.

The old man surnamed Gu was silent, he knew what Su Tang meant, but he could not accept it. It is okay to cooperate with Su Tang. After all, he has no other choice. If Wen Xiang and others are added, his situation will be even more vulnerable. No matter how hard he tries, he also makes wedding dresses for others.

Su Tang waited quietly, Tong Fei looked up and down the old man named Gu, but he didn't speak for a while. The atmosphere seemed extremely quiet. For a long time, the old man named Gu couldn't help himself. He secretly told himself, this time, I will find another opportunity and Su Tang talked about it, and it's no good to mix it with the Zhu Temple.

"Go to Luojiaozhou," said the old man named Gu.

"Good." Su Tangdao, then turned his eyes to Tong Fei: "What about you? Are you going with us or staying in Anshui City?"

"I ..." Tong Fei hesitated for a moment, and gritted his teeth: "I'll stay, the Wu family treats me well, and I'm tired of running around."

"Little man, then ... take care of yourself," Wen Xiang said slowly.

Seeing that Xiangxiang was not irritated, Tong Fei was relieved and hurriedly said: "The relationship between the Wu family and the Feng family is good. I will look for news for you. When you really want to make trouble with the Feng family in the future, I will do your internal response . "

"That's it." Wen Xiang obviously didn't want to get entangled in this topic, but just smiled: "We're gone."

Su Tang and others walked out of the house, and the old man with the surname Gu and Tong Fei simply exchanged a few words, and also went out.The team immediately turned around and went west.The reward was the three major practitioners.If they were caught up, they could only No one dared to wait for a moment at this time.

Tong Fei did not leave the house, quietly watching Su Tang and others leave, the old man prepared some wine and dishes, attentively greeting Tong Fei, Tong Fei did not refuse.

The old man didn't dare to sit just now, and Tong Fei repeatedly asked him to sit with him carefully across from Tong Fei. The two were drinking wine and chatting with gossips. After more than an hour, Tong Fei suddenly asked: Thanks, what is your greatest wish in your life? "

"I've been like this in my whole life." The old man smiled and said: "I only hope that my incompetent child can study with the master for a few years, save some money, and have more children, hehe ..."

"Old Xie, you can rest assured that I will take care of him." Tong Fei said quietly.

Su Tang and others walked day and night and walked hundreds of miles. The front was close to the boundary of Luojiaozhou, and everyone slowed down.

In the early morning of this day, when the sky was already bright, the team left the avenue and walked to the mountain forest to find a more secluded place. Yue eleven and Zhao Dalu took people to start building the camp. Deep down, look for prey.

Su Tang walked to Wenxiang and sat down, helping to throw a few branches into the campfire and whispered: "Why? Haven't you started yet?"

"No." Wen Xiang shook her head: "The last time you told me that every person has their own ambitions, I'm already mentally prepared."

"So why are you still unhappy?" Su Tang smiled.

"I think ... people will always change, the longer the time, the greater the change." Wen Xiang said: "This time, we are still friends with him, the next time, it is not necessarily."


"Wujia people value Tong Fei very much. I once heard that Wu Shaofeng talked about it. The elders at home wanted to equip one of his distant cousins ​​Xu to Tong Fei." Wen Xiang said slowly: "When he becomes the son-in-law of the Wu family. There will be children in the future. Do you say that if we want to deal with the Wu family, will he still be on our side? "

Su Tang silently.

"Speaking of you, when you first came to Changshan County, you wanted to do something more outrageous and asked us to help. Could we help you?" Wen Xiang said: "Mr. Long has something wrong. You don't hesitate to persuade us and insist. To avenge Mr. Long, and to make a decision and move forward, let us know that you are a person who has a strong sense of righteousness and a mind, and let us treat you as a friend. This is also a kind of feeling ... "

"There are many other examples. I and Yiye, you and your big brother, and Sapphire, were originally strangers." Wen Xiang said: "It only takes a few months, or even only needs to experience one thing together. Can change from a stranger to a friend, then how long will it take from a friend to an enemy? "

Su Tang smiled bitterly. He knew that Tong Fei's final refusal caused some psychological harm to Wenxiang.

"This kind of changeable thing is too cheap and unreliable." Wen Xiang said softly: "The reflection of the past few days has made me understand one thing. In the past, I was wrong and had no common interests. Friends are not long. "

"Your idea is a little extreme." Su Tang said.

"Really?" Wen Xiang looked at Su Tang with a smile: "If, only if, the elders of the survivors gave me the Purple Thunder Hammer, which happens to be, I still have a secret book that can improve casting skills, as long as Tong Fei will follow me, and I will give him these two things. How do you say he will choose? I am still a descendant of the Zhu Temple, and I am still an insignificant guru, and may cause him great trouble. These The premise has not changed. "

Su Tang silently said that if there was a smell, Tong Fei could not refuse the temptation.

"If the relationship is really reliable, how can there be so many couples who break up halfway in the world?" Wen Xiang shook his head: "Looking back, I have done a lot of stupid things before ... Of course, some people are more stupid than me. I thought that everyone is the descendant of the Temple of God, no matter what matters, it is easy to discuss, there is no need to do things that are hurt by the loved ones, and the enemy is fast, but the result? I step back step by step, I want to use emotions to melt everyone into a team, But they had to be in full measure and kept pushing me, and finally I had to decide to carry out a full cleaning. "

"And then, they thought they had mastered my bottom line, and after a period of time, they regained their old ways, this time, I started directly." Wen Xiang laughed: "If, when I first met them, let me They understand that those who follow me and those who rebel against us die, and then give them some benefits. Perhaps there will be more people who can live to this day than now. "

Su Tang didn't speak, and Wenxiang, who had vented enough, also closed her mouth. After a long silence, Wenxiang suddenly said: "Su Tang ..."

"Huh?" Su Tang answered.

"Are we ... will we change too?" Wenxiang's voice shook slightly.

"No." Su Tang said.

"in case……"

"I said it would not change and it would not change."

"But what if I change ..."

"Then I will kill all the people in the temple, and then I will get you back." Su Tang said.

Wen Xiang paused for a moment, then chuckled, then put Su Tang on his arm, put his head on Su Tang ’s shoulder, whispered: "I like it

"What do you like?" Su Tang was helpless: "Like me to catch you?"

"Well." Wenxiang nodded.

Su Tang was speechless for a while. At this moment, Bao Lan walked out of the forest quickly. She held a bark in her hand and looked nervous. She walked to Su Tang in a few steps and whispered: "Sir, something may have happened."

"What's the matter?" Su Tang froze.

Baolan handed the bark in his hand to Su Tang. There were several patterns carved with sharp objects on the bark, and nothing special.

"This is ..." Su Tang's eyes fell on the pattern.

Bao Lan gave Wen Xiang a look, Wen Xiang smiled, got up and walked aside to make room.

"This is the signal left by the ascetic." Bao Lan pointed: "Flame represents one hundred thousand fierce, sword represents direction, up north down south left west right east, vertical wave represents river, arrow shot to the left, means west Go and spend a great river, where a battle is happening or has happened and needs support. "

During the time when Bao Lan spoke, Yue Eleven and Zhao Dalu were ready. Su Tangluo pondered, Bao Lan and others regarded him as the lord, and the lord is the leader of all ascetics. Check it out.

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