The Magic Outfit

Chapter 238: The turning point of fate

At noon the next day, the team approached Luojiaozhou, looking down from above, the entire Luojiaozhou had a snail-like shell, and the continuous mountain range was one circle after another.According to Shen Congyun, no matter which direction he went, he wanted to approach the snail angle. In the heart of the continent, at least dozens of mountains have to be turned over, and it is natural and dangerous to go everywhere.

Shen Congyun did not brag. He was very familiar with the topography of Luojiaozhou. After a long time passed, there was no wrong way.

At dusk, everyone was ready to take a rest. Shen Congyun began to run back and forth. For Su Tang and others, the eight hundred gold coins are worth the money, saving a lot of trouble. Even the hunting work is covered by Shen Congyun's people. .

The dinner was three sika deer. Yue eleven pulled out his dagger, cut off a deer leg, cut it into several pieces, put it in a copper plate, and threw it in front of the ghost mastiff. The ghost mastiff opened his eyes lazily and opened his mouth with copper. After a few arches in the dish, interest was lacking, and he lay there still.

"This bastard, his mouth is getting more and more tricky." Yue eleven smiled and scolded, then looked at Su Tang.

In the past, the food of the ghost mastiff was always mixed with some Elixir, but now there are outsiders here, and the wealth is not the habit. Yue Xi eleven has developed the habit in the years of solo experience. He dare not take out the Elixir and can only wait. Su Tang took the idea.

Su Tang nodded, and Shen Congyun, who was sitting opposite, looked at Su Tang's eyes, and then smiled: "I saw such a big dog for the first time, even if I encountered a tiger leopard, this dog is probably not afraid. ? "

"It's just too ugly." The warrior beside Shen Congyun also smiled. His name was Wu Zhen, Shen Congyun's deputy.

With the permission of Su Tang, Yue eleven took out a porcelain bottle, poured all the medicines in it into a copper dish, and then picked up a wooden stick and stirred vigorously.

The atmosphere suddenly became silent, and all of Shen Congyun's eyes widened. What was that doing? Use the medicine to feed the dog?

Choose appropriate tasks, work hard to complete them, increase your combat experience, and at the same time exchange some money for the purchase of the necessities of spiritual practice, such as spiritual weapons, immortals, etc. This is the only way for most wandering samurai to practice. When the strength is strong, you can take more difficult tasks and pay more, or join a certain school, the former can maintain a free body, the latter can get more resources.

Shen Congyun did their jobs desperately and hardly, and they couldn't buy a few bottles of panacea in a month's income. What happened now is too violent for them.

Yue Eleven put the copper basin in front of the ghost mastiff again. The nose of the ghost mastiff twitched twice and stood up sharply. A red light came out of his mouth. It rolled up the copper plate with his long tongue and opened the big mouth of the blood basin. Pour all the meat and panacea in the copper pan into your mouth.

Shen Congyun and others were startled, Wu Zhen shouted: "Then ... is that a dog?"

"Uncommon and strange" The old man named Gu who was not far away snorted scornfully, and the blue beside him smiled and poured him a glass of wine.

This was specifically asked by Su Tang, because the old man with the surname Gu had promised to copy some suitable spiritual tips for Bao Lan, so ⊥ Bao Lan tried to find a way to please, and Bao Lan was naturally willing.At least these days, she will regard the old surname Gu as her own. Master.

Pan Le and Li Hong's looks were a little complicated. They guessed that Su Tang had a great origin, but they didn't expect that the background would be so strong. Even those big practice families, could not bear to waste such medicine.

The treatment of beasts is so good, so the benefits to people must be more thought of. Here, Pan Le and Li Hong's hearts have become fiery.

"Mr. Su, what kind of monster is this?" Shen Congyun exclaimed.

"It's a ghost mastiff." Su Tang said.

"Ghost Mastiff? Never heard of ..." Shen Congyun frowned, thinking hard.

The ghost mastiff ate something and lay down in the grass again. Yue eleven shouted, "Go to activities and sleep every day after eating."

The ghost mastiff was lying there and ignored Yue eleven.

"This guy is getting lazy," Yue Eleven kicked angrily on the head of the ghost mastiff.

The ghost mastiff shook his head and made a low growl.

"Yeah? Are you still alive?" Yue eleven was annoyed and raised his leg to kick again.

"Don't be bothered by it." The old man with the surname Gu again showed the appearance of a worldly expert, and said lightly: "Ghost Mastiff is getting lazy, which is a good thing."

"Why?" Yue eleven asked puzzled.

"Spiritual beasts like this only become unwilling to move in two circumstances." The old man named Gu said: "One is to advance, and the other is pregnant with cubs."

"This ghost mastiff is public ... Master Gu, do you mean it's going to be advanced?" Yue eleven showed a happy look.

"Eight, nine, and ten," said the old man named Gu.

Su Tang couldn't help laughing, and the more he understood, the more interesting this old man named Gu was. He never talked to death, never promised anything, and always left a way for himself.

"When will you advance?" Yue eleven asked.

"How can this kind of thing be said accurately?" Said the old man named Gu: "You don't even know it, you ask me?"

Shen Congyun reveals a gloomy color, and people are really incomparable, too sad. This is a naked behavior of showing off wealth, and it should be vigorously condemned. However, if you think about the strength comparison between the two sides and think about your identity again, let's forget it.

After dinner, Su Tang walked up the hillside, Wen Xiang also wanted to relax, and followed Su Tang's side. The old man with the surname Gu turned his eyes, and also walked in. In the thief camp, of course, he has to engage with the bandit. A good relationship can be advanced and retreated, so there is enough room for maneuver.

When I reached Lingjian, there was a cliff in front, and there was a mountain of almost the same height across it. There were three iron ropes connected between the peaks, but there was no bridge.

Below is the ditch, called the ditch, which is actually more than an ordinary river and has a width of more than 300 meters.

Wenxiang stood on the edge of the cliff and looked at the scenery ahead, her long hair fluttering in the wind.

"I feel like you have been listless today, what's wrong?" Su Tang said softly.

"Nothing, I thought about something." Wen Xiang smiled: "After leaving here, I'm going back to Feilucheng."

"Flying Deer City?" Su Tang froze.

"The Hongyang Gate has disappeared, and it seems that there is a blank. There is not much threat from Wanjia, and you have made friends with Wanjia. I can use it to get their support, and then ... start again." Wen Xiang said slowly.

"Why must it be Flying Deer City?"

"At least I left some people over there, and go somewhere else. What can I do with me and Yiye two?" Wenxiang said.

"Aren't you afraid that the people of the Tenth Ancestors Association will come to trouble?"

"Fear, but you can't do nothing because of fear." Wen Xiang said.

"You are telling me now ... when I don't want to go, I will force you to stop?" Su Tang smiled bitterly.

"I figured out something." Wen Xiang said: "I have something to do, you also have, Su Tang, you ... should go to the Green Sea.

"Green Sea? What do I do in Green Sea?" Su Tang asked puzzled.

"You are the lord of life, of course you need to reform the natural sect," Wen Xiang said firmly.

Hearing the two words of the Lord, Mei Fei was shocked, and the face of the old man Gu, who was pondering what to say, suddenly became distorted, cold and sweaty.

"A big burden ..." Su Tang sighed long, "Are you afraid of crushing me?"

"We are all the same." Wen Xiang said.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet, time passed by bit by bit, everyone was thinking about their own things, the old man with Gu surname stabilized his emotions, staring at Wenxiang's back in the back, seemed to think Puncture the smell with the sight.

Because he didn't want to know this secret at all, he even wanted to give himself a few slaps. Why should he follow him?

Su Tang has the magic costume and is the lord of the natural sect. Then, Su Tang will not let him go anyway. He dare to have this idea and put it into action, Su Tang will kill him.

Reluctantly or unwillingly, he has been tied to the tank

"The world is so big and so vast. If we don't toss about it, don't we live in vain?" Wen Xiang looked into the distance: "And, I figured out the essence of the three heavenly gates."

"What is the essence?"

"They are huge spiders." Wen Xiang said slowly: "There is a great venerable under the Holy See, there is a great ancestor under the great venerable, and there is a great master under the great ancestor, this is their web, used to plunder wealth With resources, absorbing talents, suppressing resistance, think about it, if you are one of the pilgrimages in Pengshan, and want to hunt a spirit beast in Luojiaozhou, do you need to come out by yourself? With a bang, countless people are rushing to do it for you. "

Su Tang stopped talking. He suddenly discovered that Wenxiang's idea had undergone a fundamental change. In the past, she was in contact with the people in Zhu Temple only to find a place to rest and revenge. What now?

"It's better to have a web of your own from now on, instead of sleeping in the street and running around." Wen Xiang said: "We can't practice purely for spiritual practice, maybe ... try to stand taller and aim Only by setting it bigger can we go further.

Su Tang silently for a long time, said softly: "This road will be very hard."

"I'm not afraid of death, but also what kind of hard work?" Wen Xiang smiled.

"Mr. Su, you can't return to the Sect of Nature anyway," said the old man named Gu suddenly.

"Why?" Su Tang froze.

"I heard those seniors talk about it." The old man named Gu said: "The bizarre death of the natural sect master, the devil altar and the costumed warrior suffered betrayal, and the unreasonable disappearance of He Lan's air phase in previous years. One thing "

"Bizarre death?" Su Tang's expression became serious.

Gu pondered for a moment, it seemed to be pondering words, sorting out the news that he had heard, and then talking endlessly. Almost all those who are living in the Caniling are frustrated great practitioners. They have enough knowledge, but their lives are long, they lose their cultivation behavior, their influence no longer exists, and they feel the world's coolness. Their ideas and judgments will naturally become Very sharp.

The death of the natural sect master is because the powers of the Green Sea are not willing to appear another master; the demon gods and costumed warriors are betrayed because the demon gods want more respect, or more benefits; The same is true for He Lankong, he was too shocked to be absolutely gorgeous, and his strength was too powerful, so that other holy seats felt an immediate threat. In the end, he could only disappear.

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