The Magic Outfit

Chapter 239: News

Until late at night, Su Tang and other talents slowly returned to the camp. Shen Congyun and others felt strange. They went up several times and were blocked by Mei Fei. Although Shen Congyun didn't take Mei Fei seriously, but Mei Fei was a guest after all 'S maid, the identity is not much lower than him, dare not be too rash

Originally, Su Tang and Wen Xiang went up to relax, and walked around casually. No one expected that they talked in a hurry. They even chatted so much, and even sketched a blueprint for their future.

This day is very far-reaching for Su Tang. The old man with the surname Gu stayed in Can Ling for so many years. Under his ears, his focus was high enough and his knowledge was rich enough to make Su Tang deeply aware of his own. Situation.

In the past, Su Tang called Master Gu with some ridiculous elements, but now he has a little more respect, which has nothing to do with absolute strength. Without today's long talk, he may die in the future without knowing how he died.

The old man named Gu was not stupid. He felt the change, but his mood was very complicated, a little helpless, and also a little comforting.

The next day, the team continued to move forward, and those who went deep into Luojiaozhou were all practitioners.The three iron ropes were not difficult. Su Tang and others reached the level of the master.It was even simpler, and it was enough to fly directly over, although the master's royal air The ability is not very strong, nor can it last, but the distance of a few hundred meters is no problem.

At noon, the team stopped for a temporary break, and Shen Congyun found an opportunity to join Su Tang and smiled: "Mr. Su, how is it? The scenery of Luojiaozhou is not bad?"

"Fortunately." Su Tang paused: "Oh, old Shen, talk to me about Yangcheng."

"Mr. Su, what do you want to know?" Shen Congyun asked.

"Just talk casually." Su Tang said.

"Okay." Shen Congyun said, and then introduced it.

The spiritual vein contained in the Luojiaozhou is eight grades, and the level of the experienced land is three levels.Most of the spiritual veins in the world can be divided into three levels of nine ranks. Lin, etc., are not within the ranks, so most of them went there to practice.

Only Taohuayuan's spirit pulse has entered the rank, which is the ninth rank.

After entering the rank of experience, the chance of creating a powerful flying wing beast is naturally much greater.The level divided by the practice circle is a kind of ruler, such as Luojiaozhou.If there is no guru to lead the team, ordinary wandering samurai enter the inside Wei must have been dead for a lifetime.

The second-level training ground needs great masters and even the great ancestor-level strongmen. The first-level training ground, the practitioners below the ancestors dare not come close.

Pengshan, Green Sea, Daguangming Lake, and other places are not within the Ninth Grade, but are super quality.

The abundant resources mean that there are many practitioners and the situation will be more complicated.

The Hongye City is the site of the Xi Family, the Flying Deer City, and the Wan Family have the final say, while the Tianyang City outside the Luojiaozhou, although the Wei family is alone, there are more than a dozen spiritual families in the city.If they unite, The Wei family can only bow their heads obediently, so Shen Congyun dared to fight against the Wei family. In the Tianyang city, the Wei family cannot cover the sky like the Xi family and the Wan family.

Pan Le and Li Hong did not dare to provoke the Wei family. They had their own reasons. They belonged to outsiders, so they were excluded by the families, and no one would help if something went wrong. Shen Congyun was born and born in the Shen family. Ranked third in Tianyang City, with confidence.

Shen Congyun spoke very eloquently and very boldly. Su Tang knew there was a bragging element and didn't say anything, just listening with a smile.

After the team was promoted again, Shen Congyun hesitated and asked, "Mr. Su, what are we looking for? Can't we just keep walking like this?"

"Have you seen Flying Winged Beast in Luojiaozhou?" Su Tang asked back.

"Of course I have seen it." Shen Congyun said.

"I'm looking for a big fish, it's a carp. It's about thirty meters long. Have you ever seen it?" Su Tang said.

"Disaster fish?" Shen Congyun exclaimed.

"Have you seen it?" Su Tang showed a happy look.

"Mr. Su, you just found me. If you change to someone else, you may not know it." Shen Congyun smiled bitterly: "The disaster fish has killed countless creatures, and it is different from other spirit beasts. Other spirit beasts live in the forest. , Has its own site, according to our division, is divided into dangerous areas, warning areas and access areas. "

"The outermost area is the pass area. The spirit beast will not take care of you and can pass freely. The pass area is the warning area. After entering the guard area, it will only attract the attention of the spirit beast. Be careful that some things will not matter. Enter the dangerous area, that is It forced the spirit beast to fight. "Shen Congyun continued:" The plagued fish is different from other spirit beasts. It is running around everywhere. The waters are extending in all directions. Today it is on the west side, and tomorrow it will be on the east side. After he got his own territory, he saw what he ate and the amount of food was large. For a time, the warriors in Tianyang City did not dare to go to Luojiaozhou. "

"This is so powerful?" Su Tang was a little surprised.

"It's more than awesome" Shen Congyun sighed: "It jumps from the water, can jump as high as this mountain, and can even jump over. The waves it shoots with its tail can shake a group of fighters alive. Everyone has no way to live, they can only unite and work hard with it, but I did n’t see it with my own eyes, something happened decades ago. "

"What happened in the end?" Su Tang asked.

"In the end, the disaster fish was hit hard and escaped." Shen Congyun said: "Many people died in Tianyang City. The old lady of the Wei family and the grand master of the hall were also bitten off by the disaster fish and almost turned into waste people. . "

"I didn't believe it before, but a fish could turn the sky? Later, my dad asked me to go to the gravel beach to see it. When I got there, I didn't dare to believe it. The hills were all collapsed by the disaster fish, and the rock formation turned into a hundred. Mi Fangyuan's gravel beach, if this is an adult, who can stand it?

"But everyone didn't work hard, the disaster fish was hit hard, the tail was destroyed, the eyes seemed to be blind, the courage became smaller, and when there was movement outside, they would be hidden far away under the water, and they would not dare to run wild as before. "Shen Congyun continued:" In the past few decades, the disaster fish no longer provokes people, and it is slowly forgotten. I did n’t know that. I went to the lotus peak near the lotus last year to find herbs. I saw two wild boars on the beach. Drinking water, a fish as big as a mountain suddenly popped out of the water, and two wild boars were swallowed in one bite, which terrified me. I went home and asked my dad to find out that this happened before. "

"If you are asked to find it now, can you find the disaster fish?" Su Tang asked.

"Almost." Shen Congyun swallowed a spit and whispered: "Mr. Su, do you really want to catch that catfish?"

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