The Magic Outfit

Chapter 243: You or me first

Although Shen Congyun made it clear that the Su Tang gang is not needed, the disaster fish is still below.Of course, it must be watched. Su Tang and Wen Xiang and others directly followed Shen Congyun to fly down the mountain, and Mei Fei and Yue Eleven found a path in the forest. Because Mei Fei belongs to the killer, the only grandmaster in the team cannot easily reveal his strength.

The boat landed on the beach. A total of nine samurai soldiers reached the level of exile. This is a truly elite team.

When I was in Changshan County before, Su Tang had heard that some cities have very powerful squads of wandering samurai, composed entirely of guru or even grand guru. Such teams come and go like the wind, the fighting power is very sharp, and the cooperation is also exquisite.

For example, when Su Tang and others hurried on the road, they always had to pay attention to Yue eleven and Bao Bei, whether they could release the imperial art, there was an essential difference.

As another example, in the face of ambush, the elite squads can fight and walk, and they have a high degree of freedom. They cannot do Su Tang. Can they let Yue eleven be slaughtered by others?

At the beginning, people talked about distant elite teams. Su Tang was a high mountain. The whole Changshan County could not find a guru, not to mention a guru-level team? But now it seems that this is the case.

From a different perspective, in more than a year, Su Tang has walked far and far, and it is astonishing.At least, Xue Jiu and others who helped Su Tang at the beginning, absolutely did not think that Su Tang could come to this step. .

"Zou Erfeng, why are you here?"

"Shen Congyun, why are you here?" The captains of the two sides said in unison.

"You also saw it, let's do a task." Shen Congyun smiled.

"That's ... disaster fish?" The warrior named Zou Erfeng showed a shocked look.

"Zou boss really has good eyesight." Shen Congyun said: "It is the disaster fish."

"Why haven't I seen the task of plagued fish hanging in the building?" Said a warrior beside Zou Erfeng: "Well, you are Shen Congyun and secretly taking private work?"

"Hey, how can it be called private work? I met Mr. Su in Luojiaozhou, and took this task." Shen Congyun explained: "Zou Erxiong, you can't talk nonsense, I went back to Tianyang City Naturally, I will hand over the copy in the building. How many years have passed, when did I break the rules? "

"Broken by us, of course you don't dare to break the rules." The warrior named Zou Erxiong said with a grin: "What if we didn't hit it? You will definitely hide it secretly."

"Zou Lao Er, I haven't offended you," Shen Congyun smiled bitterly, and then looked at Zou Erfeng: "Zou boss, you are ..."

At this moment, a female warrior leaned over to Zou Erfeng and whispered something. Zou Erfeng looked all over and slowly said, "Old Shen, we are also here to do the task. In this place, you have to let me out. . "

"What?" Shen Congyun stunned.

"I'm not difficult for you, give you two hours, we wait on the boat." Zou Erfeng said.

"Boss Zou, is this too much? The catfish is so big, how can it take three or five days to clean up, and what can be done in two hours? You might as well say you want to occupy our catfish," Shen Congyun called. Road.

"Two hours." Zou Erfeng said in a deep voice.

"Boss Zou, whether you kiss your hometown or not, we all grew up in Tianyang City, as for?"

"Two hours" Zou Erfeng turned cold.

Shen Congyun looked at Zou Erfeng blankly for a moment. He turned around helplessly and walked to Su Tang with a bitter face. He whispered in front of Su Tang: "Mr. Su, you have heard it. We have to get it in two hours. go……"

"Do you think it is possible?" Su Tang said lightly.

"That's about to do it? Okay ... Anyway, I have this idea too." Shen Congyun whispered: "However, Mr. Su, can you give me more gold tickets? You can rest assured that I will return it to you later. , Now it ’s just a look. "

Su Tang looked at Shen Congyun quietly, then smiled, then said to Wen Xiang: "Give me a few more gold tickets."

Wen Xiang took out a stack of gold tickets, and Su Tang handed them out again. After Shen Congyun took the gold tickets, he turned and walked towards Zou Erfeng, lighting the gold ticket while walking.

Seven or eight meters away from Zou Erfeng, Shen Congyun stopped and smiled to Zou Erfeng: "Boss Zou, can you borrow a step to speak?" After he finished, he had already walked to the side.

Zou Erfeng hesitated, followed behind, Shen Congyun turned around, pitifully handed over the gold ticket, and said in his mouth: "Boss Zou, my customer said, two hours is too fast, you give face, three hours Is it okay? Four thousand gold tickets for one hour, Boss Zou, you have made a lot of money "

"You have found a fat sheep." Zou Erfeng smiled. He reached for the gold ticket and said while ordering, "An hour ... well, that's right ..."

Shen Congyun suddenly rushed over and threw a dagger in his hand, piercing Zou Erfeng's abdomen.

Zou Erfeng's eyes fell on the gold ticket, counting his own gains and losses, and Shen Congyun had softened, he had no precautions, he was hit with a knife, he immediately threw away the gold ticket, and his body flew to the air in a diagonal spur, with a left hand Short knife, grabbed an extremely small crossbow in his right hand.

It is a pity that Zou Erfeng was too late to wake up. After Shen Congyun succeeded, his fingers released his dagger, and then he pointed forward, and the long sword in his waist flew away from the scabbard suddenly, chasing Zor's right arm.

Blood burst, and Zou Erfeng's right arm was severed with his elbows, and landed on the sand with a small crossbow.

Shen Congyun also wanted to continue the pursuit, but the warriors on the opposite side had all flew into the air, two of them went to meet Zou Erfeng, and the others outflanked this side.

"Shen Congyun, do you dare to attack me?" Zou Erfeng's face was twisted and he roared loudly.

"I am your grandma's, don't think I don't know who you are" Shen Congyun turned and scolded while running: "I'll say, how could Xiao Yong bury the Dragon and Phoenix sword in this ghost place, he has been killed by you Haha? Haha ... courage is not small, you just wait for the Xiao family to work hard with you. "

Zou Erfeng turned pale, and then shouted: "Kill them and leave them alone."

"Brothers, don't be afraid" Shen Congyun also shouted: "That guy's broken soul crossbow has been scrapped by me. The blue sapphire girl, you back away, contain them remotely, Wu Zhen comes over, we withstand, to create a chance for the blue sapphire girl, Pan Le Do n’t let him pretend to be lame, you and Li Hong come over to Master Gu, grass ... What are you hiding behind? Really he is not planted, no wonder people say that the older you are, the more you are afraid of Miss Wenwen, you stay behind, We can't do it anymore, you can come over again to answer ... "

Shen Congyun issued several commands in a row, but, except for the members of the squad, everyone stood still, and even Pan Le and Li Hong pretended not to hear them, and they made a gesture of waving hands in Su Tang. Later, they all backed away, only Mei Fei was still standing beside Su Tang

"My grass ..." Shen Congyun panicked and shouted, "What are you guys? We have taken out their secrets. They will never let you go. Come on, come on, you guys, dare to desperately have a line of life."

"Go behind, so as not to accidentally injure." Su Tang said lightly, then he looked at Mei Fei: "Are you first or I am first?"

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