The Magic Outfit

Chapter 244: Zong Yiye's hindsight

Reaching the Grand Master level, the emergence of the power of enchantment will greatly change the combat style of the practitioners.In the previous battles, Su Tang also realized that his shady full bloom, also covered in Mei Fei and Wenxiang will become shrunken, and he must also be careful to guard against Mei Fei's flurry of snakes, which is indifferent attack.

Therefore, he would ask, who will start first, the cooperation will be constrained, it is better to come alone, but Shen Congyun doesn't understand the meaning of Su Tang, and the people on the other side don't understand, one of the samurai shot from the air diagonally , Detective hand to catch Zou Erfeng's small crossbow dropped on the ground.

Su Tang knew that the small crossbow must be weird, otherwise Shen Congyun would not be so serious about it. Compared to speed, it is his strong point, and now he has no time to discuss with Mei Fei.

Su Tang's body suddenly shot forward, and at the next moment, he had turned into a black meteor, dragging a cloud of smoke more than ten meters behind him, and the fingertip of the samurai on the opposite side had already encountered a small crossbow, and was suddenly surprised Jue Sutang's coming was so quick, he had to choose to give up, and he stood up and spurred a sword light, rolling towards Su Tang's chest.

"Huh?" Zong Yiye stunned, he suddenly sensed the familiar fluctuations.

Su Tang's wrist moved, the sword of Dazheng appeared in the palm of his hand, and then he met the sword light that was caught.The flying sword released by the warrior was stunned and flew out, and the advantage of flying sword was better than the long-distance injury. It is definitely better to be in close combat than force, not to mention that there is already a huge gap.

Su Tang raised his left hand, and there was a burning crystal ball in his hand, and then his left hand shot forward. The crystal ball wrapped in a dull whistling sound and hit the samurai's chest.

The warrior hurriedly operated the spirit tactics to stabilize the flying sword, which was hitting the crystal ball from top to bottom.

There was a deviation in the direction of the crystal ball. He flew over the samurai's waist. Although the flame failed to touch his body, the incalculable high temperature stunned the samurai on his waist into fly ash, exposing the black soft armor inside.

The warrior had a fear in his heart, and flew back toward Su Tang.

Su Tang's left hand made a sudden move, and the figure suddenly accelerated a bit more, the sword light in his hand pierced the warrior's neck.

The warrior saw that Su Tang was keeping his eye on it, and could not help making a roar, shining or avoiding, running the spirit tactic, and Feijian pierced Su Tang's face from above.

This is a way of losing both sides. When Su Tang's sword pierces his neck, his flying sword will pierce Su Tang's head.

Unexpectedly, Su Tang was just a false move, his body turned, blasted to the right, and his left hand opened steadily.

Boom ... There was a big hole in the warrior's chest, and the burning crystal ball didn't know when it flew back quietly, smashed through the warrior's chest, and fell on Su Tang's palm again.

All of this was done between the rabbits and the falcons, so fast that the warriors could not react at all, and when they roared around, they had lost a partner forever.

"Nana ... Nana ..." Zong Yiye's almost unbelievable eyes, the detective firmly grasped Wenxiang's shoulder, shouted while shaking: "Head, look, he is ..."

Wenxiang turned his head to white one by one, and said angrily: "Release"

Shen Congyun didn't expect Su Tang's fighting power to be so terrifying, his confidence increased greatly, and he immediately shouted, "Brothers, go on." Then he stood up his flying sword and strode forward.

At this moment, a wave of terrifying spiritual power erupted beside him.Although it was fleeting, so fast that he almost thought it was an illusion, there was a deep crack in the sand under his feet.Shen Congyun responded very quickly. Immediately turned around and looked at Mei Fei with amazement.

"It's none of your business." Mei Fei frowned.

what's the situation? Shen Congyun was speechless, and a maid turned into a grandmaster in the blink of an eye?

The warriors on the opposite side of the "Kill" finally reacted and rushed to Su Tang together.

The warrior rushing to the front, holding two full moon swords, must be angry, and his momentum is amazing. Several warriors temporarily let go of Zou Erfeng and floated upwards, occupying the commanding heights. Three of them shot their own flying swords, and one flew two golden thorn-blade flywheels.

This elite team has gone through hundreds of battles, and the cooperation between them is very tacit.The conflict between the master-level practitioners broke out, and the commanding heights must be occupied, so that it can not only provide support for the companions, but also in a crisis situation. You can cover your companions and retreat.

It's just that all their attention was focused on Su Tang, and they couldn't perceive Mei Fei's movements. After all, the spiritual force fluctuations caused by Su Tang who released the magic outfit are not much worse than Mei Fei, plus the overwhelming shady curtain , Easily confused.

Zou Erfeng was badly hit, one brother was killed, but there are seven people left, so they think they still have an absolute advantage.

Su Tang's figure rises like a firework flagship, and the seven samurai across from him are overjoyed.The three flying swords blasted from different directions.The two golden bayonet flywheels sent a sharp break into the sky and cut to Su. Tang's legs, Zou Erxiong and two other warriors also floated, chasing Su Tang

Su Tang held the crystal ball in his left hand, and with a thump, the crystal ball seemed to be crushed by him, and the firelight flowed down his arm, through the body, sinking into the black curtain, and in a blink of an eye, the dead black flash Countless stars.

Boom ... The shady screen suddenly bloomed, swallowing everything within a distance of more than ten meters, Su Tang's figure, flying sword and blade wheel, Zou Erxiong and the two samurai, all couldn't see Arrived.

Su Tang's figure began to fall and landed steadily on the ground. The black swirling like a waterfall fell from the sky and gathered around Su Tang.

The shadow fell, and the figures of Zou Erxiong were exposed. They staggered back, their hair, beards, brows, and outer clothes, almost burned out. One of the samurai had no inner armor, and he was almost naked. It was also cracked and exposed toes.

The power of the current kind of fire is somewhat unsatisfactory. Su Tang shook his head and left his head bluffed. Countless stars began to flow to his palm and reassembled into a burning crystal ball.

The warriors on the opposite side forgot to attack for a while, because Su Tang's spiritual weapons were too incredible, they could be crushed, they could be merged into that strange darkness, they could be reshaped, don't say them, even the Holy The power of the pedestal, the green sea, and the demon gods of the demon altar are all here. With the strength of everyone, there is no way to define Su Tang's spiritual weapon.

The power of Su Tang is beyond the understanding of practitioners in this world

Su Tang leaned over again and shot straight towards Zou Erxiong on the opposite side.

"Retreat is death, go up" Zou Er snorted angrily, greeted Su Tang without fear, he figured it out, if he was enveloped by a black swirl and blocked his vision, they would leave the battle group, then they will never win Can never take the initiative. And that kind of flame looks fierce, but the actual threat is not great, as long as the spiritual power is operated to the extreme, keeping the aura out, it should be able to persist in the flame for a while,

Mei Fei showed sarcasm, she was the victim, and of course understands Su Tang's ability. Unless it is some Grand Master with a special enchantment, or a cultivator who has reached the level of the Great Patriarch, he can effectively fight the shady scenes of Su Tang, and the rest can only be put to death.

The black swirled around and made Zou Erxiong and others return to the darkness. Their movements stiffened, and then Zou Erxiong screamed loudly, his swords danced around, and the spirit of the rush, rolled up the dust.

In the shady scene, Su Tang is unaffected by anything. He sees clearly. Zou Erxiong uttered a loud shout, and the three people would wave the weapon indiscriminately, slashing aimlessly around him, and wait until Zou Erxiong's shout stopped. Next, the three would stay motionless again, as if listening to the movements around them.

Several warriors wandering outside the shady scene will also release their flying swords and blade wheels in a loud shout. The sound will indicate the position of the companion, and no accidental injury will occur.

Su Tang smiled, quietly watching Zou Erxiong and others performing, a flying sword wiped his neck and flew past, he was still motionless, with his eyesight, he could easily judge the scope of the flying sword attack, and Your own safety.

Every time he screamed, he took a step forward, but he shouted dozens of times, and there was no response.Zou Erxiong's forehead was sweating coldly.He seemed to see a monster lurking in the dark, ready to choose someone to eat, but He has no other choice but to move on.

For a moment, Zou Erxiong walked about two meters away from Su Tang. He didn't know at all that as long as his sword was moved to the wing one foot, he might cut Su Tang.

Another shout, while Zou Erxiong stepped, Su Tang had thrown out the crystal ball in his hand, the roar just covered the sound of the crystal ball breaking, Zou Erxiong just touched the sand, and suddenly felt the wind behind his head, Immediately turned to dance the sword, but unfortunately his face was hitting a crystal ball, and his head was split like a shattered watermelon.

The remaining two samurai habitually took a step forward and waited for a long time, and could not wait for Zou Erxiong's password. One of the samurai shouted: "Second brother? Second brother?"

Quietly around, there was no response at all, they understood that Zou Erxiong must have been poisoned, and slashed in the shadows for a long time, and their courage was exhausted.The next moment, they turned around and desperately fled to the rear. go with.

They remained a little sensible, and if they wanted to escape from the air, they would definitely not escape Su Tang's attack, or the land battles would be safer.

Su Tang jumped up and chased one of the warriors. When the distance between the two sides was less than three meters, the warrior seemed to sense something, and suddenly turned around, facing the back with a sword, and the sword was urgent and fierce.

Su Tang also gave an understatement, but the sword of the warrior stabbed empty, and Su Tang's sword had cut off most of his neck.

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