The Magic Outfit

Chapter 247: seize

"It's too slim ..." The old man named Gu laughed: "Maybe the fish you are looking for can't bear the power of the ice soul, maybe it hasn't waited to grow up, it died for various reasons, the ice soul sinks No one cares about it in the sand, and it quickly dissipates between the world. "

"Try it, think for a while, he will throw it away anyway." Wen Xiang said.

After using it for almost two days, the limbs of the disaster fish were finally dismantled. Only the head of the fish had a very large fish bone. The fish bone was also useful, but the thing could not be cut down and could only be left in place.

Bao Lan did not know that Su Tang and others made a choice for her. This time when she came to Luojiaozhou, most of the harvest will fall on her. The so-called people are happy and happy, she is usually an unsmiling girl, now everyone He smiled three points, and I can imagine how excited I was

Packing up his clothes and preparing to leave the next day, who knew that in the early morning, Zhao Dalu panicked and awakened Su Tang, saying that the ghost mastiff was gone.

Looking around, I finally found the ghost mastiff in the mountain depression where the disaster fish died. Yue eleven stood beside the ghost mastiff, his face was helpless.

Seeing the ghost mastiff, Su Tang and others all looked at each other for no reason, and the change of the ghost mastiff was too great.

Ghost Mastiff has a streamlined shape like a tiger, a head like a dog, and a mane like a lion. It used to be a very powerful beast, but now it has turned into a weird balloon.

The front half is pretty good, and the back half is swollen round, so that a pair of hind legs can't support the ground.When Su Tang and others came over, the ghost mastiff made the foot strength crawl forward, but the hind legs were completely stroked. The speed of the water is like a turtle, and the belly has left a ditch on the sandy beach.

"How much did this guy steal?" Wen Xiang said.

"We throw away a whole bunch of fish meat, three or four hundred catties is more than." Yue eleven said.

"Won't you be strangled?" Wen Xiang couldn't help crying. Ghost Mastiffs are very rare spirit beasts. If they are strangled to death, it becomes a joke.

"It's hard to say ..." Yue Eleven grinned.

"Do you have to carry this guy?" Zhao Dalu said.

"Don't be funny, eat so much fish, it's almost nearly a catty, you are so powerful that you carry it, I don't want to carry it." Yue eleven shouted.

"What should I do? Do we have to stay and wait for it?" Zhao Dalu said.

"I don't know if this guy's worth is worth our time and energy." Yue eleven kicked a grudge on the ghost mastiff.

Ao ... Demonstrative yell of the ghost mastiff, continue to climb forward, replaced by the usual, this ghost mastiff only needs two or three jumps, can rush through the whole gravel beach, now has climbed for so long, not even half Finished.

"You don't seem to like ghost mastiffs?" Gu old man asked suspiciously.

"Ugly ..." Wen Xiang said.

"Yeah yeah, it's ugly," Bao Bei immediately agreed.

"Not looking for a wife, what's the use of being beautiful?" The old man with the surname Gu is a little angry, and others don't understand it. He can understand the role of the ghost mastiff. When he first encountered Su Tang, he tried to bluff and try The ghost mastiff cheated, but Su Tang didn't give him a face.

"Of course we will not find a wife." Bao Bei said with a smile.

The old man with the surname Gu was too lazy to fight with a little girl, and turned his eyes to Su Tang: "Mr. Su, the fish meat of the plagued fish should be of some benefit to the ghost mastiff, otherwise it would not be so excited."

"what do you mean……"

"Just stay here for a few more days, when the ghost mastiff ate up the fish, and when will we go again." The old man named Gu said: "Anyway, we are not in a hurry."

"Is it worth it?" Su Tang was hesitant. The size of the disaster fish is too large. Even if the ghost mastiff can eat it, it is estimated that it will take more than ten days.

"It's worth it, it's worth it," said the old man named Gu.

"Strange, why is there no smell at all?" Bao Bei sniffed. In her impression, fish meat is the most prone to spoilage and emits a strange smell.

"Ice beads can be produced in the belly of the disaster fish, which should not be so easy to deteriorate." Yue eleven said.

"Mr. Gu, can we eat?" Shen Congyun asked suddenly.

"No, I have tasted it with Dalu. After the fish is cooked, it becomes like old bark. It is hard and tough. It can't bite at all." Yue eleven said.

"So, don't you go for now?" Wen Xiang said: "Amei, let's go to find a place, our body is so dirty that it can't stand it."

"Miss Wen, I know a place where there is a hot spring, soaking up is very comfortable." Li Hong suddenly inserted.

"There are still hot springs in this place? Why don't I know?" Shen Congyun said.

"The hot spring was found by me, and the hole also blocked me, let you men know, how can we women go?" Li Hong said.

"Come, Lihong, Baolan, Baobei, we all go." Wen Xiang greeted.

"Old Shen, it seems that we have to live here for some days." Su Tang said to Shen Congyun: "Don't delay your business, if you want to go ..."

"There must be a beginning and an end. Sending you out of Luojiaozhou, our task will be completed." Shen Congyun said with a smile: "Mr. Su, don't worry about us. After we go back, we are also looking for places to eat and drink. It's time to rest. "

A group of women was missing, and the camp became a bit deserted. Wenxiang and they never came back. At noon, only two surviving female archers appeared, found some food, and hurried away.

As the sun went down, Mei Fei returned to the camp. Her long hair was wet on her shoulders, her skin became white and rosy, and the veil on her body was also very clean.It should be washed today. A touch of fragrance.

After so many days in the wild mountains and wilderness, the sanitary conditions are naturally very poor, and Mei Fei becomes very clean. Like a doll, Su Tang suddenly feels itchy all over him, and he wants to take a bath.

"Why haven't they returned? It's been a whole day." Su Tang asked.

"That hot spring is comfortable. The lady said she would live there today." Mei Fei said.

Doesn't it mean that tomorrow may not be the turn?

"Can you find the hot spring?" Su Tang said.

"Yes." Mei Fei looked surprised: "But, there are so many ..."

"Wait at night." Su Tang waved his hand.

Late at night, when I heard that Xiangguo really didn't come back, Su Tang called Mei Fei and let Mei Fei lead the way. Mei Fei was worried, but Su Tang couldn't help but listen.

After crossing the two mountains, Mei Fei's figure began to fall down, and fell on a rock on the mountainside, whispered: "Master, this is the place."

"Why didn't I see the hot spring?" Su Tang looked around, because of the information fused in his memory, he would habitually call the hot spring called hot spring

"The hot spring is there." Mei Fei pointed at a hole with her finger, then hesitated and reminded: "Miss will be angry ..."

A group of girls are bathing, Su Tang wants to break into it, it is too nasty, too shameless, smelling incense will lose his temper.

"It's okay, the mountain people have their own plans." Su Tang said: "You hid behind that stone, quietly."

Su Tang walked slowly to the entrance of the cave, which was so narrow that he had to squat to get in. He picked up a stone weighing dozens of pounds and shouted to the entrance of the cave: "Who is that? What do you do sneaky there? Let go ... "Then he threw the stone back.

The stones rolled down the hillside, collided and rolled all the way, disappearing into the woods.

Su Tang leaned over the stone block that Mei Fei was hiding in, feeling that the two of them had too much goals, so they had to force Mei Fei in his arms and pressed Mei Fei's head down again.

For a moment, Wenxiang and Baolan rushed out of the cave, floated up in the air, chased along the direction of the stone rolling, and then Bao Bei and the female archers of the survivors drilled out of the cave. Someone was peeping at them, and as a result, Mr. Su Tang and Su Da discovered that such a shameless person must be severely punished

When the others were almost gone, Su Tang pulled Mei Fei and ran to the entrance of the cave quickly. There was not much time. It was only a few hundred meters away from the foot of the mountain. Wenxiang and Baolan could arrive quickly.

"Go, see if there are any people in it." Su Tang patted Mei Fei's ass.

Mei Fei walked in along the rugged corridor, and for a moment, her cry came out: "Master, they are all gone."

Su Tang was so relieved that he walked in quickly. There was a stone platform on the corner. There were still a few pairs of boots on it. Someone might chase them out barefoot, and walked around the corner. The water of the pool is almost forty square meters. The water quality is very clear. The bottom can be seen at a glance. The bottom of the pool is covered with round pebbles. Bubbles are constantly blowing between the pebbles, and if there is any mist floating on the water.

The terrain around the pool was very flat, and some places were covered with grass and covered with coarse cloth, and even the bed was prepared for him.

Su Tang took off his clothes three times, five times apart and jumped into the pool water. The water temperature should be around 50 or 60 degrees. Su Tang only felt that his pores were all released in an instant, which was extremely comfortable.

Su Tang closed his eyes comfortably, no wonder Wen Xiang still wanted to live here, and he didn't want to leave anymore.

It didn't take long for a sudden whisper, Su Tang opened his eyes and was seeing Bao Lan's blush turned around and walked out quickly.

"What's wrong? Panic." Wenxiang's voice came from around the corner.

"I ... you ..." Bao Lan didn't know what to say.

At the next moment, Wenxiang came in and saw Su Tang at a glance, dumbfounded.

"Hi ..." Su Tang raised his hand and said hello.

"Su ... Tang ..." Wenxiang squeezed out two words.

Immediately afterwards, Baobei and the female archers of the survivors poured in, and more than half of them were stripped off, because their clothes were to be placed on the stone platform outside, and they suddenly discovered that there was a man in the pool water, and immediately fried the pan. The screams and exclamations came one after another. It was one thing to grab a place. It was another thing to stare at the naked body. Su Tang hurriedly closed his eyes.

With the exception of Wen Xiang and Mei Fei, all the girls retreated, and then from the corner came a chattering discussion.

"Is it sir? Can't I? I didn't see clearly."

"That's right, Mr. How can he do this?"

"Too bully ..."

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