The Magic Outfit

Chapter 248: game

From the comments of the girls, it can be concluded that the tall hero image of Su Tang has begun to collapse at this moment. Only the loyal Bao Lan barely excuses Su Tang, but her voice is too weak, and soon Was obliterated.

Su Tang didn't care, because he had never thought about making a hero. He is very comfortable and cool now, which is enough.

Wen Xiang was still staring at Su Tang angrily, after all, it was her man, who had passed the test of life and death together, so she knew Su Tang too well. Su Tang is very smart, but he knows very little about the practice world, and often asks some idiot questions; Su Tang is very kind, but in every emergency, he will become as fierce as a tiger and leopard; Su Tang is very self-controlling, Mei Fei's attitude is aspirational, but until today, Su Tang has not touched Mei Fei. However, sometimes Su Tang will become childish and lazy, and if he does not meet his requirements, he will fight to the end. .

Seeing Su Tang's expression, he would never give in. Wenxiang sneered and turned and walked out.

"What are you shouting about? Shut up and listen to me." Wenxiang shouted, and the girls quickly became quiet: "Have your elders not taught you? Be calm when fighting the enemy, otherwise you will expose flaws, Loss of advance and retreat. "

"Now it's not against the enemy ..." a girl whispered.

"Why isn't it against the enemy?" Wen Xiang said: "Then ... that **** takes up our place, don't you just let it go?"

"How else?" This was Bao Bei's voice, and she seemed helpless.

"I know that when you left Mangshan, the elder elder must have explained you and made you obey his orders, so you dare not dare to do anything with him." Wen Xiang raised his voice: "However, we can talk to him Fighting with wisdom and courage, we will never use spiritual power, otherwise we will lose. "

Su Tang grinned and said this to him. In fact, he didn't think he would use spiritual power either.He was bashful and blushing just now.Obviously, they are all pink newcomers who have not experienced love affairs. Stand up, it is estimated that the opposite side will immediately be defeated, and still fighting wisely ... what a joke

"Miss Wen, forget it ..." Bao Lan said: "Mr. also needs a rest, we will wait a while, that is ..."

"No interest." Wen Xiang shouted: "You, you will be bullied in the future"

Subsequently, Wen Xiang's voice suddenly dropped very low, and Su Tang's sense of power was also inaudible.

It didn't take long for footsteps to come from outside. Su Tang was too lazy to ignore it and continued to close his eyes to recuperate, but soon he noticed that something was wrong and there was a lot of breathing around him.

Su Tang opened his eyes and saw Bao Bei and the female archers of the survivors lined up, paying attention to him, and Bao Lan was among them.

Su Tang straightened up slowly, glancing around, what happened? The female archer he saw would unconsciously look away, but turned back quickly again.

"Man, that's how it is, just like fighting, as long as you can persevere and keep calm, then it's his turn to bear it." Wenxiang half lying on the grass floor said lazily: "You think How about Mr. Su? "

"It's so white, it's even whiter than Sister Bei," one girl said.

"Mr.'s chest is not small."

"Fool, it's not a chest, it's a muscle"

"Mr. Muscle is not as strong as the warriors of our tribe, but I feel stronger than them."

"Yeah yeah, their legs and arms are too thick and too ugly. This is much better for me, sir."

"Sister Lanlan, didn't you say that the husband has been injured many times? Why can't I see the scar?"

"They were all cured by Miss Wen, but Miss is a magician."

"A lot of furry ..."

Su Tang's old face couldn't hold her anymore. The girls should have screamed and ran away. This is a beautiful thing that they like to see and hear. But people are not afraid, pointing around him. Everyone is well-dressed and is already at a disadvantage psychologically.

Su Tang looked around, and instinctively wanted to find something to cover, but the surroundings were empty, and the clothes he took off were right under the feet of those girls. He couldn't crawl over to pick them up.

"Did you see it, he was guilty," Wen Xiang said with a grin.

The girls seemed very excited, and the more they said, the happier they were.

Su Tang looked at Wen Xiang and blinked. That means, do n’t make trouble? Soak for a while, and it's a little bit soft.

"Don't you dare to do what I said?" Wenxiang shouted.

"Dare" the girls shouted in unison.

"speak louder"

The girls dare to cry again.

"Throw him out to me" Wen Xiang waved her hand.

"Chong ..." I don't know who screamed, the girls rushed into the pool of water and rushed to Su Tang, only Bao Lan and Bao Bei did not move, Bao Lan couldn't bear to poison Su Tang, Bao Bei Because his identity was there, Su Tang would definitely ask her to settle the bill afterwards. It would be better to get out of it and just look at the excitement.

"Hey, you ..." Su Tang is a little hairy, the girls are obviously playing games, he can't always give back to the old fist; he releases the magic costume to protect himself, but the smell has already been said before, even if you use spiritual power to lose; you want to rely on The strength of his own body is opposite the elite warriors of the survivors. He rushed over and held him as simple and easy as catching turtles in the urn.

Just during Su Tang's hesitation, the girls had grabbed his legs and arms and lifted him up, and even had a hand pinched on his butt, Su Tang was really anxious, this If he was thrown out naked, how would he behave in the future?

At the next moment, the black vortex bloomed at full speed and enveloped the entire dome. The girls were dumbfounded. Su Tang took the opportunity to break free, and then there was a complaint in the cave.

"Mr. Fool"

"Do not use spiritual power"

"Now I know? Your Mr. Su has always been like this, hum ..." Wen Xiang said disdainfully.

When Su Tang withdrew the magic outfit, his clothes were already worn, his face became a little uncomfortable, he didn't speak, and walked out sullenly.

"Mr. Su is angry, the second move" Wen Xiang said.

Seeing Su Tang's face lifted, the girls were a little scared. When they heard the smell, they gathered courage and went up.

"Sir, we are wrong, don't be angry."

"Yeah yeah, sir, don't know our little girl in general."

Su Tang was quarreled with two big heads, and was dragged back to Tan Shui by accident. Then a girl shouted, Su Tang was lifted up again, and then thrown into Tan Shui.

Su Tang stood up and looked at his drenched samurai suit, crying and laughing.

"Run and run ..." The girls turned around and ran out happily.

"Mei Fei, you go outside and keep it for me, no one is allowed to come in," Su Tang exclaimed angrily, and as he tore away his clothes, strode toward Wenxiang: "Are you happy toss me?"

"This is my second impression. Your relationship with them is too estranged. You should look for opportunities to become friends with them." Wen Xiang was not afraid, but she kept laughing: "They used to be in awe of you before. A little bit close, the thing of feeling is the most unreliable and the most reliable. "

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